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Jason Carr

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Everything posted by Jason Carr

  1. Oh, I'm getting an error when trying to export on my system. I only have the default "Donkey" game in there for the moment. After I browse and choose my file name, this comes up:
  2. Ugh, sorry I haven't put up the blog post yet. I'm about to release a new version; I don't want to put up two posts back to back so one gets buried too quicky. I was going to put a note about MEAGRE in the release blog post, but don't want it to get buried that way either. Apologies, I'm gonna be selfish and put up a post for the new version, then we'll wait a few days and put up the MEAGRE post; that way it'll get plenty of time at the top of the home page (just means we have to way a few days). Sorry for that.
  3. Ah, I see. Didn't realize there were items that weren't found in that list. It'd be nice if I could find a truly exhaustive list to use. Regardless, ScummVM does need some work yet for further customization options. I'll see if I can bump it up on my radar. Thanks, Jason
  4. Nice! I'm hoping to get a blog post up tonight. Care to review it before I post it?
  5. Thank you odeonx, and welcome! 1. I do have this planned, but it will be a significant effort, and believe it or not you're the first to volunteer to translate. Still, that is great to hear; I'll bump the language packs up on my list. 2. MobyGames does not want to share their data (existing scrapers do this against their will), and thus scraping the web is the only way to do it. Unfortunately I'm not sure MobyGames will ever happen due to their policies. However, more scrapers are certainly planned. 3. All is planned. 4. Good idea on the new image types, noted. 5. Planned. 6. Region is new, added to my list. 7. Planned. 8. Planned. 9. Planned and in development. 10. Already implemented in the premium version. Thanks again odeonx!
  6. Nice!!! That's awesome. I'll be sure to give MEAGRE a shout out in a blog post if you can get it working. Let me know if I can be any help at all. LaunchBox might be a tad bit picky with date/time formats and such, but other than that, hopefully it should be relatively straightforward. Thank you much!
  7. Yup, Brad's right. It is planned, though it might be a while yet. It will likely be only a premium feature.
  8. Hi Rufus, I had plans to add the number of players, but not language, good idea. I'll look to add both of those fields soon. Thanks!
  9. Good point, Xananax. I'll see if I can add an option to use the banners instead, soon.
  10. donarumo, welcome to the forums!!! Great to have another developer here. I'll certainly add this to my list to get a MEAGRE import working, but it will likely be a long while before I'm able to get to it. Anyways, it *is* worth noting that pretty much any developer *could* write an import for LaunchBox, as it just uses a simple XML file to store all of the data. All you'd have to do is generate the XML (and possibly move/copy the images) to get it working. Regardless, thanks for chiming in here, sir. Would love to have you stick around.
  11. Welcome Moniker and thank you! All is good input. Thanks Brad for the follow-up. Per GOG's version of DOSBox, I actually tend to disagree with Brad there; GOG is historically not very good at using the best settings or DOSBox version for certain games. It can be hard to make them work on any kind of system, but I've found issues with GOG's settings many, many times. So from that perspective, yes, it would be good to centralize them to LaunchBox's version. If I'm not mistaken, you're over-complicating the DOS stuff. All you really need to do is check the "Use DOSBox for this game" box in the DOSBox tab, and then point the Application Path to the MS-DOS EXE (or BAT or whatever). This works with GOG games as well as other DOS games. Some games do require some extra mounts or special settings, however. I've noted all other items (most are already planned). Thanks again!
  12. Thanks spiffy for the purchase!
  13. Yes, need to find a way to make this more clear. Will probably use balloon tips. Thanks, guys.
  14. Oh, ha, good point. I'll add an item to my list to allow for custom dates.
  15. Thanks, Wolf. At some point Microsoft decided to use the up top back button for wizards, so it's just following MS's guidelines (though I agree, a Back button is more intuitive). I'll blame MS for the open folder dialog issue too; you practically have to reinvent the wheel in order to present a folder selection dialog using the better approach. The standard open file dialog does not support opening folders, so it's difficult to get past that. That said, I have this on my list to find a better solution for all of the open folder dialogs.
  16. Thanks davy! I've added the screen to my Screenshots page.
  17. I actually liked that idea (had it in my email, but hadn't responded yet). It's on my "would be nice" list, thanks.
  18. Interesting, good info. Yes, just the XML would help. Ultimately, the best thing you could do to help me out would be to try and reproduce the issue (see if just XML allows you to reproduce it or not). But yeah, if you can come up with the XML, that's a big help.
  19. Ah, I see. Yeah, I haven't at all accounted for images manually added to the folders. That's a tough one to resolve, but does need some attention. I am hoping to revamp the options for how images are stored (such as allowing to store them with ROMs, for example), so I'll address this then.
  20. Yup. Good thoughts though. At some point it might be a good idea to show breadcrumbs of some sort, that would make sense.
  21. Thank you Wolfereign! Good finds. Can you screenshot me the black bar you're seeing? What version of Windows are you running? Per the filtering, I'm hoping users can use the Windows search functionality to select the files they need, though I do need to figure out a way to enlighten people about that who don't know how to do it.
  22. Yes, both custom playlists and custom fields are planned (though admittedly neither are a primary focus for the moment). We'll simply add a new tab for custom fields, with a grid of sorts, as to not over-complicate the dialog. It also probably won't even be visible for non-premium users. I see both custom playlists and custom fields as premium features.
  23. Thanks, bd, good point. The custom filters should work perfect for this, though it is a premium feature.
  24. Thanks Xananax, any chance you could share that package with me? I'll delete it after testing for legal reasons, but I'll probably need the package in order to solve the problem.
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