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Everything posted by shinra358

  1. What about Windows.png?
  2. I prefer the gif and music file combo myself. That way, zero issues
  3. yeah, that was it
  4. ive seen this a couple versions back but not recently. I did put in a bitbucket for the windows.png not reading from the custom themes folder though. Also, for the last few versions, bigbox is taking an incredibly longer time to boot up for some reason.
  5. Yep, microphone tab is all blank. Launchbox still freezes when pressing ok inside of the voice config button. But pressing the first ok button in the voice section no longer freezes.
  6. Nope, with or without I still have to yell with my nose a few pixels away from the screen. Volume up, volume down. Noise suppression on, noise suppression off. Still the same.
  7. internal laptop. I know it's fine and every thing is set up correctly because windows 7 feature for controlling the whole pc with the mic words fine, even when I'm across the room and even when I whisper. It's a realtek hd audio internal mic.
  8. The options don't lag anymore for me nor does my pc with it on. But clicking the ok button afterwards still does. Voice in general is a no go. Doesn't register a single thing I say.
  9. 1. Wheel Bug Achieve by pressing down or up at a one second interval. 2. Also, as you can see, images from you theme folder work again but windows.png still doesn't work. 3. Also, this. Super long load times with voice on and hard to control with voice without yelling. Windows mic settings are all the way up now and it's still hard for launchbox to recognize me. Voice recognition for win7 still works fine even if I'm all the way across the room. 4. Lastly, making a mistake in xaml doesn't revert to default theme anymore. It results in black screen.
  10. Small issue. Without a head mic, I literally have to scream at the pc or get up and put my head near the screen in order for it to understand. My mic is working great because the windows voice commands works perfectly no matter how far I am for windows 7. I can't get it to do it perfectly like you did in the video. Also, choosing any option for voice recognition causes launchbox to freeze for like 3 minutes before you can do anything. I said switch to big box, and it was like 3 or 4 minutes before bigbox showed up.
  11. cool feature! you just gave us something we didn't even know we wanted lmao. however, oh here iti comes xD, I would like it to actually scroll to the game you ask for instead of teleporting there. That way we don't miss all the work you put in to scrolling and all that stuff and we wont skip over the work we've been putting into it. By scroll, I mean visually show it going to what you ask for. Ya know, like attract mode does.
  12. He responded already by saying he's putting it on the shortlist.
  13. Retrocade and polymorph, already reported a page or 2 back.
  14. Clear logos in the spot I mentioned earlier doesn't work at all for any platform now.
  15. Here's proof just in case:
  16. It already is. Look under security.
  17. Using a Windows.png inside of Themes > 'Your Theme' > Images > Platforms > Clear Logo doesn't work. The windows clear logo never changes on the platform wheel even after you refresh all images.
  18. I just did them myself while waiting for some new orders. It was pretty easy to get rid of the shadow based on the magic wand settings so I'm good now. I need to remake the nes one because that one doesn't look good The rest look great though.
  19. Doh! But me not want no shadow Okay, okay. Here ya go: Find these values: CameraZPosition="3.0" VisibleCount="14" Decrease the value of CameraZPosition to make the platform images on the wheel bigger. Located here: PlatformWheelImageDetailsThumbsFiltersView.xaml VisibleCount only draws the specified number of platforms to show (I think). You can do this the same way in the game wheel section.
  20. yeah I'm registered already but I dont know where to download them from. For example here: http://www.screenzone.fr/forum/viewtopic.php?f=210&t=170 Do I download them directly from the forum post? If so, the silver rim ones have shadows on them in the background.
  21. Wasn't the website I was expecting. They actually came from a french site. But where on darkumbra are they? yes, I already have an account there. What name should I search for?
  22. I'll tell you how to do the 2nd one if you share those platform images (i found the site the come from but downloads are no where to be seen)
  23. Haha, yesh my son. That is what I am saying. Ok, that's fine. I thought it was supposed to to have the rom name. But that's cool. Was just trying to figure out how to retain my hyphens and brackets instead of getting the semi colons. So the folder thing would fix that. But i could see a problem with mame roms (only if they dnt support scanning folders inside folders _ but i dnt remember if it does or not. Ill check that when im back home in a few). Edit: Wait, if you say it is by design for it to use launchbox database names instead of the name of the rom, then why does it specifically say: 'use folder names instead of ROM file names for game titles'? Edit 2: I also tried inserting brackets or hyphens manually, and they just don't show in this program at all.
  24. Yeah but the thing is, it works fine without that option being checked with the same folder (without the disc number). But just doesn't work with that option checked. (if that's what you were saying, then ignore this line). When 'use folder names' is unchecked when importing, the rom name will be Mortal Kombat - Johnny Baba Ayyy.iso but the name that will be imported into launchbox is whatever the metadata name is which would be Mortal Kombat: Johnny Baba Gaaa
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