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Everything posted by shinra358

  1. Here is the solution: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9N5KhSCeOE
  2. Not knocking anyone nor am I impatient considering questions have gone by for a lot of members who ask them for days on end. It shouldn't be left up to only 4 ppl answering user's questions. In the video, Jason mentioned about 75% of the way through that you can also code it so that it reads by just dropping the images in the folder but he never dealved into it. He just continued to teach about the single items. What I'm trying to accomplish as I've stated, to highlight a game, and have my specific video show up (one separate from what is shown in the bg). Not only that, I would want the vids to work like they do for background vids but in another directory so that they don't conflict with the original bg vids. Because using transition selector vids seems to only play in one location when there are 2 available and they do not stretch. Using background view code, images show when there is no video in which I'm also trying to eliminate by asking about this. It will also help me make theme media location work and help me create a gif folder all in one. So If you look at the code posted, I have marked the part in the code where jason mentioned being able to do it this way in the vid. I need to edit that part so that I can code bigbox to select the vid, image, or gif based on the game's name. This will play a preview of said game for my theme in a way that the original methods can't. Again, the current methods are limited. ImageVideoView doesn't stretch the vid nor let's me have 2 vids running in different spots at once. And backgroundview doesn't let me choose pic or vid alone, it has to be both. Along with the other pluses that come along with this that I stated above. So I'm not inventing the wheel, it's helping me improve the wheel. We were given this open-ness to be able to take the strain from jason. That's what I'm trying to do because I've been waiting a very long time for this and shouldn't have to rely on one person in order to do it. He's only human. Edit: of course it would help if I had the right vid up Changed previous post with correct vid. @17:25 in the vid is where he mentions the power to be able to have bigbox read just by throwing the images in the folder. This is what I need. As well as the code inserts to focus on games instead of the platforms.
  3. Anybody? So only 2 ppl on this website only know code???
  4. have no idea how the text became light like that. sorry.
  5. I was searching for how to data bind the list of games to vids and when Im on a certain game, a certain vid will come up. So I came across this vids which I thought would answer my question. It did..... for platforms. jWhen it got to this part, it was actually skipped over But I'm not sure how to do it for games: @Jason Carr@Grila <UserControl.Resources> <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ContentControl}" x:Key="GamePreviewVideoTemplate"> <MediaElement x:Name="GamePreviewVideo"/> <DataTemplate.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Path= }" Value=" "> **************NEED HELP HERE <Setter TargetName="GamePreviewVideo" Property="Source" Value="pack://siteoforigin:,,,/Themes/PSP-XE/Videos/Games/Previews/Sony Playstation Portable/*.mp4"/> </DataTrigger> </DataTemplate.Triggers> </DataTemplate> </UserControl.Resources> ... <ContentControl Content="{Binding}" ContentTemplate="{StaticResource GamePreviewVideoTemplate}" Name="GameVid" Grid.Row="4" Grid.RowSpan="2" Grid.Column="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="6" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Width="Auto" Height="Auto" ClipToBounds="True"/>
  6. If it's in exclusive fullscreen, pop-ups will knock it to the taskbar and we can't use dual monitors.
  7. Trying to use a video in my own little square. If I use videos:videocontrol, Imagevideoview, or videoview, no matter what dimensions i want to show it at, itll always play in the full background of bigbox. If I use backgroundview, it will appear in my square but if a vid isn't there, a picture will show. I would like to be able to display my vid in my own little box without an image coming up if the video is absent. How do I do that? Because nothing else is working.
  8. Let's try without vhs artifacts and no black bars on the sides (16:9), a version with hbo, a version with bigbox, and a version with no logo at all if you can.
  9. I would love for you to redo the hbo 1983 feature presentation vid like this
  10. 64bit. Of course I downloaded the 64bit one from the link he just gave me. Haven't tried it again yet though. I will eventually once I figure out where I want to place them on the theme
  11. My theme I'm working on. Finally figured out how to do instant background change when switching games
  12. Anybody know how to stretch the animated gifs? Not a single control seems to work. Not row or column span. Not Stretch Fill. Not the h or v alignments. Nothing.
  13. @Jason Carr Why don't any of the stretch controls work for gif???
  14. It's probably the slimdx runtime. I've never seen this runtime before so I doubt it's installed on my pc.
  15. Yeah, I know. But the problem is, no matter how high I turn the settings, under text, the shadows don't get as dark as I want. But strangely, for large objects, they get dark as I like.
  16. Oh thank you. Lastly, I got everything to work except the controller icons part. I keep getting errors with the slimdx.dll for some reason. Anything else I need to add to use this portion?
  17. Can somebody please help me out? I need to reference whatever the platform background is in the games section.
  18. @Grila Can you put an option in here for the battery indicator to have the divided battery juice like shown here:
  19. Hello guys. Ive been doing some coding with grila's control plugins. I'd like to ask how do you add really dark and fuzzy shadows under the text without redrawing the text 3 times over top of each other? I'm trying to get some real dark and fuzzy shadows going along with if I play in 4K, the shadows wont thin out like they currently are. any insight? Lastly, anyone have psp xmb fonts for windows or know how to convert .pgf fonts to windows .font?
  20. indeed. launchbox should be able to do this though. which brings up another issue, rpx's arent in the database so we's also have to go and rename every single file. A fix for this though would be for launchbox to detect cemu which would then tell launchbox to look 2 folders before instead of 1 to grab the folder name.
  21. I'd just like to add that without the removed feature of typing which extension you would like to filter in, batch uploading wii u titles to launchbox is pretty much either impossible or it will take up an entire day. Also, launchbox doesn't even see all the rpx files. It sees only 4 out of the 20 games I have @.@
  22. Is that border around the movie when you play the video? Does it automatically go back to bigbox when it finishes?
  23. no matter what I do, the video always gets cuts off prematurely. It never goes past 30 secs. I need it to do 62 secs.
  24. yeah. he already told me that will take a while but I just added because it was a part of my personal list. I just copied and pasted But there are lots of things that are quick things to add.
  25. I don't know what small is anymore but I will list stuff that I'd like to see so I can finally finish my theme -skip startup vids with confirm button or enter key. -increase startup video time -stretch startup video ability -startup vid randomization -eliminate double clicking on startup video -fix attract mode working when bigbox is not the topmost window - ability to map a button to be able to hide/show the panels that hold the platform information on the platform view only (similar to the way launchbox hides descriptions) (xaml only code that you can add to your current scripts to specify which panel to do this for) -map a combination of buttons to initiate a button feature instead of just one button per feature. -ability to backtrack in option in options menu. How? Pressing the confirm button on said option for it to stay in place so joystick users won't accidentally change another setting. pressing confirm or cancel after would allow you to move to the next option. -image/video/sound custom theme folder support -category priorities (being able to arrange categories in a way you want instead of alphabetically (for instance, if you want to rearrange by company and release time, you would be able to change it's position in the wheel. -Randomize background videos -option turn pics or vids off in the imagevideotransitionselector (xaml code only) -option to stretch vids or pics in the imagevideotransitionselector (xaml code only) -use mouse wheel to scroll the wheels. -glowing highlighter with the ability to change it's color on the highlighted item of the wheel. If background colors are dark, the highlighter will be white. If background colors are light, highlighter would be whatever color you chose. (ex: shadow surrounding the box or clear logo that emphasises that you are highlighting said item on the wheel.) -name of the game shows if you don't have a steam banner for said game instead of that large launchbox placeholder when using steam banners on the wheel -Re-add ability to filter out games by extension so it would be easier to add PC games because all you would have to do is filter for .exe and it will pull all pc game exes forth from whereever you told launchbox to search for them at
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