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Everything posted by bd00

  1. bd00

    Project Couch

    LOL, brilliant
  2. Oooh, love the idea of a checkerboard layout for the quick jump menu. This would make it quicker to get to letters further down the alphabet. Also, regarding the scroll bar, maybe something like this (see image below). The three dots could shift along a notch when scrolling.
  3. I seem to be having a problem lately with those little buttons that inform me of new posts, on the forum landing page. They seem to be a little temperamental. Sometimes they show up, sometimes they don't. Is anyone else getting this?
  4. bd00

    Project Couch

    You could just call it LaunchBox and rename the current LB to LaunchBox Manager. If Project Couch takes off, the current style will probably be used more as a way to manage your collection.
  5. Very interesting. Also, worms already dig holes FYI
  6. Yeah I saw this too, on Malwarebytes Unpacked. https://blog.malwarebytes.org/security-threat/2015/05/beware-of-gta-5-mods-containing-malware/
  7. Slide in from the right, when pressing right on the controller. Like so:
  8. OK. How about something like this: Move most of the details to the menu bar. Make the box art a little smaller and move the play count/date under it. Replace the rating, genres and complete status with icons. Increase the font size of the synopsis. I managed to get all of BS2's to fit, but you're probably going to have to add a scroll bar to this anyway. You could even add the favourite status in the top right corner. Or as another icon:
  9. I too am curious how you plan to tackle the different box sizes. Are you planning a different layout, for example N64/SNES games? Regarding the side letter thing, I think a pop-out from the right would be best. Those that scroll faster then pop up a big letter can often be awkward to control. Regarding the font size, you may have to loose some information. If you don't mind, I will have a play with the layout now see if I can make it work and maybe give you an idea how to tackle this.
  10. Hehe. I wonder if they use LB? @Hippyshake "explosion" I was thinking the same thing.
  11. I think it goes away after enough people have downloaded it anyway
  12. :) :o ;) :D :P :(
  13. Import Installed PC Games
  14. Looking good Jason I am very excited to try the alpha. As for other ideas, how about sorting and/or filters? I would also like to see playlists or gamelists. For example, I could create a GameList for my son containing all the Mario games we have. How about automatically playing game music when viewing a game? Add the random game feature? This wall you have hit, is it regarding aesthetics or features?
  15. For me, I feel like I have spent so much money on games I will never play.
  16. I did a quick 10 minute test and found LaunchBox to use between 0.4% and 1.8% when idle. Not much, but still more than any other apps I have open. The odd thing is I have never seen it below 0.4% so there may be something to this. Also, I have not noticed any difference in lag compared to the previous version.
  17. bd00

    Project Couch

    Hippyshake said I voted for Other: Project Expanding Ass. :D LOL. Project Rising Belly
  18. Hippyshake said My girlfriend wants to know where you live. *cough* OK, that's not creepy at all... *cough* Cadet Stimpy said Early in this Thread, bd000 mentioned weaponry, etc. I can clearly picture one of those robots with a Gatling-Gun mounted on each side, chasing down criminals and annihilating them, 'if necessary'. Who needs Judge Dredd? Judge Droid Cadet Stimpy said Did you see this story from a couple months back? Once those LASER weapons are small enough, they'll be mounted on the 'attack robots'. Bullets are becoming so passé. That's cool. Now how far away from teleportation do you think we are? ... DOS76 said That or the authors/screen writers imagination inspires real life technological innovation. I feel like my phone is pretty much a Star Trek communicator except I can't seem to get it to beam me up. I was thinking the same thing.
  19. Sorry, I didn't realise this was a DOSbox related question. My mistake. Dismiss what I said. Looks like you got it working now anyway.
  20. Oooh, I bet the beer was nice there?!
  21. I've had it a few times, usually with the beta's. AV picks it up too, but only because it is new. Hippyshake said I think that's because the new update contains the DRM. ;) Haha
  22. bd00

    Project Couch

    LanchBox Grand LaunchBox+ LaunchBox Plus LaunchBox Extra LaunchBox More
  23. bd00

    Project Couch

    LaunchBox Immersion LaunchBox Immerse LaunchBox Captivation LaunchBox Captivate LaunchBox Absorption Sorry, I can't help it. Idea's are flooding my mind since reading this post.
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