OK, the link is fixed.
1. Extract the zip file, and move the Libraries folder into your main LB directory (next to the LaunchBox.exe file). THIS IS IMPORTANT!
2. The zip file contains 2 instances of LaunchBox; Main Menu & Template. Both are old versions (3.x) and will need updating first. Also, I can't be sure if this will work with a newer version.
3. Next, you need to customize the template instance (_TEMPLATE_\LaunchBox.exe) with your personal settings. It is best to do this first, or you will have to do every platform manually later on. Also, if you have a license, put it in the _TEMPLATE_ folder now.
4. Now navigate to "Libraries\_LAUNCHER_\Navigation Scripts" and run the _ADD_NEW_PLATFORM_.bat file. (names must be exactly as they are in LaunchBox)
5. Repeat step 4 for each platform in your collection.
A few things to know before experimenting with this:
1. I needed to use PowerShell (PS) to make this work and this will cause many of you problems. Windows will not let you run this PS script without changing the execution policies first. You will need to change it to unrestricted. Here is more info and instructions how to do it:
There is nothing I can do about this and it is required for this to work.
2. This will not work in BigBox mode. You can view and play the games in BBM, but navigating between platforms will not work properly and the exit button will not work at all.
3. This will not affect your current (main) instance/install/whatever of LaunchBox at all. Nothing will be edited/moved/renamed/touched/etc.
4. If a better solution is built into LB in the future, you can literally just delete the Libraries folder to uninstall.
5. Let me know if this works for you or(and) if you find any bugs.
6. Once you have added all of you platforms, you can use the main menu instance as your main launcher. It is located here: "Libraries\_LAUNCHER_\LaunchBox.exe" Create a shortcut to this on your desktop or whatever.
7. There is more info in the first post of this thread.
8. Good luck!
Let me know how you get on