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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Ah yea, I had no clue that link led here. I had actually assumed it led to the BitBucket. Our site is actually rather big on top of the Software and amount of People for just 2 people, so thank you for understanding that sometimes stuff like this gets by.
  2. Our Database certainly doesn't have everything, but between that, EmuMovies and Wikipedia it's really only a matter of filling in your gaps. If you do fill them in manually, we would love it up on the Database at some point too!
  3. I've never used MEAGRE, however I would assume that no, there is no option for this as no one from that team has ever contacted us. I never used the built in systems, I just imported the games using the DOS Import function like normal and it's worked so far. This thread is rather outdated and before the DOS Importer. I don't have the program, but there are more images now than there were then, we have our own LaunchBox Games Database too which has a specific DOS section where you can also add more front box art if you have any. There will be a feature to upload from within LaunchBox to the Database as well at some point. To go another notch, Tiered Images will also solve the missing images problem without moving the image location as this, in the end, would create more headaches. That is planned too though.
  4. I already posted in the first thread you made on adding new systems to our Database, but I will add it here too just in case. If you would be so kind as to make platform requests on the LaunchBox Database BitBucket page I would appreciate it. That would be the best location for it. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/issues?status=new&status=open
  5. LaunchBox and BigBox are seperate sides of the same coin. LaunchBox is based around a mouse and keyboard while BigBox is based on a controller and couch style gaming. They are completely different interfaces. In LaunchBox you also get a few more features like being able to download Video from EmuMovies if you have an EmuMovies Premium account and Custom Filters. We're always looking to add more features to premium too, of course with careful thought. If you watch the BigBox Demo's for the Wheels and new views you'll see them in action and I think that might answer a lot of your questions on how they work, you can view those videos on our YouTube channel and that link is in the signature of all my posts. If you still have more questions after that I would be more than happy to answer them. Right now LaunchBox doesn't have all of the categories that the LaunchBox Games Database does yet. We have categories like Cart / Disc and such, but LaunchBox nor BigBox have the ability to really see these unless you put them under fanart, but that would not be correct. In terms of Front Box Art, Back Box Art, Screenshots, Video, Manuals, Music and Fan Art, there are folders inside of your LaunchBox folder labeled Video, Music, Manualst and Images. Inside each of those are folders with the System name that you've added to LaunchBox. Drop the right images in to the right folders and the right sub-folders in each of those Platform named folders... if this makes much sense. It's pretty much drag and drop in to the right location inside your LaunchBox folder, and as long as the image matches the name of the game inside of LaunchBox or the file name then the media will match up automatically. You may need to restart LaunchBox for it to take effect though. You can add as many emulators as you want, and you can edit a single game to use a specific emulator, but otherwise there is the Bulk Edit Wizard for changing things like emulators that the games use. You can also add any system or emulator to LaunchBox even if it isn't on the list. If the platform isn't in the list, or it is and you've named it something different it may not scrape properly though. At the same channel I directed you to earlier are Tutorials that I have done on most systems, and the SNES Tutorial is aimed more at beginners (though there is plenty of info in there for more veteran Emulation and LaunchBox users) that I suggest you check out also to get started. Like I said, if you have more questions please feel free to ask, and welcome!
  6. If you have no media or metadata or just want updates, you can fill in what you have and have LaunchBox either look for fields and categories with missing media or metadata to fill in or you'd need to download all new art. There isn't, currently yet, a way to update Database entries based on Date, but that will be coming so users don't have to download entire sections all over again that are not necessery.
  7. Yea I've.... heard about this one. xD Platform Requests would be best put up on the LaunchBox Games Database BitBucket specifically though (not the LaunchBox / BigBox BitBucket) if you wouldn't mind though. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/
  8. There is no multi-disc support in LaunchBox specifically for automatic importing. This has been talked about at length on the forums and has BitBucket tickets associated with it. A good solution for something like the PS1 is the PBP format for games. It was primarily used for PS1 classics on the PSP, but Mednafen in RetroArch reads the PBP files just fine, though I haven't tested switching discs, it should happen automatically. What Derek said is a great work around though. Personally I mark my games Disc 1 and Disc 2 and just live with it to be honest. It's nothing that really breaks LaunchBox, and it doesn't bother me personally. The additional apps feature might be the easiest way to achieve this for you though. If you load the new disc while in the emulator then this wont apply, but if you need to quit out to load the second disc then generally save stating and loading the state on the new disc works too if you didn't know.
  9. Nickjs said Jason Carr said Thank you all; @Nickjs my guess would be that it's because the clear logos have blank space in the images themselves. We'll be looking to tweak all those images going forward (most likely we'll pull the Hyperspin images).> . In the original beta when the wheels were introduced the logos were the correct size. In my particular setup its the Neo Geo and the Neo Geo Color logos that have shrunk Do you mean the Neo Geo Pocket?
  10. Well for the same reason we don't provide links or downloads to games or BIOS, it would be the same idea here. I even see some times get DMCA takedowns for them uploading guides or older magezines. I agree it would be fantastic, but to stay safe saddly that's not something we would be able to do, I'm sorry. I do have a love and appreciation for guides though. I remember using the crap out of my original Ocarina of Time guide for the N64.
  11. No problem! If you have any more questions please feel free to ask them!
  12. Or if your folder's aren't changing, and it's not your C drive, you can change drive letters in Disk Management as well in Windows. Otherwise, LaunchBox is completely portable, so as long as the pathing of files outside of LaunchBox is the same, everything should be the way you left it before the re-install.
  13. Cool, if you need anymore help feel free to ask.
  14. ALIE, anything in LaunchBox or BigBox gets it's metadata from the Local.xml, downloaded from the LaunchBox Games Database and the Images come from a mix of places, mostly the LaunchBox Games Database. We update the database with new images when we find them, but some images I believe come installed with LaunchBox, like console images if I recall. So everything is plug and play and swappable.
  15. We've been able to log in to EmuMovies for quite a while now. If you have LaunchBox Premium and EmuMovies Premium you can also download the video from within LaunchBox too! Also, our Database is moving at a great rate, we've attrated some dedicated Retro Gaming Enthusiests and Artists as well and the update to upload your metadata and media from within LaunchBox to our Database is coming as well. Also welcome to the forums. If you got more questions, feel free to ask.
  16. That's pretty interesting. I do have all my roms on a USB3 connection and I did notice they had less issues, but I attributed that to my new beast of a PC. SATa 6GB/s, USB3 and SSD's make sense as to why they can help reduce stutter. The image is being read but the disc can't keep up in certain spots, especially if you have other programs being run from the hard drive.
  17. Yea, was just about to post it here actually. @ALIE Here is the image thread: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/features/the-image-thread-platform-images-clearlogos-box-templates-and-more/page-5
  18. Driver Booster used to be seperate, like a lot of the programs in the toolbox, but it all got combined. Because of it being combined, the main scanning it does and the amount of options, it's bundled software the the things it can do I just chose it. I had tried 1 or 2 others, and they actually broke my systems. The last 4-5 years though I started using ASC, and between that + Malwarebytes Antimalware I get very little issues with my systems or systems I put that software on. There will never not be problems, but I've certainly never had virus issues, space issues, programs leaving a bunch of files behind of an untidy system. I also know my AppData folder well and what goes where, what's safe to delete when (like I delete my Premiere Pro Cache every so often when it gets to be over 150GB). I just find it super useful. The RAM booster can be damaging to systems though. While it's a great RAM monitor, and can free up RAM very easily, I actually found it to effect the system in a negative way if you make it too over bearing. Early on with LB I found that it was giving me some performance problems actually. Otherwise, every other tool in that Toolbox or the scans have their uses. I run the general scan with Registry Clean, Junk Files Clean and Shortcuts Fix every few days and Spyware Removal, System Optimization, Security Defense and Vulneribility Fix every few weeks.
  19. Yea I was busy today. :P I will still create one if Cid want's but...
  20. Make sure to backup your exe before you turn on that 4GB RAM Flag on the exe, cause it can make the program not work. It may not do anything to some games, break others or help others. Try Speedhack Preset 1 or 2 and see if that helps as well.
  21. Ok thank you, that way he can find them easier. Things tend to get lost in this thread sometimes.
  22. Do you mind linking to which ones? He got a lot of bug's fixed today so if you haven't updated to the latest Beta try that first and double check.
  23. I get a similar thing every so often, and I have a decent PC as well. Have you tried searching the PCSX2 forums? My honest guess is that... there is nothing none of us will be able to do saddly, but I hope to be proven wrong. I think this might be... one of those emulation quirks that pops up every now again. Clearly not normal, but something to live with for the time being? That said, are you in Software mode or Hardware Mode? If in either, which one specifically? DirectX 9 or DirectX 11. I also think that it might be RAM or CPU related. Not quite the same thing, but even on a weaker system I got rid of Fallout 3 and Skyrim microstutter with some mods, but primarilly the 64bit 4GB RAM Flag for their exe's did the trick most of all. If I recall, PCSX2 is made 32bit only, and I am unsure how much multi-threading it does. Do you have some of the speed hacks turned on? Generally preset 1 or 2 should be safe for the games and give you decent speed ups or may get rid of the micro stutter. I know there is a multi thread option in one of the Speed Hack menu's, but to be honest I am unsure if that is exactly what it does... In task manager you can also specify that it use more cpu by setting it to high or real time, but this may bog down your system severely, I haven't tested it. Past that without asking a PCSX2 dev, I am honestly unsure what to do.
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