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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Yea Jason builds it all, he's good at it too. Yea people now day's have website building easy. SquareSpace is an amazing website for that sort of thing. What do you mean by link a name? You mean like @SentaiBrad or @Jason? All you do is use @ then the users user name, so @CadetStimpy. Sometimes spaces do and don't work too or in Jason's case it's just @ Jason since he changed his name afterwards.
  2. The link was broken Monkus so I fixed it up for you.
  3. SentaiBrad


    Information on these .lay files: http://wiki.mamedev.org/index.php/LAY_File_Basics_-_Part_I A "Simple" generator for these files for users to create: http://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_lay.php
  4. fromlostdays said In other words, yes, share away. There will be official channels for it soon as well within LaunchBox, and its going to be amazing. Certainly share, but I don't want users to spend all their free time packing up images, uploading and making things perfect when we have the tools to make it a whole lot easier right around the corner. Yea, please share what ever you feel like on the forums (as long as it's legal) but I also know first hand the amount of time that can get drained away in a day by this stuff. xD Just yea, know that the tools are coming. People will be able to use the artwork of the entire community and most will probably never even know that it was entirely community driven.
  5. All of the settings are kept in the LaunchBox.xml, so as long as that is intact you are fine. They can also be on different hard drives or your rom's can even be over a network.
  6. Well it was just an example some systems will automatically know to use the MAME importer. As long as it uses the MAME naming scheme, which most of them do, then the check box is applicable regardless of the system name.
  7. So there are threads on this in the forums, for detailed threads please search for it. Basically however you will need Notepad++ and the ability to read through your LaunchBox.xml. All of your settings are kept in here. If you have all your roms in side the LaunchBox folder (C:\LaunchBox\Games\Insert platform name here\) then realistically you need to do nothing, just move your LaunchBox folder, it is completely portable. First, make sure to backup your LaunchBox.xml just in case something breaks and you can revert back to the replacement if need be. If your games are kept separate from your LaunchBox folder (C:\Emulators\Insert console namee\) then you'll need to do a bit of editing. The best way for the method right above this is to move your Emulators folder and change nothing else but the drive letter. So in Notepad++ you'll use Ctrl + F, click the find and Replace tab at the top, then search for C:\Emulators\ in the search box. In the replace box, change the drive letter to what the new drive letter will be, so for example if the new drive letter is D, make the replace box D:\Emulators\. These are just examples but as long as you keep your root folder name intact and the subsequent pathing the same you should be good to go. You can even technically change the folder name, so from Emulators to Emulator if you wanted, but anything past that root folder needs to stay the same for it to carry over smoothly. For every folder you change you need to use the find and replace function and it can get messy the more folders you want to change.
  8. Drybonz said I had mentioned this request in some other thread... there are a couple platforms I like to rename but it causes problems. Well you can easily rename a platform after you've done the scraping and there is an alternate name list for some consoles that will automatically detect as best as it can. So if you are importing Super Nintendo (SNES) it as just SNES, it should technically know that it is searching as Super Nintendo (SNES) on the back end. Only problem is that letting the user manually choose doesn't change the odd scraping rules in this instance so we'll have to build, ideally, a list of alternative names on the back end and not the front end. Also you did mention this previously, but you also didn't make a ticket. With the ticket in place it is easy to keep track of.
  9. DOS76 said Actually if you use MAME as the emulator then the option for that box isn't even present so there must be and if statement built in that uses a different form if MAME is chosen as the emulator. Yes, there are instances where it will automatically detect it but if you import a platform as say Neo Geo or CPS3, then checking that box will use the MAME import rules for a different platform name.
  10. i replied to that ticket with a solution for MAME. I do know this doesn't fix the issue for the other consoles, but if this fixes it for MAME (which is supposed to be the point of the box I believe) then I would like to edit the name to expand it for all consoles instead of close the ticket. For everyone's reference: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/583/add-choice-to-scrape-a-platform-when-using
  11. DOS76 said You could always just choose any random emulator and then edit the game afterwards Right, but that is 1 by 1 and I forgot it would be the same from drag and drop. I originally was writing in my first reply about the add files function but changed it to drag and drop because I forgot that it still required MS-DOS or Emulator. Use MS-DOS is in the Bulk Edit wizard and Use Emulator isn't, so it's an extra (stupid) step, but it means you don't have to do them 1 by 1.
  12. It should be, but you're right it's not. Actually it coming up with MS-DOS is a good thing. Choose MS-DOS and bulk import that out. Using an Emulator isn't a bulk edit option but using MS-DOS is. Granted, that is still a work around but it should work none-the-less.
  13. lordmonkus said @slashguns04 If after watching the tutorials you are still having problems send me a PM and I will be happy to help out any way that I can. But I can tell you this right away the toughest thing is making sure you have a working proper syscard3.pce file in your system / bios folder for whatever emulator you are using. I use Retroarch for my TG / PC Engine. I have used the standalone Mednafen in the past and it does get the job done but it's so messy. Yea a working BIOS file and non-corrupt disc images are key. Apparently all my TurboGrafx CD images are corrupted in some fashion, this is why I had some issues during the tutorial. Sorry to step in the middle of him asking you for help, I just figured not everyone knows about the tutorials and they're there to make our lives easier hopefully. :P
  14. Dragging a rom, an exe or any file on to your LaunchBox library doesn't bring up an import window?
  15. slashguns04 said Lordmonkus can help me configure emulator turbo gfx cd? thank you There is a Tutorial on our channel for TurboGrafx 16 and CD, click the YouTube link in my signature.
  16. ccorkin said Thanks for the replies guy's appreciate the feedback. In the interim I've just started adding the games individually/manually after I created the 'PC' platform. This way I can sort out the game fields separately....I was just being a lazy arse yesterday! Thanks again C. No problem! Jason and I know not every tool is perfect and nothing is sacred when it comes to get enhancements it's just more of a question when to do them. If you want to vote on which features to implement first or add feature requests that don't exist, click the Send Feedback button at the top of the website.
  17. lordmonkus said What would be nice is if we could keep shortcut files to all our games in a single folder and then to import them just drag them all in like rom files. For me this would be the best way since I don't have that many games on Steam and I do not install any games to C drive at all. My games are kept on 2 separate drives, SSD for games with load times like BF4 and MMOs and a normal drive for non load time critical games. This should technically work the same way I pointed out above, I just assumed not every game had a shortcut, but you could certainly import them that way.
  18. In the coming days and weeks it won't matter for users to share their collected data on the forums because of the LaunchBox Games Database. Users will be able to submit images and metadata for all other LaunchBox users to download from within LB during the scraping process. Soon users will be able to upload to the Database from directly within LaunchBox. Search the forums for the Database and you'll find the threads where we talked about it and the "Games DB" link at the top will take you to it. Database Beta starts soon.
  19. Jason Carr said Yes indeed, but it's going to be a while. PHP sucks, that's the problem. It's already on killer amazing hardware and performance is lacking regardless. We're going to be moving to a new forums solution eventually but it'll be quite a large undertaking. Yea if we want to keep everything in-tact, which we do, it will be a gigantic update. I wanted to show everyone how awesome the front page was a while ago, I am happy you all enjoy it!
  20. Yea when I had to e-mail them they were nice too, but that doesn't excuse the lack luster products.
  21. The LaunchBox importer looks in default install locations for Windows games, most games when installed leave exe's in a C drive location for reference and backup, this is generally where LaunchBox looks. I would normally tell you to run a ROM Import with add files, but a Bulk Edit option to remove emulator doesn't exist but we'll get that in a future update. Since the importer isn't finding your games though we'll do a modified version of this. Navigate in Explorer to your root games folder, so say D:\Games where all of your PC games are installed. In the top right in windows is the Windows Search function. Type in "*.exe" to find every exe in that folder and every root folder. Let the scan finish and once it is done use Ctrl + A to highlight them all, then drag and drop the exe's in to LaunchBox. My personal preference is to use the Rom Importer, Add files, the search then bulk edit the use of emulator off later, but since that isn't there this is the easiest way to add games. If the search finds excess exe's you'll have to delete them before the import process starts (there should be a list view of all the games and paths LB will import) or just delete them afterward. The full file path is in the game details pane now so if several entries have the same name you should be able to know easily which is which.
  22. It just depends on what color they print in. Spreadshirt said their printers didn't pring RGB but only CMYK. If it has to be CMYK then that's fine, it will just be a little darker as the values are slightly off.
  23. So this is what it shows me in Photoshop: https://i.imgur.com/ZoJeiuQ.png https://i.imgur.com/ODh9er2.png You'll get RGB Values even if it is using a different color space, it will just be based on the color space you have. Here is the same color picked but instead in CMYK: https://i.imgur.com/LL826vw.png
  24. fromlostdays said That is cool, but I'll never forgive myself for the 6 or so months I tried to learn C+ and build a game in both unity and unreal. I never even came close, but the process of learning it took some of the magic out of video games for me. I don't think everyone would have that reaction, but seeing a little bit about how its done made me more critical about the games I play. True story. :( Yea most people don't realize the hours and time that goes in to making games or software. I've been developing games off and on the last 4 years in something like RPG Maker for a similar reason you've stated... and even then it's still super difficult.
  25. Are they operating in the RGB or the CMYK color space? It should be in RGB. If it is trying to convert from one color space to another this is more than likely the culprit.
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