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Everything posted by orac31

  1. fanantastic thankyou
  2. can I have prize for biggest prat of the day I had retroarch set to unzip romes working now
  3. I di try it just out of interest said I had fonts missing but I give it time hopefully it will be god
  4. Retroarch sorted went with custom configs after reading zombeavers posts. also download a lot from the video posted above. mess I have downloaded a basic mame one mad a a5200 dir n artwork and renamed the layout file to a2500 so I have mame bezel in a2500
  5. Thanks I try when I get home
  6. Will have a try again later
  7. No have full rom set and chds all work fine mane stand alone do you have to tell retroarch where rom folder is
  8. I had been playing around all morning could it be I need the bioses in the retroarch/system/mane/rom?
  9. I am useing mame stand alone but gave retroarch core a try but unless I move my Roms from launchbox to the retroarch rom folder they won't work is this right I want to try as you can't use a defult bezel for mame games without artwork in mame standalone
  10. Thank you so much I have mega drive and 2600 every time I tried to move the n64 one ten points to make it fit it when back to normal when I reloaded this gives me some pointers when I try again. Again thanks to everybody for your help
  11. Sorry can I ask a few more questions what is the difference between save new conf and save current config and have watched brads video custom configs can I rename them so I have custom configs for two systems that use the same core thank you
  12. Thank you so much
  13. orac31


    thank you is there any way of combining all the playlists into one?
  14. Can I use Bezels with these emulators? Thank you
  15. I used a 4gig patch that patched the exe http://www.emutalk.net/threads/55141-Tutorial-How-to-load-a-texture-pack click on the link large address aware
  16. Well using an old ver of project 64 and reading your post used the Gliden64 not the glide64 I have got the Mario pack converted thanks all
  17. Sadly can't get it to work on project 64 will have to hunt for pre cashed oned
  18. Please help cant get the packs to work in project 64 what dir do I put the packs in looking on line is it textures dir or plugins/gfx?
  19. thank you
  20. I wish I had tried this sooner what a diffrance
  21. Thanks Brad it take some time but worth it also work on my psp
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