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Everything posted by ALIE

  1. Retroachievements brining out the big guns with Playstation 1 support today... Now im looking forward to this poll item eventually coming even more then before..
  2. @Jason Carr latest Beta finds added a lot of apps that isn't games. I see no way off removing them?
    Its Beautiful.. Thank you for making this
  3. ALIE

    Big Fade

    Its Beautiful.. Thank you for making this
  4. Bought and installed. I like the fact it found my installed android games automatically.
  5. Question. Will LB Android easily be able to import games downloaded from the App store.. Sorry if it's a dumbass question ??
  6. Not like it's the first Frontend on Android. Don't see what they dont understand ? but yah we will all need some patience.
  7. I keep checking the Playstore like a fool ?...
  8. i7-7700K CPU NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti 16GB Ram ? So what you playing at the moment ? A Link to the Past ?
  9. Personally I will love being able to fire up Launchbox on my Shield for emulating 16bit consoles and such. Using my gaming PC for playing Snes really feels like a unnecessary electric eater at times.
  10. Ok cool I'm just going from what the internet told me. Damn internet lying to me (Shakes Fist In Anger)
  11. He He.. I am curious how long it takes for Google to approve. I mean with Windows you can push Betas out as you please, Playstore has the atautorisation time which I understand is usually 24 hours but can be days... Maybe the APK can be downloaded on the forums for quick beta testing?... Speaking of Forum will a complete Android section be made
  12. Amazing ? didn't think you'd move along this quickly on Android development as well ?.. Question/idea if the windows platform XML and more off ones setup can be backed up and imported over. Maybe on import it could show the platforms color cooded for Android compatibility if there's a usable Example green the same as used on windows is available. Yellow another Emulator is available for Android. Red nothing available.
  13. Very cool question is this part Playlist images?
  14. Cool nice knowing they are still looked at.
  15. Uh really trying to stay out of Drama ?.. But seriously how many Other Softwares of any kind not just the other Frontends out there sees this level of development and even more how many developers takes so much feedback and brings new features and options based on the feedback...ll wait? Before the polls we had the feedback thing I forgot the name @Jason Carr it could be fun seeing what was on the old voting list bitbucket I think it was ? ?
  16. No hacked PS3 ? because why not.
  17. This man never sleeps ?
  18. Great stream the other day @Jason Carr I feel dumb for leaving the exact moment the feature I most want to see was up Multiple Save Stats for the pause menu.. But oh well maybe some other time unless it's randomly done ?. But still lots to be excited about Nvidia Shield plus Launchbox does sound great.
  19. Wouldn't that be Retroach or their stand alone emulators.. Doesn't sound like a frontend job
  20. @viking is back ? this looks beautiful
  21. Very Slick
  22. Just a heads up i downloaded the latest version with the Theme downloader and the theme stopped working it only had the default Theme views i also tired the repair option but it didn't work. got it from here on the forum and it works again.
  23. Multiple Saves states will be awsome. Glad it's up high. Doesn't Retroach have a automatic screenshot feature when making a save state?
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