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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Send an email to support@unbrokensoftware.com and they will help you out. Simply editing the file will break the license.
  2. This means you are using a pirated license.
  3. You should rethink your organization strategy, organizing your games by platform is the best way to do it.
  4. No need to multi post the same subject.
  5. Search Google for "pleasuredome git io"
  6. Please do not post links to sites like that.
  7. The full set import tool should be skipping the bios and any of the filters you enable.
  8. Yes, this is totally the end of emulation just like how there are no more rom sites after Nintendo sued that one rom site a couple years back. OH WAIT !!!! ROM SITES STILL EXIST This fear mongering is just so stupid. Emulation legality is set precedent, Nintendo cannot change that.
  9. But there is no business in emulation development so there is no need to setup in countries out of reach of Japan law. Like I said, emu devs are hobbyist devs who have regular jobs in whatever country they are living in, they have zero reason or incentive to leave that country to go to a country like Venezuela which is not somewhere most people would want to live. Emulation when done legally companies like Nintendo leave the devs alone. I haven't seen Nintendo going after Ryujinx though admittedly I have not been paying attention. You also don't see Nintendo going after other Nintendo emulator devs, there is a reason for that.
  10. Emulators aren't businesses though outside of some rare cases so "setting up shop" in Venezuela is not something that can happen. Emulators are typically developed by hobbyists working in their spare time. Nintendo while easy to beat up over some of their policies are generally pretty fair to the emulator community despite their anti emulation propaganda. The fact that this is gone to a full blown law suit leads me to believe they have actual proof that the Yuzu devs did break copyright laws here. Yes, emulators can be developed in an illegal way.
  11. Well I have no idea how the files are named and I can't find a rom set with a quick search. If they are named the same as Mames roms then maybe scraping as arcade may work. You can suggest support for this on the bitbucket page.
  12. Use the mupen core, parallel is deprecated and everything from it has been rolled into mupen.
  13. I have never tried this core or the rom files but I don't see any reason that you can't import these .neo files.
  14. Close Launchbox and delete the license.xml file from your Launchbox install folder.
  15. This means you are using a pirated license. If you feel this is not the case then you can email support@unbrokensoftware.com to fix the issue.
  16. Controllers are all mapped within the emulator or PC game. As for your specific controller I cannot help you, I have never used one.
  17. Launchbox doesn't have anything to do with your controller in game / emulator.
  18. This is error is because you used a pirated license.
  19. Make sure the extract file is unchecked and that your platform name in the associated platforms for the emulator matches the platform name you imported the games to and it should work.
  20. You don't "install a torrent file", you use the torrent file with a torrent client such as Qbittorrent which downloads the files. Once you have the complete Mame rom set on your hard drive in the location you want them then you use the Mame Fullset Importer in Launchbox to import them.
  21. You don't extract arcade roms, they need to be zipped. Pleasuredome is not only reliable it is the best place to get Mame rom sets.
  22. Yes.
  23. It works perfectly fine for me using the official version of Mame. I can't comment on using it with MameUI.
  24. LB uses a "fuzzy match" system, it picked up the others because it had the games number in its file name, Sonic on its own is just too generic and was probably imported under another Sonic game as an additional app thinking it was a duplicate game. We always recommend people use No-Intro rom sets for cart based systems and Redump for CD/DVD based systems. Those sets have very good naming schemes that have the games full title in the file name while putting extra details in brackets which LB will ignore in the scraping process. Like I said above, it probably put Sonic in with another game so it imported and didn't ignore it. It imported bios because you told LB to import them. LB itself doesn't know what files are games or not games.
  25. Your rom files have a bad naming structure.
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