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Everything posted by dov_EL

  1. In the BARTOP i have only Joystick , no keyboard , no mouse.
  2. WORK THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. work only .exe ? .bat not work ?
  4. GREAT !!! Thank You !
  5. I agree . in 2017 went on offer, the price was cheap, but only for a few days
  6. I hope to find an ideal solution, the game is AMAZING in my bartop and it works perfectly. It would be a pity to have to delete it only for the launcher
  7. First in Chinese 2 is in English In fact normally launcher launches another executable that often is in different folders (maybe 32 or 64 bit) unfortunately this seems the only case where the launcher is built in the executable of the game itself.
  8. Two .exe , but same Launcher. Thanks for info AHK
  9. Nestopia core work fine with Arkanoid . This is my solution
  10. Darius is amazing in my Bartop (mini PC Beelink AP34 ) but have a bad launcher Is possible skip Launcher with command ?
  11. ARKANOID commands in game work for you ? (mesen core)
  12. Celeste is AMAZING retrostyle game. Put Celeste in your bartop with X360 ce , Only 3 keys are used in the game, and the exact configuration is essential to play well. AMAZING !!
  13. For people who like to create Bartop that have a STANDARD position of the keys on the facia, this is the setting I suggest
  14. Same for Super Mario Bros 2 (NES) Super Mario bors 2 (lost levels ) Famicom Disk .
  15. PS. Best setting for cpu Apollo Lake,n3450 Intel 505 HD , 4gb RAM ? Null DC ?
  16. Skies of Arcadia is avaiable for gameCube too ?
  17. Virtua Tennis 4 (my Beelink AP34 Mini PC )
  18. For how many and which titles?
  19. Maybe it's not worth emulating the dreamcast because many of the best Sega Dreamcast titles are available natively for Windows. #Windows Crazy Taxi Jet Set Radio Nights Sega Bass Fishing Sonic Adventure DX Space Channel 5 : Part 2 Ikaruga TrickStyle Grandia® II Anniversary Daytona USA Deluxe Virtua Tennis Virtua Tennis 4 Guilty Gear X 2 ------------------ MAME Mr.Driller Puzzle Fighter Mars Matrix Considering that the emulation for dreamcast to men seems optimized and well taken care of, we are really sure that it is worth emulating the dreamcast?
  20. ThankYou!!!!!
  21. Mesen in retroarch ? Where is ?
  22. I solved it with a .bat file start "emu" "AntimicroPath"start "app" /W "cupheadPath"echo Deux fritures.taskkill /f /im "antimicro.exe" Rename txt in .bat. Put .bat in launchbox AND GOOOOOOOOOOO
  23. Hi . I spent hours doing tests with all the methods that are found in the various forums and on youtube to try to make Cuphead work with X360ce , unfortunately, every experiment had a negative aspect and so I abandoned the idea of X360ce with Cuphead . I have experienced antimicro portable for windows https://github.com/AntiMicro/antimicro/releases and finally cupèhead work perfect with my encoder . Now , the problem is : apparently antimicro is not like x360ce that starts autonomously with the game, and then closes. If I leave the antimicro open, it will also impact the launchbox when I leave the game.Do you know if antimicro can be used with a single game like x360ce does? Or is there a different method?Thank you
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