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Everything posted by Krakerman

  1. After the update noticed a DPI issue now
  2. I see the new win 10 2004 update is available now but not sure I should update since been hearing a lot of issues. Any issues with it regarding LaunchBox/BigBox?
  3. Is it possible for each system/game to have it's own custom pause background? So under the Super pause menu\Backgrounds folder could be organized like Atari 2600\Adventure-01 ect ect.. and so we could create our own backgrounds for each game ... for each system.
  4. Yes if possible with the options to select which ones to hide if you have multiple as some may want to show while others not. Thanks Jason!
  5. I did not say turn it off I said option to enable them or disable them. So some of us may not want every single item in the right click to show up so if there was a option for each entry to have it show up or not would be perfect solution. Like you I have some special code and programs that run before and after that I may or may not want to show up in the right click. Makes sense to have an option.
  6. Thanks for the lastest update guys! Just a quick mention .... why is it when we right click and see list of all the additional apps we have assigned to any game? Can you just add an option to not see those when you right click. In my case I have multiple programs and only maybe 1 of those would be useful to see or use when I right click as it's a pdf but the others are for when LB runs the game and would not want to launch them from right clicking on the game. Thanks again guys!
  7. Yeah confirmed double clicking under the box art in LB creates an error
  8. Well guess my next question is ... does it have to be the latest mame version as I am still on 0.197
  9. Yeah I am on Arcade64 as well that's a bummer. Can we use the Arcade (MAME) 0.220 nonag or the official release only?
  10. Display Fusion also has a function for borderless gaming as well.
  11. If your looking to use svg in xaml you might want to look at this as it may help. https://liftcodeplay.com/2015/09/14/converting-vectorsvg-images-into-xaml/
  12. Circo is still around and see him on another Discord channel he currently been fixing the HyperSpin server issues. Like what agent mentioned there forums are usually not as active or the discord channel as others.
  13. Thanks Jason for adding it to the old default theme works good! That was fast ?
  14. I have created a category just for system and retro magazines as well as nested categories for each different magazine for the various systems on my setup and use the covers for my box art works really nice to be honest and looks good. I used a program that grabs the cover page from each magazine pdf (in bulk) and used those for my box art.?
  15. Well guys with the current world situation and millions and millions out of work time will tell what happens.
  16. When do you plan on releasing the high scores feature for the old default theme? Thanks Jason appreciate all the nice features and hard work you guys are doing.
  17. Hi Jason, Yeah not fixed just did it again. VLC is the issue not WMP.
  18. @Jason CarrFixed the video playback in the game detail it looks like I switched it back to VLC and not doing it anymore. Thanks!
  19. Yeah I realized that haha sorry.
  20. Windows Media Player does not do it only VLC.
  21. Yes VLC. Thanks Neil sorry was working in a meeting haha
  22. I also noticed if you click the "x" before even clicking on any game to display a video in the games detail then it will not happen (blow up the video) from what I tested so far. Very strange.
  23. @Jason Carr Video playback in the games detail blow up in LaunchBox. All you have to do is move the mouse cursor over the LaunchBox "x" in the top right corner and it blows up the video. I mentioned it on Discord but you don't even have to run the game and exit back to LB for it to happen. Happens in both old and new default theme.
  24. Yeah noticed that with my LB/BB startup videos making timings are wierd. Sometimes will play video just fine and launch the emu for example MAME/MESS and other times after the video is done will start to repeat playing then 1/4 way into it then the emu launches. So you will see the initial startup video then start over and launch the game. No matter where I adjust any of the timers. I just want the startup video to play for 5 or 6 secs then launch the emu. Most of the time this happens on just the initial launch of LB/BB and running the emu for the first time. If you try playing the emu several times after it plays and works just fine.
  25. That fixed it sorry
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