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Everything posted by Mithrot

  1. W Sorry, but where did you find this option? I can't find it anywhere and I have the same issue.
  2. I see. Perhaps "Additional Apps/Versions" might need a overhaul for users like us. I'd like to rename mine to "Launch Additional Content", etc. OP wants the old system. Perhaps giving people more options would benefit LB?
  3. I agree. Or atleast let us skin the box- I like that the developer made it simple, but it clashes with the rest of my theme.
  4. Any way to remove the searching of games by numbers/letters? My friends keep hitting left DPAD wondering why they can't select anything.
  5. Pretty self-explanatory. Don't want to see it when I select a game.
  6. I own a GPD Win and I'll be keeping an eye on this release.
  7. aageon, I'd appreciate if the application was reuploaded here. Thanks.
  8. @adu To be fair, you can shutdown the PC via BigBox anyways. @aageon: Firefox is giving me malware warnings in your main post and I don't see the file up on the Third Party Programs section of the LaunchBox website. Perhaps consider replacing them with v1.1 when it does come out?
  9. Mithrot

    Thank you!

    Didn't know where this would belong, feel free to move if necessary. Just wanted to drop in and tell the LaunchBox team my appreciation for Big Box. Without, I could never get around Retroarch or use it for Steam or Kodi. I bought the $50 licence and love that its DRM-free and its just a simple XML file, which is great for future reformats. Keep being awesome!
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