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Everything posted by lino11

  1. https://www.zeldix.net/t1335-final-fantasy-vi-j-final-fantasy-iii-us
  2. https://www.zeldix.net/t1952-final-fantasy-iv-j-final-fantasy-ii-us
  3. here's a couple duplicates that I redid https://www.zeldix.net/t1682-super-scope-6 https://www.zeldix.net/t1557-u-n-squadron-area-88
  4. Thanks for the replies, I figured it conflicted with the 1989 game. I think maybe the real solution to most of these issues is to divide up the arcade boards more, like we have with Sega Naomi, Sammy Atomiswave, etc. In my case, I have this 2013 Batman in my "Raw Thrills PC-Based" game folder... which follows how TeknoParrot separates them, with others like Sega Ringwide, Sega RingEdge, Sega Lindbergh, Namco ES3, Sega Europa-R, Taito NESiCAxLive, etc. Maybe that wouldn't work in the Commodore 64's case, but for the arcade, possible. You're welcome! And thanks for sharing those forums, I'll try to keep up as I contribute media assets pretty often.
  5. Hey guys! Just being funny with the title and not trying to stir anything up, as if anything, maybe I'm the problematic one. But what do you think here? We got this 2013 Batman arcade game in the db made by Raw Thrills... https://gamesdb.launchbox-app.com/games/details/127303 Recently, I added most of the image assets and filled in the metadata..... I also changed the name of the game from "Batman (Raw Thrills)" to simply "Batman", which seems to be the correct name and according to the site's naming convention rule. The official assets that exist out there also just have the name as "Batman". Check out the wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batman_(2013_arcade_game) So I created a firestorm with this naming revision, apparently, and it took like a vote of like 10-7 to finally go through and change the title to "Batman". But it was changed back a few days later to "Batman (Raw Thrills)" again. Now I realize this game's images might conflict with the old Batman arcade game from 1989... but clearly there are old games and remakes and things like that that carry over the same name.... the newest Samurai Shodown is a good example, as the 2019 game, simply called "Samurai Shodown", carries the same name as the original from back in the day. There's probably dozens of examples like this. Does adding "(Raw Thrills)" in parenthesis violate the site's name rule? What do you think the name of this arcade game should be? It's a pretty cool game, btw, I think TeknoParrot recently added support for it and runs great!
  6. Awesome set, thanks so much for sharing!
  7. I got this to work with Retroarch, for the most part. Using a controller is way easier than playing on the keyboard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ core = x1_libretro.dll Go here for the bios files, located at the bottom of the page at the "this archive" link. Unzip the package and put the .X1 and .X1t files in the Retroarch>System folder, like usual. https://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Sharp_X1_emulators If the game runs fast, press Spacebar to normalize speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Like SiriusVI stated, the .tap games don't seem to work, and the system shows that it's looking for an FD file and can't find one. The .d88 and .2d files do work... and you can find a .2d version of just about every game. I also had no problem with two-disk games... I just set Launchbox to load Disk 1 and it loaded like normal. *Side Note: You can also try using another emulator... called "eX1" that can be found within the Neo Kobe Emulator Pack. This is supposedly the most accurate emulator with current updates. Put the bios files in the "binary" folder along with all of the applications. When running 2-disk games, after launching the first disk through LB... which sits in the FD0 tray.... you can then insert Disk 2 into the FD1 tray... and it should run from there. Couldn't get controller support, though... or .tap games, either.
  8. https://www.zeldix.net/t2105-star-ocean
  9. https://www.zeldix.net/t2070-final-fantasy-v
  10. For the Japanese version of Mega Man 7 that includes the extras left out of the US game.
  11. I've been making my way through the Teknoparrot games, as well... Sega Lindbergh and Namco System ES3 have a real nice selection, so far. Still in amazement to have these playing so well.
  12. Actually, seeing your video made me aware of the Europa-R in the first place and so I got it going and GRID is really f'n good!! Sega Rally 3, too!! So thanks for spreading the knowledge!
  13. Nice! Thank you!!!
  14. Thanks for the video, great job! Any chance you can upload the Europa-R logo you used in the video as a clear platform logo??
  15. I've been blown away with MAME High Scores! And I couldn't agree more with @flatuswalrus .... how it rejuvenates everything with the tension and thrill you felt as a kid. Best feature ever!
  16. Great theme set, @faeran, awesome choices for artwork!
  17. So awesome, MadK9! Keep up the great work!!
  18. These artwork covers are amazing. Thanks to all of you!
  19. I must have an outdated set as I get a lot of "missing files" error in MAME and could only get DBZ V.R.V.S. to play. And after testing all of the mame cores in Retroarch, only mame2003_plus core works for this little batch of System 32 files I have (4 of 16 games).
  20. Yeah, I have the .ini setup with the rom folder paths.... although it might just be that I'm using MAME 0.214.
  21. The mame2003_plus core in Retroarch works for Sega System 32 games..... however, I can only get it to run these 4 games:
  22. Also, on the keyboard, pressing #1 will launch the games from the main menu..... it might sometimes take a few presses as the system lags and doesn't "catch" your button press, so you have to time it right, in a way. Then press #1 again from this second menu screen where the game icon and name shows up. I included an image here also of the warning screen MAME gives before loading up each game, saying "this machine doesn't work". Maybe one day we'll get the hero we need to polish this thing up.
  23. Yeah, that is odd. I double-checked again, and here's the error message MAME gives me if the games aren't named their respective "software name" -- like the github here has: https://github.com/mamedev/mame/blob/master/hash/gp32.xml "The selected software is missing one or more required files. Please select a different software."
  24. Thanks so much for your help, @tallpr24. I was missing the x2c32.jed file in the bios. Also, it's important to rename the games to the MAME-preferred list and keep them in .zip format.... So Astonishia Story is astonish.zip.... Blue Angelo euro is blueangl.zip and so on... Is that right?? I couldn't get the games to work otherwise. Although, I can only really get the GP32 system to run to the main menu. Are any games actually loading up? Or what button on the keyboard do you press, I think I pressed #6 and it went to the MP3 screen. And then #3 or maybe #2 (it's slow and laggy) went to a CD screen. Couldn't find the "game" button. And I know this is a basically dead emulated system.... for anyone reading, you're not really gonna be able to play these games yet so it might not be worth your time to troubleshoot if you're at this point. However, if this system does get the tlc it needs to play smoothly, the whole library of games looks pretty cool (and is only like 400mb large). So it'd be nice to have in the archive.
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