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Everything posted by cammelspit

  1. I better than quadruple that with my library and yes, yes it does make a difference. The hugest and most massive intense difference. Literally and without hyperbole, orders of magnitude faster in both drawing and browsing in general. It's like a breath of fresh air.
  2. While it is doubtful that we are the only two people in the Boxverse having this kind of issue, from what Jason was saying, it seems like it is not especially common. I doubt most people using this feature would be using two TV and not regular monitors, maybe something to that? Well, since this is not just an isolated issue now, lets post our specs, maybe there are some things that are common to our setups that might be introducing it, drivers perhaps? i5 6600K @4.5Ghz | R9380 @ 1080/1550 | Windows10 Pro | 16GB DDR4 @ 3000 My big 4K TV is a 65inch Vizio E65-E1 the 2017 model with HDR. My second TV is a 55inch insignia TV I got for cheap at Best Buy several years ago, not sure about the model number. Both are HDMI but since I do not have DP on my 65inch and my GPU does not have a late enough version of HDMI to get 4K60 output, I use a DP 1.2a to HDMI 2.0 adapter I bought off amazon. I wouldn't think this would have anything specific to do with this issue but maybe.
  3. Not that I am aware of or been able to find. Simply, I just don't use my second display for this feature at all, though it would be nice to have since I have it up at all times anyways being used for my security cameras.
  4. This, THIS is what we have needed. so far this is super fast and smooth. Obviously, this is incredibly early and missing the lions share of features but I don't even care. Overall cleaner and more of a 'modern' touch. The speed though, switching platforms is essentially instant for me when on regular LB it can take 10+ seconds on my largest platforms. Now, we need this kind of peppy speed in BB too but this is 100% the right move to make here and I am very happy with this overhaul. I simply cannot wait to see it when it is done. Good work, keep it up!
  5. @Pacman56 Ah, I didn't even think to play with the settings. That's a good idea because that has been the cause of shenanigans before in the past. Thanks for giving it a go for me. I'll do some random settings changes to see if there is something there that is doing it. I'll do that later on today and report back if I find anything. @ckp My LB is installed on the same drive that my Steam games are on, I actually did try putting it on several other of my drives and didn't notice any change, including my OS SSD. I think I can probably rule drive failure out.
  6. Now 8.1 final isn't loading properly and is slow as molasses in a snow storm going uphill. I open LB but it gets into a near-permanent loop on 'loading interface'. I even stopped updating to betas just to make 100% sure I didn't have to redo all my metadata from scratch again like I did with 8.0. I did literally nothing but allow the update process to happen for the official final versions, not the betas. Ill include my data folder again. As the title suggests it does eventually load but this last time it took almost 5 whole minutes to start up and I have added not one new game to LB so it's not like my collection ballooned out to a substantially larger size recently that could explain it. @Jason Carr anything you would like me to try for troubleshooting? Data.zip
  7. Of course, I am interested! The biggest issue with the proxy as it is is the difficulty in setting it up. This is what keeps all but those who really want these features from using it. Heck, I haven't even set it up again since it broke last because I had already gone through and swapped out all of my platforms to not use it. A way to easily launch with and also without the proxy features as I would see fit would be super amazing. As always, I am very happy to beta test anything you can come up with. Nielk1 can attest to it, I am VERY good at breaking things, LOL.
  8. It's a good thing I didn't insult anyone.
  9. @j800r That's a really dumb thing to say. I made myself exceptionally clear if you don't like reading that's fine just don't comment if you choose not to. I don't care if LB gets pirated by a troll because it's not something you can avoid, sheesh. I don't care if LB gets threatened because it's all fluff and obviously was, to begin with. I don't care about an email sent to me because it is a non-issue that doesn't require this kind of response. This is way more minor that you are aware, obviously. Though if you force me to say it, I can't care THAT much since the earth keeps spinning, children are born, a grandparent dies, all of this in the absence of LB. Though, I still like LB and would like it to keep going for the foreseeable future. Next time, don't hyperbolize me, you won't get anywhere with that.
  10. Ah, makes sense, Dark theme. Anyways, good luck guys and try not to let this stuff get to you. One low life isn't worth getting all worked up over. These things have the tendency to work themselves out in the end. Take care all, I think I'm done for tonight and will check back in the morning.
  11. Ok, so my last post was deleted for some reason. I hope that wasn't intentional. Anyways, no I don't care, it happens and is naive to expect otherwise. people will pirate and you can't do anything about it but be so awesome they WANT to give you their money. Don't engage the trolls is all I'm saying. Sure, the Shaw guy is a jerk and a pain but hey, life goes on, it's not so serious. People like that only have as much power as you give them, this is exactly what he wanted. TRUST me, i know from personal experience here. The one deleted was much more eloquent. You will just have to take my word for it.
  12. Not really and here is why. It happens! People will always pirate stuff and thinking otherwise is naive. Just make it as good as you can and the vast majority of people will buy, no joke. You can't go apeshit the second someone threatens you with releasing a key, I mean, it happens. You give others the power that you allow them to have, nothing more. TRUST me on this, I know better than most.
  13. Lol, I love cherry pickers. Jason even threatened the guy too. I have 250,00 users online... Come on, whatever that one line says it was a call to arms and was very bad form. If you don't see it then I don't know what to tell ya'. I can't make other people see a situation and think of it from the standpoint of other people. The second that emails were sent, the pirated version WILL be released. Before, it was 80% sore to be all hot air. It's pretty darn obvious here guys, really.
  14. @neil9000 I love you too man so don't take me wrong here. It really doesn't affect me and it really won't effect Jason or the project as a whole in the long run. It's cool, maybe I should PM you or something on steam and fill you in on my thoughts. There is a lot of negative response to this for a reason and I am leaning in that direction myself.
  15. @Lordmonkus I love you, buddy, I really do. Respectfully, others wouldn't be so angry if it were not a call to arms, which it was. There isn't any beating around that bush and it was in poor taste. It also wants just one short email either, it was a plea for help. The email should have had less than one paragraph at all even if it were to be sent. Not even telling us who it was that threatened just a reminder that this sort of thing happens.
  16. Why do we care? Seriously... I mean, he said himself he has 500 customers, Pffft, who cares... Just revoke the license or use different licensing scheme and make LB/BB too awesome not to want to buy. Your job is done! Be so good they can't wait to throw money at you and the rest be damned! Though, I do totally agree that I don't appreciate the email. I mean, when I bought LB/BB I didn't think I was becoming a citizen to be called to arms when some rando threatens you. Seriously, you just assume your software WILL be pirated and get over it. Such is life, this is why so many companies use DRM in the first place. Doesn't seem so stupid an idea now does it? Seriously guys, not hating on Jason or whatever and this situation sucks I just have no part in it and don't want one.
  17. You know what you should do? Revoke the license for the future versions, of course, and then make LB 100 times better. Then everyone will have to buy it.
  18. Sometimes, Valve likes to change timings and such, when the overlay is hooked during the launching process. I remember one time they made a change that was causing SC configs to lock, even between launches, so Nielk1 had to make a variable time to wait that is user configurable. This is the kind of stuff they end up doing a lot. Let me know if I can do any testing for you.
  19. Since Nielk1 first got the Steam launching working, this would make the second time. This has been a little over a year I would say. I also haven't had a chance to play emulators much so I haven't gotten round to testing your version yet! Sorry...
  20. Yeah, sorry I haven't gotten back to you, had to take my wife to the ER so that was a good 8 hours of my day gone in an instant... She is fine now BTW. Is the scraper working for you too? I'll give this a try tomorrow morning sometime and report back. There may be a few little things that you could sort out here too that have broken over time. After I put it through its paces, I will report back and let you know what is and what is not working and maybe we can get an idea on priority here too. If you don't mind, I would love to have you as one of my friends on Steam. Nielk1 and I have collaborated a lot on this thing for a long time so if anyone can help with testing and figuring out what needs to be done first, it would be me. My Steam name is just plain old cammelspit, so shoot me a line!
  21. That was definitely a feature but towards the end, that had broken entirely. The big thing was that Steam essentially just chokes on its own games list when you have more than a few thousand shortcuts. IIRC, the logic was meant to that in case the shortcut renaming broke, the app would then use individual named game shortcuts to launch itself, failing that, it would launch the platform shortcut so you could at least get Steam Controller configs per system. It all started because playing games through BB with the Steam Controller, I had to set BigBox in Steam and is I say, switched from playing PS2 to playing N64, I would have to manually change the config in the overlay so have proper control. Honestly, I am not 100% sure if that function ever worked quite exactly as intended. Usage was something like this.... In Launchbox, you would use a command line for the emulator itself. For emulator, you would use gamelaunchproxy.exe and the command line would be something like this -steam -gameid %gameid% -name "%gamename% (%platformname%)" -fallbackname "%platformname%" -proxy "E:\Emulation\Emulators\DS\DeSmuME\DeSmuME_r5526_x64.exe" Anything after the This is how you could customize where the game name or platform name appeared in your steam. Fallbackname didn't work correctly but this is where you could tell it something like to launch via the platform shortcut in case of a rename failure. Anything after the -proxy argument was passed on as it to the emulator to build its own necessary command line. So you would put the path to the emulator in the command line and then it's arguments there, as in the example above. The app would scrape the LB database to get the gamename and platform name as a one time process and use that to figure out what game and platform it was. Bear in mind, I believe the scraping process was also broken right before the whole thing stopped working properly and there was at least one example I know of with an emulator that uses two EXEs for itself that proxy couldn't properly get Steam to hook into. FS-UAE. Does that answer your questions? I wish I knew more about the specifics but that is the general idea of how a user would use it.
  22. I have been using this since before Nielk1 posted it in the first place so I would use it. A guy is just too busy with other projects to fix it up so anyone else who can make it at least work for a while longer is a good thing IMO.
  23. Well, as of now, Steam has updated and the whole system is kind of broken. Until Nielk1 gets a chance to do some diagnostics and see what Valve changed, you just have to deal with loading LB/BB the old-fashioned way. The shortcut renames in Steam but never launches properly and they cannot be renamed back. Since you can't use an older version of Steam, try to just hang tight and we will see if something can be done about it. It broke my heart a bit when it happened too.
  24. I would be forced to agree with you. Though, my Windows is a new install a little more than a month old due to some driver mishaps. I wonder if most people who use displays with differing resolutions are primarily using 1080P for their main display and this only happens in 4K? I even tried matching the scaling on both displays, 100%, and still wouldn't work. It's not like I need the marquee display that bad but I just wanted to mess around with it and then I found this problem. If there is anything I can test for you, just let me know.
  25. Basically, mixing a 4K screen and a 1080P screen doesn't work properly. On a stream, @Jason Carr mentioned I should take it to the forums and report it, so I have. What happens is BB actually displays BOTH monitors content on one monitor. If you switch both to be 1080P in Windows, reboot while it is set to 1080P it will work. Then you can actually return one of the monitors to 4K and it will actually work properly. If you have either monitor set to 4K before you reboot then BB will not show anything spanned across monitors. Thing is if you trick it in this way it DOES work properly! This tells me there has got to be something that can be done to make this work reliably. I don't really care to swap back and forth to 1080P and reboot every time I want to turn on my second screen with BB. Thanks for you time! Below is a video showing exactly what is happening. The video includes both monitors. The right hand screen is a 1080P 55inch TV so that is as high as it goes. The leftmost screen is a Vizio e65-01 which is a 65inch 4K TV. They are side by side in my setup.
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