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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Since this post was created second monitor support was added to bigbox. Yes bigbox is premium, I don't think it works with launchbox. Bigbox only.
  2. Yeah but there are different versions of MAME, Straight up MAME, MAMEUI, and several others. I can only speak to MAMEUI which I use and its simply under options/display in that version. If you are using just MAME then someone else will have to chime in as I have never used that version. Here it is in MAMEUI.
  3. There should be a setting in mame for that, I'm not sure where though it depends on what version of mame you are using. I use MAMEUI and its in the settings for that very easy to change.
  4. Click arcade on the left of the screen, then click a game and ctrl a to highlight them all, then go to tools, download metadata and images.
  5. Well to be fair I updated last night with no issues. By the looks of your screenshot it looks to me like some sort of windows permissions error that wouldn't let windows rename the file rather than a launchbox error. Maybe @Jason Carr can offer some insight for you.
  6. Lol, this is a double post we already tried to help him in the beta thread.
  7. Were the original ones setup as platforms, or did you create them as playlists? If they were originally setup as platforms then you can delete the playlist ones. Top left of the screen is a dropdown that probably says platforms, drop that down and change it to playlists, then right click and delete the playlists you don't want.
  8. Also this is why these are "BETA" problems can and probably will occur from time to time. I f you want to be safe stick to official releases.
  9. I would use the last one that worked, so beta 11. Just install over the top of your current install, your files will stay it will just update the .exe.
  10. In the launchbox folder is a update folder go in there and sort by date, then reinstall the newest version you have.
  11. Mine took a couple of minutes, actually much faster than usual.
  12. Ha Ha, downloaded that about 20 minutes ago!!!
  13. It should have nothing to do with your genesis config.
  14. Its called beetle in my retroarch.
  15. You can keep them zipped and launchbox will extract them when you launch a game, there is a tick box somewhere during the import process, I'm not sure where though as I have never used it. Personally I would unzip them all, your not saving a whole load of space by keeping them zipped anyway.
  16. Unfortunately there is no moonlight app for the wii u, that would be really cool. I could stream bigbox to it and play it on the gamepad!!
  17. I have my wii u hacked just needed a few files on a sd card. I have a hard drive plugged into it and run all my games from that. I personally have mine always offline. But the hack I use can be initiated from the home screen, so its a normal wii u until I launch "haxchi" which then launches into the homebrew channel, where you can run emulators or install games from the sd card.
  18. Same with PlayStation, just import .cue.
  19. Yeah you only need to import the .cue. If you import the .bin as well you will get duplicate games.
  20. Yeah if its a .bin it should also include the .cue. There are programs that will generate the .cue if your .bin doesn't have one.
  21. Launchbox servers, hence the problems. A lot of people couldn't even update to the latest beta either.
  22. Correct, and when you get to this screen select the middle option.
  23. No because they shouldn't of been downloaded originally that's why you got the 404 error. Also you can scan for media without re-importing and there is a option to only download missing artwork.
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