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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Unless you know explicitly that it is safe, .dll it can f**k up your system, and also give you malware/virus. Be Warned...
  2. You can google for .dll but I would NEVER recommend it.
  3. just re download retroarch, the full package. https://buildbot.libretro.com/stable/1.4.1/windows/x86_64/ Unzip it somewhere else. check if it launches, if it does, copy paste the .dll into the one that is not working, and try again.
  4. Hi, I'm not well versed in arcade sticks so hopefully someone with more knowledge will jump in. But I believe those sort of sticks are detected as keyboards? not controllers. In which case you may need to go into the keyboard settings as well in big box and adjust things in there.
  5. Ahh, for launchbox to be portable, all the emulators and roms need to be in the launchbox folder, also if retroarch is missing .dll that is often a directx issue as you said, but often if you reinstall retroarch it will add those .dll I say re download retroarch and install it somewhere else and see if it runs, if it does copy and paste the .dll to your current install.
  6. It should "JUST RUN" on a windows 10 machine if it doesn't, you just install the latest version on top of what you already have and it should detect during install if you are missing anything, if you are it should prompt to update.
  7. Hi, I know someone else had this problem before, I cant remember who, but it seemed to go away by itself eventually. Sorry I cant help more.
  8. Agree with @fromlostdays stick to retroarch as much as you can, you setup your controller once in the main interface, and can then tweak it for different cores if needed, much easier than separate emulators for everything which all need controller configuration. Also the retroarch cores are updated regularly, which cant be said for some stand alone emulators, some havnt been updated in years. In bigbox you can toggle a "use all controllers" checkbox, which should do what you want. Skipping prototypes etc. cant be used for platforms other than mame/arcade. However there is a new combine feature that will consolidate those games as long as the name is the same, for example super Mario bros, super Mario bros (proto) super Mario bros(beta) should all be under the same game, this is checked by default on import, but can of course be unchecked. If I'm understanding your edit correctly you can click on 1 game, then ctrl a to highlight them all, right click then delete. this will remove them from launchbox. Hope this helps, any more questions feel free to ask.
  9. Well mario kart ran like a dog for me constantly freezing for a few frames then carrying on and sound was out of sync also. I found stand alone snes9x to work better. This one will run N64 and PS1.
  10. Ha Ha, good work @ckp This is why this community is so great, people coming together to help each other out, and get problems fixed.
  11. Oh did I? Memory like a fish me. lol Yeah you get everything for £99.99 I bought it just before christmas, I was upgrading from a z3735 tablet that couldn't even run retroarch snes9x, this one is a x5-z8300 which will run mupen64 in retroarch and yeah comes with that xbox certified dock.
  12. I have this windows 10 tablet with controller dock. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Linx-Vision-inch-Tablet-Controller/dp/B0187U2M1O/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1487784276&sr=8-1&keywords=linx+vision
  13. ? https://www.amazon.co.uk/PG-9023-Telescopic-Wireless-Bluetooth-Controller/dp/B01L7HOHL2/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1487783636&sr=8-11&keywords=android+game+controller+case
  14. Hi, I think the problem you will have is that all android phones are different shapes and sizes so something like that is impossible unless it is designed for your exact model of phone. I personally use this, but I assume it is similar to what you already have.
  15. Just to add, I believe Jason has said that eventually all of this will be handled by the database, which does make use of alternate names. I don't know the time frame for this feature though unfortunately.
  16. Yeah it will always open the client first, just like steam games will open steam before launching the game.
  17. Yeah, that's what I did Monday and it went out of order. Here it is today. Heres how it was Monday. Nothing has changed on my system, just the update to the beta.
  18. Thanks guys, weird, I could reproduce it on my 1st attempt on Monday, but can't at all today.
  19. Oh OK, could you not just add them manually? I assume you still have a .exe to launch them from? So all you need to do is use the add button at the bottom right of launchbox, and point it at your .exe.
  20. Those will get imported when you import windows games, at least my starcraft 2 and diablo 3 did.
  21. @Jason Carr I have been messing about with launchbox today trying to see if I can narrow down that platform ordering issue that you can't reproduce. Here's the thing though, I can't seem to reproduce it anymore myself!! So I don't know if the .NET update has fixed it, but I can't reproduce anymore. If anyone in this thread who was having the issue is on the beta's could they have a look at there systems and see if it's fixed for them? Or if it's just me?
  22. Launchbox is only using the filename to determine duplicates, so if it has a different name it will not consolidate into one entry. You can do this manually though, highlight the games you want to combine, right click, then choose combine selected games.
  23. Cool, glad you are all sorted. Now get to some retro gaming!!
  24. No, leave them all checked, that will make it easier if you decide to use retroarch for other platforms as well. Also bare in mind that there are several snes cores in retroarch, so you need to make sure that the one you are using is the one specified in the associated platform list. I think it defaults to snes9x, but I use bsnes accuracy, so I had to amend the associated platform snes core to say bsnes rather than snes9x.
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