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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Well, with all due respect that is your issue. if they don't launch there they wont launch in launchbox either. Do you know what romset you have, what version of mame are you using? They should match. Personally I am very happy with 0.183 and will never be changing roms or emus.
  2. OK then @FingerCramp, more knowledgeable than I have joined the convo, I will leave you with them, hope its figured out for you, and you grow to love the program like we all do. And also enjoy the community we have here. Have fun..
  3. @lordmonkus, should I just leave this one with you and move on?
  4. Probably, lol. I know not the answer you wee looking for but probably. They do share a lot of settings.
  5. Lol, someone more intelligent than be joined in!! Similar though, should be possible but....
  6. Well if you were to re-import, you would turn off all the data scraping, all that is already downloaded from the previous import, and will speed up the import hugely!!
  7. Well that part would probably be a mame thing not a launchbox thing. Launchbox will just pass whatever options you have selected to mame via a command line interface, that is how it launches any rom it just loads rom into emulator and hits run, simplified I know. so that would be a option within mame, or for what I know about this already in mame.
  8. Yeah after righting that I did think about bios, but if everything was working ok in his previous setup they should still work now. He hasn't replied yet so its either working or REALLY NOT, so I'm sure we will here either way.
  9. @SentaiBrad, I know that, sad to see you go. I have watched ETA for a while now as well, so was a known quantity to me and he does a good job. I wasn't however going to say watch these 69 videos, ETAPRIME did a good job. That would be disrespectful. So thanxs @SentaiBrad for all your hard work in making these videos, people will be watching them for years to come, and probably still bugging you with questions. lol.
  10. Also this debate keeps this thread in the activity feed, so hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I will see it and jump in to offer more guidance than I can.
  11. I believe LED BLINKY is a simple toggle on or off in the launchbox options, but again I will advise that I don't use these features and could be wrong.
  12. Lol. Well as I said it "MAY" already be in, but I don't know. LED BLINKY is fully working though, so if its a part of that it may already work.
  13. Oh, and welcome to the community.
  14. Yeah I think its so you don't override everything in one go, doing it per core I think works really well. You may want different shaders for different systems so this is the best way in my opinion.
  15. Ha Ha 2001 reference although I'm sure you got that already from my avatar. It may be already available, I don't use any arcade hardware so have no idea. If its not Jason is very receptive on the forums, and is open to ideas and suggestions. In fact you will notice at the top of the screen is a issues/requests button, so if it doesn't work already you can always just submit a request for it, and it will be considered. Launchbox already has LED BLINKY support so its possible.
  16. Sorry I cant help with your question, but had to pop in and commend you on a awesome username. Made me chuckle when that popped up. I think people on here will be able to help you though so just hang tight for a actually helpful reply.
  17. Are they working in just mame? If they are working in mame there is no reason why they wouldn't also work through launchbox. Either all would work or none of them would, I cant think of a reason why some would work and others wouldn't.
  18. That's a 69 video playlist of how to videos that @SentaiBrad Has created about how to setup various different systems and features.
  19. Running as admin is not needed or recommended, in fact Jason actively discourages it.
  20. Lol, by the time I posted this it was gone!! Good work.
  21. If there are any mods online can you clean up the activity feed? It is absolutely full up with spam from the same user. Thanks.
  22. Load a game with the core you want to apply the shader too, then open the quick menu with the guide button on controller or F1 on keyboard and scroll down to shaders. Once you have found one you like there is a save core override option in that quick menu hit that and it will save that shader for that core only.
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