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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. OK, late to the party as always, but just heard this band for the first time.
  2. OOOhh missed that...Well OK it still works fine for me but....
  3. Personaly I would use Glupen64 in retroarch for N64, or any N64 core in retroarch over the standalone emu.
  4. Lol, that's why I'm here anyway added, Jason, cid, and brad. this morning. brad has accepted.
  5. Yep, never noticed the bottom left link before, so as I said thanks. Still plain text on the thread that is asking for a name is probably for the best though.
  6. OK, Cheers @Zombeaver Yep you are right as always!! I just think sticking your name on the post is probably for the best though!
  7. Just to add to this.... Your 1st question as Brad said, no not at the moment, but that's a good bitbucket request feel free. 2nd Question, if you just decided to "HIDE" your roms, then that is all they are hidden, but still available. If you decided to re-import (which sounds like you are edging towards) then everything will re-import, but you can specify a different import process. (For example only originals, originals and clones..etc...) 3rd question, just use the "Scan for added Roms" which is under the tools menu.
  8. Just speaking from a personal thing here, I shy away from clicking links I cant see. I would just through up my username and leave it at that, like everyone else did.
  9. LOL. ok then. I had the opposite problem a while back, demul was always about 5fps for me if that, I switched to nulldc and everything worked fine. As I said further up though if you can run Dolphin, you may want to check out that compilation disc. If you have a original wii remote and a cheap sensor bar......
  10. Lol, totally agree. I just thought I jump in when I saw the Tablet thing in the activity feed. I saw these roll through last night, but I use nulldc so ignored them. I Just didn't want to take away from anything anyone else had already said previous as its for a emu I don't use. So I ducked in then out.
  11. Also just to add, if it is a decent system and you are still having issues, then Dolphin to the rescue. https://www.amazon.co.uk/SEGA-5060138437173-House-Dead-Return/dp/B0012PJ8XM
  12. Does exactly what it says on the tin!!
  13. Sorry didn't mean to jump in on a thread I hadn't commented on, but it was in the latest feed. I saw tablet and just assumed. Hopefully he will get back to you.
  14. That may be your issue, what are you trying to run dreamcast on?
  15. Just to add, there are awesome platform videos to add to this theme, instead of using the banner images, each to there own though. Whatever works for you.
  16. Controller button assignment for playlist and platform is working now in the latest beta, Thanks for the quick fix Jason. Edit, Scrap that. I can assign them now but they still don't do anything in BigBox. @Jason Carr
  17. Just to jump in here, I had a similar problem the other day. One of my systems had the wrong view, so I was cycling through them (Y on my controller) and it kept showing me the same view over and over, it would fade to black and come back with the same view. I just did a restart and haven't seen it since.
  18. Same here, when I try to add a controller button I just get left with a press any button dialogue, nothing works though.
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