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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Hi, you need to technically map 2. You map one as the hold button, I have this as the back button on my controller. You then choose a botton to exit, I have this on start. So I hold back then press start to exit a emulator. all this is setup in options/controller/automation.
  2. Yes please shorter startup videos peeps, I like the fact of having a awesome video basically saying look bigbox is starting up, I hate having to wait 30 seconds or so though.
  3. Again, please don't let me coerce you in any way, you are the artist, I wouldn't no where to start with any of this. I just find all start up videos to long.
  4. Lol, u no what I have headphones on listening to my own music, that never even occurred to me. lol.
  5. well I can only give my own opinion but that looks great to me. A nice quick intro video.
  6. I hope I didn't sound rude, just noticed there was 30 views no downloads, make that 31 views 1 download.
  7. I am either to old or to young for this but,
  8. I'm in there somewhere as well!!
  9. I'm in that crowd somewhere, the first time I saw them live!!!
  10. Personally 10 seconds is a bit long. but each to there own.
  11. Thanks for the reply, to be honest with you they are all around that length and I see people complaing on the forums to long to long but no one has dealt with that yet?? First for everything????
  12. Lol no probs, I mean he is a busy man, but always up for suggestions, as I said earlier.
  13. Well with all due respect, something is a bit iffy there. Is the old setup on a different system/drive?
  14. lol. I purposely didn't tag him, he has enough to deal with, but fair enough.
  15. Yep, depends how patient you are with foreplay though!!!
  16. @FingerCramp Have fun on your holiday/vacation. Please do report back when you have time to mess about with it all, it may come in very handy for others coming here also, with similar questions to yourself. It would be great to say to people just look at this thread.
  17. Are you sure its launchbox/bigbox issue. As you can see knowone has commented on this thread for a while.
  18. This looks really good, well done. The issue I have and its not just you its every startup video, they are just way to long for me. but as I said this is one of the better ones I have seen.
  19. Of course when I say that I am of course always here for questions.
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