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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I would guess it is because it is the same exact location as the previous import, although as its under a different platform, and launchbox just looks at it as a duplicate because its already in the xml? Good question though. Also I would ask why do you want the same rom under two different platforms? Maybe @Jason Carr, could chime in on this, its not one I have seen before.
  2. @ckp, Yeah its in the game details screen only, which I also have off. You can turn it back on, or do what I do and bind the game details screen to a controller button, I have mine on the back button. That way I only see the game details screen when I want to choose a rom version or favorite a game etc. Jason is going to integrate a popup eventually when you select a game with multiple versions but it wont make this release unfortunately. You can also set region priorities in launchbox, for example USA and it will always load that version if it is available. Hope that helps.
  3. Mine looks the same as that also, but works fine. I am using version 1.5.0. Here's my launcher tab for comparison.
  4. Ha ha, yep that one works great I have it as a favorite in bigbox.
  5. Just to add as well glupen64 is the best core to use, it is very good.
  6. Oh well worth a try, sorry I couldn't help.
  7. Yeah I'm running 64bit, here drop this in your cores folder and see if it works. glupen64_libretro.dll
  8. I'm on 1.41 also and its there for me. online updater, core updater, scroll to Nintendo 64 and there are three emus to pick from.
  9. Also Jason is going to implement manual combines, possibly on todays live stream. So you can just select several different games and combine them, so that would work for the games with different titles in different regions, its just a manual process.
  10. Yeah if the Japanese name is different it wont dupe them unfortunately. All its doing is matching the file names its not using the database, so it doesn't no know they are the same game. I believe @Jason Carr has said that is planned for the future, but wont make this release.
  11. @DOS76, when I re-imported mine I checked the import all clones box. It worked for me.
  12. Also if you go to tools, options, region priorities can specify your preferred region and launchbox will launch that version if it is available.
  13. Right click the game to choose.
  14. Yeah, I'm not using custom configs so its a catch all for me just in case. I know for a fact that Amplitude needs it and I play that quite a bit, so I just leave it on. As you say though each to there own.
  15. Fullboot is needed for some games though, so you might want that back on.
  16. Well just try the free version and see if it works for you. If it does then pony up the $50 dollars, its really worth it for bigbox which is very controller friendly.
  17. That is in the free version. Premium just lets you use the automation part.
  18. Excellent, that's good news for my spectrum collection, and maybe I will re-import Amiga as well.
  19. Yep what @wize said, it's free and pretty easy to do.
  20. Yeah just delete the platform and re-import, and uncheck all the media downloads.
  21. Wow, just re-imported my spectrum collection with the new beta so much cleaner. Some of my games have like 6 different versions so this has cleaned it up no end. Great work @Jason Carr.
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