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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Right click the game to choose.
  2. Yeah, I'm not using custom configs so its a catch all for me just in case. I know for a fact that Amplitude needs it and I play that quite a bit, so I just leave it on. As you say though each to there own.
  3. Fullboot is needed for some games though, so you might want that back on.
  4. Well just try the free version and see if it works for you. If it does then pony up the $50 dollars, its really worth it for bigbox which is very controller friendly.
  5. That is in the free version. Premium just lets you use the automation part.
  6. Excellent, that's good news for my spectrum collection, and maybe I will re-import Amiga as well.
  7. Yep what @wize said, it's free and pretty easy to do.
  8. Yeah just delete the platform and re-import, and uncheck all the media downloads.
  9. Wow, just re-imported my spectrum collection with the new beta so much cleaner. Some of my games have like 6 different versions so this has cleaned it up no end. Great work @Jason Carr.
  10. I think I'm right in saying that coverflow uses more gpu than cpu? Please correct me if I'm wrong. So I would say your graphics card is the week link with those specs. Y ou could try another view and see if its any quicker.
  11. It might just be worth you getting the bios to be honest.
  12. Well I just downloaded bsnes mercury accuracy to test, and it works fine for me.
  13. Yes different core, if you go that route you will have to manage your emulator to point to the new core.
  14. Yes bsnes accuracy requires bios to run Mario Kart. If that is a issue then use snes9x, it doesn't need bios for Mario Kart.
  15. Hi just seen that Retroarch is being ported to DOS!! lol. https://www.libretro.com/index.php/retroarch-1-4-1-progress-report-ms-doswindows-9xwindows-2k/
  16. Yeah I could never do this either in retroarch, retroarch wont let you map buttons to stick or vice versa.
  17. This does not work currently when you already have your platform imported. You will have to do a whole new import for neo geo pocket color. When checked for a new import it will import (jap) and (eur) under one game entry.
  18. You will need to delete your pocket color games first then do a new import.
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