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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. FFS, again pass, not a launchbox problem. google is your friend.
  2. or, I was at this Jungle Rave on Hastings pier in about 1999? lol..
  3. Just rolls over one eye open....lol.
  4. I love the kids face when his brother takes his face off!!!
  5. The Last Starfighter is a CLASSIC!!!
  6. I hope I'm allowed but this is what me and my mates had on all the time back in the day. Back in the day = late 80's early 90's Young English fellas. lol
  7. I get you, nested filters on the site!!! I just think personally hit up the themes, fall in love with one. Oh who made that? Ooohhhh ill follow them on the site. Apologies though didn't want to take away from a new theme.
  8. Lol apologies If I came across harsh, sorry. Just my opinion, feel free to disagree that's fine.
  9. Or better integrated like video themes are now. Downloaded from within .
  10. @Maddoc1007 i sorta get you, go to Maddoc page under themes and pick the one you want. That's fine,i still think they should all be separate in the themes section though.
  11. @Maddoc1007, not sure I agree with that personally, a newcomer won't no you from grila should be able just to browse with no previous bias.
  12. Also that's not a launchbox issue, we don't mind helping out, but sometimes a Google may be more helpful to you.
  13. That's a file rites issue. A file could not be created!!!!
  14. Woo hoo @Pacman56, good news for me also
  15. That's cool just dable with it, and any major issues just post and we will help as much as we can. Of course per original post if you want really good looking cab experience, you will need bigbox which is premium.
  16. Really surprised no one more knowledgeable than me has jumped in here yet!!! Its cool though we are a very friendly community, any further questions just ask.
  17. Not as such, You can in the settings toggle a delete rom when I delete from launchbox. it will double check with you also when you trigger it. In regards to the image data, you will have to manually delete that, its in launchbox/images/insertplatformnamehere\.
  18. Stable official release is of course what everyone wants, that's why us more hardcore are here, its not to say launchbox is buggy, well it is sorta!! but to find them before public release.
  19. Sorry just to add to that, your pc maybe x64, but your version of windows maybe 32bit?? worth checking, a cheap windows 10 licence is cheaper than a whole new PC.
  20. You can log into your emumovies account in lanchbox and it will scrape what you need.
  21. RE, #2 When I say artwork, I mean logos, box art, flyers etc. Actuall themes are different here as they are videos, however @CriticalCid recorded all the hyperspin game themes to video and are available on emumovies.
  22. Well the launchbox part is free, so try setting up your mame collection, to see if you like it. Bigbox is what you want on a cab and that costs money, but once it is setup in launchbox it just works in bigbox. So try the free version, import a few mame zips and see what you think.
  23. Hi @DerHof2007, #1, I don't use it personally, but I believe yes you can. #2 all your game artwork will work with launchbox, you just need to point it at your current collection. #3 Possibly, launchbox does use autohotkey, but not something I use personally. #4 Yes. #5 Someone else will have to help you there, sorry. #6 Launchbox is the desktop program, where you set everything up. Bigbox is the home theater environment, which is controller friendly and has all the bells and whistles you have probably seen, that's what you want on your cabinet. Hope that helps you make a decision. I'm sure many more knowledgeable than I will pop in here at some point. To help you out, and point out errors I made.
  24. I would guess its a outright duplicate issue as platforms can be named anything you want, then "scrape as ....." so I think them just being named the same is the issue. I do say "Guess" though lol, I'm not a coder and don't know how that stuff is coded into launchbox.
  25. LOL should of mentioned that in the first post OK I still think its a duplicate issue though, both "Super Mario 64.zip" Although I'm not sure how launchbox handles that, clearly you have them as separate zips, maybe launchbox can not differentiate between the two as they are named the same? Hopefully Jason will see this and offer up a opinion.
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