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Everything posted by eatkinola

  1. Refaktor is cool, but I made it so a bit biased. It's designed to work with 4:3 as well as widescreen setups. Saw no one had replied, so thought I'd throw it out there. I'm working on an update, so if you try it out and have suggestions lemme know.
  2. Should be able to do that. There are a few different approaches. Do you use the built in startup screens for the other emulators?
  3. Okay, in that case I might add some support for these situations, though with the caveat it will not likely work across the board. Okay, I'll need to add some more logging then. I'm working on an update and will try to get something to you for testing probably this weekend.
  4. Thanks for the log file -- that's all there is to the log file? It seems to initialize WL but not invoke it when a game is started. Would you please double check you have disabled the LB startup screens? Did you try it for emulators for which it worked on your other computer? Does it work from BigBox?
  5. LB's built-in startup screens require emulators to run fullscreen (if I recall correctly), but WL requires they be run in windowed mode. Because of this difference, they are not compatible and you must choose one or the other.
  6. What you are trying to do will most likely require a custom control -- I cannot think of a way offhand to do this purely in XAML (and if there is one it'd likely be convoluted). If you're willing to do without the alternating row colors, the only code-behind you'd probably need is an IValueConverter, e.g., you could use an IValueConverter to split the "Status: good" string into "Status" and "good", then drop it in your Grid defined in XAML. Perhaps someone else can weigh in.
  7. CRT Overlays View File These overlays are meant to mimic a CRT screen for 16:9 displays. They include a hazy glass effect but no scanlines -- that's left up to you using RA or MAME shaders however you want. This set meets my needs, but if it's missing a platform you'd like let me know and I can probably throw it together. There are three downloads here: BARREL: bezel designed for barrel distortion FLAT: bezel designed for no barrel distortion WSSL: widescreen edge-fade with scanlines The BARREL and FLAT downloads also include bezels without platforms; instead there is an alpha cutout you can use to make your own for other platforms, games, etc. Submitter eatkinola Submitted 02/02/2019 Category Platform Bezels/Overlays  
  8. Version 1.1


    These overlays are meant to mimic a CRT screen for 16:9 displays. They include a hazy glass effect but no scanlines -- that's left up to you using RA or MAME shaders however you want. This set meets my needs, but if it's missing a platform you'd like let me know and I can probably throw it together. There are three downloads here: BARREL: bezel designed for barrel distortion FLAT: bezel designed for no barrel distortion WSSL: widescreen edge-fade with scanlines The BARREL and FLAT downloads also include bezels without platforms; instead there is an alpha cutout you can use to make your own for other platforms, games, etc.
  9. Ah that's the infamous inception effect. I love viking's videos which is why I made a theme around them. When using Nostalgia, I recommend using a set of platform videos that are not vikings. That way you can see his backgrounds but have your own platform and game images playing in the TV, handheld, arcade, etc.
  10. The theme currently does not support such a feature. Maybe I could do this in the future but don't have any immediate plans. It's a good idea, though; thanks.
  11. You'll probably also need to comment out some things at the bottom of the wheel view files, such as this in PlatformWheel1FiltersView: <!-- DETAILS ON (WILL SHOW THE METADATA ICONS, BOXART, ETC.) --> <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource NostSideAnimeTriggerDetails_PLAT_ON}"> <TextBlock.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Binding.TargetUpdated"> <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource NostMetadataFade_SB}" /> <!-- <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource NostSelectorFade_SB}" /> --> </EventTrigger> </TextBlock.Triggers> </TextBlock> <!-- DETAILS OFF (WILL ONLY FADEOUT VERTYEAR WHEN SCROLLING) --> <TextBlock Style="{StaticResource NostSideAnimeTriggerDetails_PLAT_OFF}"> <TextBlock.Triggers> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="Binding.TargetUpdated"> <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource NostMetadataFade_SB_YEAR}" /> <!-- <BeginStoryboard Storyboard="{StaticResource NostSelectorFade_SB_YEAR}" /> --> </EventTrigger> </TextBlock.Triggers> </TextBlock> I don't have time to test that now but you can try it out. You're the second person to ask for this change, so maybe I'll work in a toggle where you can easily turn the date on/off. I really need to finish an update for this theme, and if you want to just wait for the update perhaps I can add that change. Glad to hear you like the theme; was quite a chore to put together.
  12. Thanks, Jason. I know you always get things squared away, and I appreciate the effort you continue to put into improvements. There are a few quirky things about my themes in their current form on the downloads area. I have some updates in progress on my dev machine that are working fine (prior to the recent styles change), so I'll test with these versions once you have a fix in place.
  13. Thank you. To be clear I don't use that particular file, but I do put my own xaml files in the Styles folder. I know other theme developers do, too. That fix is reasonable if it's done automatically by BigBox. But the theme developer should not have to do this. It goes against the principle of refactoring and makes maintenance more difficult.
  14. This is probably the same reason my themes are broken.
  15. All of my themes are broken. About the above problem of one theme's styling ending up in another -- I honestly never saw that problem, and if it's a rare problem between particular themes maybe it's due to how those themes were designed. Doing away with the ability to use styles totally destroys my themes. If they work on your setup that's great, and I'd be surprised. Even if this does not break themes, it makes it harder to maintain them especially for those of us who rely on styles to create uniform appearances. P.s. I did download fresh copies of my themes just to see, and they're definitely broken. The theme upgrade process seems to just delete the Style folder and does not do anything to put the appropriate styles into the view files. P.p.s. If I put a fresh copy of a theme in Themes and add to that theme's folder the 9.4.5.txt file, it seems to prevent the upgrade process from messing up the theme. However, there are still some weird style issues that are occurring with files such as ListBoxItemStyle.
  16. Yep that's great -- thanks for posting it. I use gimp for a lot of stuff too. If you don't mind, perhaps I can bundle it with WL the next time I update?
  17. That differs from how it behaves for me (Windows 7 but shouldn't matter). What about doing this? video_fullscreen = "false" video_windowed_fullscreen = "true" ui_menubar_enable = "false" Glad you like it. Yeah, no one caught this in beta testing. I'm pretty sure we can figure it out though.
  18. WL basically forces an emulator's window into a fullscreen window, and to work the emulator must not be running in exclusive fullscreen mode. To prevent exclusive fullscreen mode in RA, you can either set video_fullscreen to false or video_windowed_fullscreen to true. I use the following configuration settings: video_fullscreen = "true" # can optionally just leave this false if you want video_windowed_fullscreen = "true" # if using fullscreen, RA will render to a window Using this config, I don't need to worry about setting ui_menubar_enable to false (because video_fullscreen automatically hides it) but you could do so if you want it won't change anything. Thanks for pointing out this issue -- I'll update the WL guide to mention video_windowed_fullscreen. WL currently supports exit fades only when quitting the game from the pause menu. I might try to tackle this in the future. That's terrific. I hadn't tried MAME savestates but glad to hear it's working well. I'll bundle your config file with the next release.
  19. Sorry for the late reply @JaysArcade -- not sure how I missed your post. Thanks for the log file; looks good. To activate the pause menu, you can use either a keyboard or gamepad. By default, use "Alt+A" on the keyboard or "PageUp^PageDn+Up" on the gamepad, i.e., hold down gamepad buttons mapped to PageUp and PageDn (as per BigBox) then press button mapped to Up. I pulled this from the bundled PDF manual: Also, I recommend enabling a hotkey modifier when using RetroArch. It's probably not necessary, but I tested the bundled config files using SHIFT as the hotkey. I did this to better work with certain cores such as scummvm which rely a lot on keyboard input. From the WL manual: RetroArch: tested with version 1.7.4  Use general setting: input_enable_hotkey = "shift" (to work with bundled configuration files) Let me know if the above gets it working for you. I suspect you just need to use these keyboard or gamepad button combos to pull up the pause menu. These button combos are configurable.
  20. Thanks for testing VLC as well. Would you send me a log file from LaunchBox\Logs when it hangs? You'll first have to enable logs by changing this line in LaunchBox\Data\Settings.xml: <DebugLog>true</DebugLog> Maybe the log file will contain some clues. Please generate the log file using the default WMP if you have time. P.s. You should backup the LB settings file anytime you hand-edit a change like this, just in case.
  21. Glad you like it! Thanks for reporting that issue -- I don't typically let attract mode run for awhile, so I've never noticed that. Would you please provide some more info: What version of Refaktor are you using? The newest version? What version of LaunchBox are you using? Is your LB media stored locally on the system, or do you use networked drives? Were you using WMP or VLC to play videos? If you used the theme out of the box it'll force the use of WMP. To use VLC, you have to edit AOStyles.xaml in the theme's Styles folder; look at the notes int the top section of that file (it's a simple edit). It forces WMP by default because I've found it's generally more stable, but please see how VLC holds up to attract mode on your system.
  22. Any theme can be edited by modifying the XAML files. How you go about it depends on the specific theme. Try contacting the author of that theme with specific questions. There are also support threads for many of the themes.
  23. Updated to v1.7 -- see changelog on download page
  24. Updated to v5.6 - see changelog on download page
  25. @daphnefan: Updated Refaktor to 1.3 -- added a wheel view for platforms and games. It should look good on a 4:3 monitor; please let me know if it works out as I don't have a 4:3 monitor myself for testing. You might need to tweak the config file a little (maybe not); check out the PDF bundled with the download for info.
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