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Everything posted by faeran

  1. faeran


    Awesome, glad to hear. All I did was add a theme specific option to make sure background videos are off. I also changed the name of it, just in case there was some old behind the scenes code that was tied to its name that controls the background/foreground video logic.
  2. That looks like a custom theme you are using there. You can ask over on the theme's support thread, but it most likely involves editing the theme's code to accomplish what you are after.
  3. faeran


    I wasn't able to recreate the issue with this setting, but I made some changes to the theme's override settings to hopefully help with people that do, and released it as version 3.01
  4. You can use the Request a Feature link, which is under Help & Support at the top of the page. We triage feature requests there based on votes. Turn on Startup Screens to see if that helps The option is under Tools > Manage > Storefronts. You can disable it from there. You should create a separate post, maybe under troubleshooting with as much information as you can add about your issue. Also, don't worry, translations will get added before release.
  5. Maybe turn off transitions in options for the platform videos.
  6. The LaunchBox 13.7 beta thread has been opened, and can be followed here:
  7. Hey everyone, LaunchBox 13.7 beta 1 has been released with the main one being an all new Manage Storefront window that contains a host of new features. Beta 1: New Feature: A new Manage Storefronts window allows for easy access of your storefront credentials and automated import settings. This can be found in Tools > Manage > Manage Storefronts Improvement: You can now automatically import your storefront games that are not currently installed Improvement: You can now change your automated import settings per storefront Improvement: You can now manually run the automated import process. This can be done by going to Tools > Scan > Scan for Storefront Games, or by right clicking the LaunchBox taskbar icon (if enabled) and selecting Scan for Added Games Improvement: The Genre sidebar filter now nests genre / sub-genre pairs similar to the on-the-fly filter Improvement: The media download default settings during an import have been changed for new users, which can then be adjusted to the user's liking Improvement: Launching an additional application listed as a document will no longer increment Play Count or Play Time Improvement: Added the '.chm' file extension to the list of extensions used to identify an additional application as a document Improvement: Updated Ubisoft's game import and install state logic to match some changes made in Ubisoft's processes Fixed: Steam Trailer media type would always appear checked in the Steam Import wizard instead of being set to the last value Fixed: Platform Icons weren't displaying for free users correctly if there was an '&' in the name of the platform or playlist Fixed: In Big Box some of the controller binding images were incorrect Fixed: Several rare errors related to the Download Metadata and Media process Fixed: The tooltip string was missing in the Default theme's 3D model preview Fixed: LaunchBox's Default theme's Font folder was remaining locked after closing LaunchBox Beta 2: Improvement: Big Box's Recent Games list has been adjusted to better represent games a user last played Improvement: The Most Played Game listed in Platform/Filter details is now chosen based on both play count and play time, instead of just play count Fixed: Some LaunchBox themes were using more memory than they should and not releasing it correctly Fixed: Storefront auto import setting was incorrectly being applied (introduced in beta 1) Thanks to everyone helping us test this release, we really appreciate it.
  8. If you would like to use m3u files for this core, you're likely going to need to set up a manual file.
  9. The Games Database is currently in a state of flux. There was a first phase of a solution that helps with incorrect matching of Steam games. It no longer uses the name to determine the match, and we've essentially eliminated Steam games getting matched to a wrong game entry. The second phase is still a work in progress and will fill in the gaps you are seeing here. In the meantime, there should be options during an import to grab Steam metadata and media for these games until we finish our backend solution. I unfortunately don't have an ETA to share on when this will finish.
  10. It shows as needing an update because I haven't uploaded this version to the theme manager yet, so it doesn't know that it's newer than the older version up there. Updating through the theme manager will download the older version. As to why your videos don't work with this theme, I'm not sure. You can check theme specific options to see if there's anything in there messing with your setup.
  11. Based on a few searches, it looks like the issue is the core doesn't like absolute paths to be inside of their m3u files. It's some limitation to the core's implementation of m3u files.
  12. Hopefully you'll figure it out, just know that it won't be this theme causing that kind of issue as it uses the stock vanilla video control with nothing special about it.
  13. Not sure how much help this is, but I was able to find that game using its title or alt title just fine. What happens if you run Tools > Download > Force Update Games Database Metadata, and then try again. You could also check the file LaunchBox\Metadata\Metadata.xml and see if it has a recent Date Modified date.
  14. Just want to let you guys know that we also agree. I've added it to a long term list of changes we would like to get to.
  15. The only way to really accomplish this is to create other playlists all the games not in your lightgun playlists. Then you can just organize your Platform Categories filter section with only the playlists you want to see.
  16. Well, it checks every game, which is what you see in the progress bar, but only changes fields based on the setting you choose. All metadata is downloaded locally, and the metadata file is updated with new database changes (both for new info and new images) if the local metadata file is older than something like 24 hours, which would happen before the metadata check and the media download.
  17. See if either of these options help you out: Tools > Options > General, and turn on Minimize and Restore options. Or Tools > Options > Gameplay > Game Startup, and check the Use Game Startup Screen
  18. The only way right now is to use the Metadata and Media download wizard allows you to do this. If you choose the middle option that says "Yes, but do not replace any existing fields or media (recommended)", this option essentially doesn't download new metadata if there's something already filled into a particular field. As far as the media download is concerned, if you are using the media limit option, it could find thousands of images that could be potentially downloaded, but instead of downloading the 10 images it found for a particular image group, it would stop at 1 if you set your limit to 1.
  19. Can you explain what you are expecting to see instead of that keyboard icon? Also, what theme are you using?
  20. After you run through your organization of your files, go into LaunchBox, select all games on a platform by platform basis and run Tools > File Management > Change ROMs Folder Path for Selected Games for each platform that needs it.
  21. So, here's an example of what I'm referring to, just know that this is not a completed code, but it gets you a bit closer. Then you can edit it and style and position things the way you want. <coverFlow:FlowControl.FlowTemplate> <DataTemplate> <coverFlow:FlowContext> <Grid Background="Transparent" Height="300" Width="600"> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/> <ColumnDefinition Width="1*"/> </Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <coverFlow:FlowImage Grid.Column="0" ImageType="Backgrounds" /> <TextBlock Grid.Column="1" Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type coverFlow:FlowContext}}, Path=DataContext.Title}" /> </Grid> </coverFlow:FlowContext> </DataTemplate> </coverFlow:FlowControl.FlowTemplate>
  22. Well, it doesn't look like you wrapped the items in a Grid, or set up the Grid Columns to get what you are after. I'm also going to guess you'll need to wrap the image in a container that's a static size, or else you'll end up with results you were not expecting. You may also want to format the TextBlock. If you need some help on how to utilize a Grid, there should be lots of examples in different themes. Also since it's basic WPF, google would definitely have a wealth of information.
  23. It would be more like this: <coverFlow:FlowImage />
  24. I feel like there was some attempts to make this work back in the day that didn't pan out. Intellisense should inform you if something in the code looks out of place and needs fixing, it's one of the reasons I use VS. I really only provided the textblock code that can be used inside of the template, since it requires some extra stuff in it to make it functional. You'll need to use a FlowImage to get the clear logo back, and use a Grid with two Columns to get them next to each other.
  25. Don't think this has ever been possible unfortunately, although I still like to use Visual Studio for its intelliSense. This is possible using a FlowControl item template. I feel like you can see an example of this inside of the Documentation.pdf which is in your LaunchBox\Themes folder. You can add a textblock that looks something like this: <TextBlock Text="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type coverFlow:FlowContext}}, Path=DataContext.Title}" />
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