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Everything posted by faeran

  1. The LaunchBox 13.4 beta thread has been opened, and can be followed here:
  2. Hi Everyone, LaunchBox 13.4 beta 1 has just dropped with the following changes: New Premium Feature: The LaunchBox game details pane can now be popped out into its own window (custom themes do require updating) Improvement: LaunchBox image views have been optimized and will now load faster Improvement: Images will now appear more gracefully when scrolling with the mouse wheel inside of LaunchBox Improvement: Badges in LaunchBox will now dynamically update themselves without requiring a reload of the view Improvement: The game details view will now reload after leaving a game to accurately reflect new play time, play count, and achievements updates Improvement: The LaunchBox import wizards no longer act as if they're locked up while parsing the games to be imported Improvement: The MAME arcade full set import wizard is now much faster Improvement: MAME prerequisite files have been updated to allow for a better import experience with newer versions of MAME Improvement: MAME import filters have been adjusted and will now include less non-games by default Improvement: The LaunchBox sidebar filter button will now better adapt its values when used in conjunction with the search bar Fixed: A rare memory leak that could occur in some situations due to the VLC video playback engine Fixed: A rare theme bug when launching Big Box from within LaunchBox Beta 2: Improvement: Clicking either the primary LaunchBox window or the Game Details pop out now brings BOTH windows to front to make it easier to use the app in that configuration Fixed: LaunchBox image view not displaying correctly when using arrange by feature to arrange by anything other than title Fixed: Issue with boxes being added and not being displayed in the row correctly Fixed: Error message displayed in some themes while using arrange by feature Fixed: Issues with scrolling stuttering in LaunchBox Image View (especially when scrolling up) Fixed: Issue with the Image View not returning to the top when selecting a new filter value Fixed: Videos weren't being paused before popping in Game Details causing audio to play but not video Beta 3: Fixed: Several arrange by groups of a single item were causing the rows to render on top of each other Fixed: Last item in a row wasn't always resizing the row correctly Fixed: Pressing a string of keys to jump to a game (pressing M to jump to first game starting with M for example) wasn't scrolling to the correct position Fixed: After manually adding a new game the grid wasn't jumping to that game Fixed: Crashes related to using an arrange by setting other than title that some themes were having Fixed: Issue related to deleting the last item in the Game Details carousel preview Beta 4: New Feature: Added StarRatingGrid, MediaPreview, MediaList (for theme devs) New Feature: Added ability to set details min height/width from theme Fixed: Issue with Images View while using certain short Image Groups Fixed: Rare crash in LaunchBox when selecting a platform with a large amount of playtime Fixed: Starting into ListView wasn't loading headers properly Fixed: Issue where certain actions while in ListView would throw a threading error Fixed: Some times you couldn't interact with the content view after a refresh Beta 5: Fixed: Details Pop Out wasn't rendering correctly on startup Fixed: GOG Credentials incorrectly being flagged as changed when scanning for achievements in Options Fixed: List View not scrolling to the correct location after certain events Fixed: Scrolling up from the bottom of boxes view would sometimes hitch making scrolling difficult Like always, thanks to everyone on the beta channel helping us solidify it for the next release.
  3. Normally, this is caused by it being wrapped in a parent element that doesn't adhere to alignment properties. If you need more help, send me a PM.
  4. You'll want to open the following file: LaunchBox\LBThemes\Big Details\Views\GameDetailsView.xaml Find the following line: <Viewbox Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5 0.5"> Change the following: Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Left" That should give you an idea on how you think it looks.
  5. Lots of ways, however, all of them would require you to dig into the code and move it to where you want. If you want to adventure in, I can try and help guide you in how to do it.
  6. It's best to keep names the way that you see them in LaunchBox for best results, so in your example it would be Nintendo Wii. LaunchBox for Android only has the ability to delete games on an entire platform basis. You would have to select a platform and choose delete, then one of the option that will be asked is if you want to delete all the games. Per-game deletion is not currently a thing. I could see us adding it some time in the future, but it would be one of those features that could cause a lot of harm to a user's library if we don't do it properly.
  7. Inside of that folder, in a subfolders called Games\[platform name]
  8. Just tested this, but I was able to download discs from EmuMovies just fine. Which games were you having issues with? Also, when you reach the last page of the download metadata and media wizard, are you choosing the recommended option to not replace any existing fields or media?
  9. Found this. If this is still valid, you may be running into this issue: https://github.com/xenia-project/xenia/issues/1999 If you have Startup themes turned on, you could attempt to hide the mouse cursor during a game. The option appears under Tools > Manage > Emulators. Choose the Xenia emulator, then go into the Startup Screen section and click on Hide Mouse Cursor During Game.
  10. I've heard of issues where certain video files could cause issues, like flv files, or corrupted video files. That's a hard thing to test though. You could try and narrow down if this is the cause by removing all videos, and adding them back one platform at a time, or removing all platforms but one (while creating backups of everything). Keep adding another platform after a long test until you run into the issue.
  11. By default, you'll find a LaunchBox folder on the root of your internal storage.
  12. Well, I do believe right now those extra docs will appear inside the additional versions section of that menu. They will also show up in the pause menu. The location could be improved, however, I do recommend you make a request over on bitbucket so it doesn't get lost in an old beta thread.
  13. I'm not sure when I can get around to it, but I have it on my list to take a look at eventually.
  14. This would definitely be theme specific. The issue is most likely caused by the image being placed inside of a stackpanel while either not having a max height set, or the max height that is set is too large. You'd see it mostly for really tall boxes (like Nintendo Switch).
  15. If I remember correctly, there's a file size limit. I can't recall exactly what it is set to, but to be safe, I'd recommend splitting files to under 2GB parts. Uploading (and downloading for that matter) is controlled by a ton of factors. One thing to note is that when uploading to the forums, you are uploading to a single server in a specific part of the world. Depending on where you are in the world, relative to the location of the server, can affect your speeds. There's not really much you can do about that.
  16. Looks like you either need to set the default location of the video container to appear off to the side, or set an animation that triggers when the view loads that places the video container off to the side by setting the From and To as the same thing with a BeginTime and Duration of 0:0:0. You also could have conflicting animations going on there, so I would double check all of that to make sure nothing is out of order.
  17. Hi Paul. If you mean a video that would play when the app is opened, currently LaunchBox for Android does not support this. If you feel strongly about it, you can always make a request for this over on our bitbucket. Looks for the link at the top of the page: HELP & SUPPORT > REQUEST A FEATURE
  18. Based on a quick google search, it's possible that version of MAME had color issues with that game. You may need to update to a newer set.
  19. In LaunchBox, go into Tools > Options and find the General > Updates section. Uncheck the three options.
  20. I probably won't be circling back to this one for a while, but if anyone wanted to create these views, the project files are available for the CTC for anyone feeling adventurous
  21. If I'm remembering correctly, I don't think device images was ever something LaunchBox bundled with the program itself, but was always something that a user had to add themselves.
  22. faeran

    Little plethora

    For MS-DOS games, make sure you have downloaded the DOSBox Pure core, and have chosen that within LaunchBox as well. That's the only core that can run zipped MS-DOS games, and is what the export function is set up to use.
  23. Sounds like you may have a number of configuration issues inside of LaunchBox. This indicates that you may have accidentally imported mp4 files during your ROM import process. This happens if you have your ROM files and your video files in the same folder and import the entire folder or all the files into LaunchBox. This indicates that you are possibly pointing to a different version of RetroArch than you are thinking. One that doesn't have any cores available. In LaunchBox, go into Tools > Manage > Emulators. Edit your RetroArch entry, and see what the application path is. That will tell you where LaunchBox is expecting to find RetroArch. Then in explorer, go to that location and make sure cores are available (if not, you can download them within RetroArch, or use LaunchBox's RetroArch download and installer found under Tools > Manage > RetroArch. Then, go back to your RetroArch emulator window inside of LaunchBox and check your Associated Platforms section to make sure each platform you want to play is associated with the core that you want to use.
  24. faeran

    Little plethora

    When you enable beta versions in the app, then each time you open LaunchBox it will check to see if a beta version is available. If it is, then it will ask you if you would like to update. If there isn't, then nothing out of the ordinary will happen. The way themes work on Android is that a theme creator can add as many views as they like, or as little as they like, to their theme. This means that a theme could only have 1 platform view, or 1 games view, or many of both. After you download a theme, then either on a platform view or a games view, you can click on the top right menu and choose Change View. You'll find available theme views there.
  25. Version 13.3 - Released April 24, 2023 Full Changelog: https://www.launchbox-app.com/about/changelog New Feature: LaunchBox will now optionally sync your game statistics to the cloud and sync them between your installations using your LaunchBox Games Database account. If enabled, your Favorites, Completed, Last Played, Play Time, Play Count, and Star Rating fields will be synced. You can enable this under Tools > Cloud > Enable Game Statistics Syncing after connecting to the LaunchBox Games Database (also in the Cloud menu). New Feature: 3D model overrides can now be set on a game-specific basis using the Add/Edit Game window Improvement: Import processes have been significantly improved for Nintendo Wii U and Sony Playstation 3 platforms, which should now properly identify the game's name when importing Improvement: LaunchBox has now been upgraded to .NET 6.0 (from .NET Core 3.1), and no longer requires a separate .NET framework install in order to function Improvement: The included hashing application from RetroAchievements.org has been upgraded to better identify Retro Achievements for games that use CHD files Improvement: Scanning for Nintendo DS achievements should now yield better results Improvement: The ROM import wizard now does a better job parsing folders that contain a game with multiple BIN track files Improvement: The update notification popup that used to come up on startup (when background updates are disabled) has been changed to a notification instead, primarily to prevent window focus issues on startup Improvement: Scanning for achievements now works with M3U files Improvement: LaunchBox plugins now have the ability to add nested menu items in the game context menu (for plugin developers) Improvement: The visibility binding AchievementScoreVisibility for the Retro Score element has been adjusted to now collapse if turned off or unable to display in LaunchBox (for theme developers) Improvement: A new visibility binding (ModelVisibility) for 3D Models has been added to the MainView in LaunchBox (for theme developers) Fixed: Star ratings in the Game Details pane were not always being submitted to the cloud Fixed: The Retro Achievements window was unable to fetch information due to changes with the RetroAchievements.org API Fixed: The Audit window was improperly sorting the Box - Spine column Fixed: The Games tab in the Playlist window was refreshing when attempting to click on a game in the grid, if your list was populated via the Auto-Populate Playlist feature Fixed: In rare cases, the games view inside of LaunchBox was not refreshing properly if the selected sidebar item wasn't visible in the list
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