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Everything posted by faeran

  1. What you are running into here is due to MAME and how their romsets function. LaunchBox has no way of knowing which type of romset you have imported, and there's a 66% chance (actually probably more) that the game you are exporting will be missing dependency files that allow the game to run. MAME is not essentially always 1 game = 1 file. Depending on the game, and romset type, it could range from 1 file = many games, to 1 game = many files. To get around this, your entire set is exported to make sure all games function. An exception here is your CHD files. Depending on where you have your CHD files located, it's possible that LaunchBox will not pull those over, and you'll need to manually place them in the correct location on your Android device. Something to note is that current romset versions of MAME on Android devices is hit and miss as there's no official MAME app on that platform. Export/copy ROM files will run into similar issues, however I'm pretty sure it will allow you to move files from it, but judging by your romset size, it will break a lot of the games by doing so due to missing dependency files, so I would watch out there.
  2. This was changed before release. The tooltip will now only appear if you have View > Show / Hide > Text on All Games disabled.
  3. Steam games have undergone a foundational change to the way they are matched to our database. We have a number of phases planned to get it all deployed, and at the moment we have deployed phase 1 which stopped incorrect matches from happening. More work is needed to get through the remaining phases, which will solve what you are seeing here. Most of the remaining work is database related, so best I can say is, it's coming
  4. Thanks. Looks like I missed a visibility binding there. I'll have that corrected when the next beta comes out.
  5. Version 13.6 - Released July 24, 2023 Full Changelog: https://www.launchbox-app.com/about/changelog New Feature: LaunchBox can now automatically import all installed PC games from supported storefronts on startup, without requiring any user interaction (Steam, GOG, Epic Games, Amazon Games, and Ubisoft Connect); this will be enabled by default on all new installations of LaunchBox. To enable it for existing LaunchBox installations, go to Tools > Options > General > Automated Imports. New Feature: LaunchBox now has a brand new Default theme! The previous Default theme has been renamed Old Default and the previous Old Default theme has been renamed to Old Default (Legacy). Use Tools > Manage LaunchBox Themes to switch themes. New Feature: LaunchBox now has its own notifications system that helps better track information and errors; history is also available in the new notifications center (bell icon) in the top right of the window. The notifications center is available in both of the Default themes, and can be easily added to any custom themes. A new option is available under Tools > Options > General > Notifications to switch between LaunchBox notifications, Windows notifications, and message boxes. New Feature: Big Box's Default theme now has battery indicators to help identify your current battery level if using it on a battery-powered device (also available to be added to custom themes) New Feature: Big Box's Default theme now displays important controller inputs that will dynamically change based on a user's controller mappings (also available to be added to custom themes) Improvement: LaunchBox can now better manage storefront installations and uninstallations and can update the user interface to track them Improvement: The PS3 ROM import improvements that were introduced in 13.3 now work with more ROM types Improvement: LaunchBox now supports custom theme plugins (for theme developers) Improvement: LaunchBox platform icons in the sidebar now have a HasImage binding (for theme developers) Improvement: Steam game matching has been significantly improved to reduce any chance for false matches Fixed: Rare overflow error thrown from LaunchBox's platform details view Fixed: Corrected some visual issues when the LaunchBox Image View was set to be one column wide Fixed: In some cases LaunchBox wouldn't open on the same screen it was closed on Fixed: Steam metadata occasionally wasn't being returned in English Fixed: Some storefront import wizards were not updating the game selection counts correctly Fixed: The Big Box FlowImage control was incorrectly using Big Box settings to grab platform background images Fixed: Deleting an item from the list of media in the LaunchBox game details wasn't removing it from the list control Fixed: Potential issue in Big Box where it could not regain focus in some situations on touchscreen devices (such as the ROG Ally)
  6. The Notification Bell is highly customizable and can be themed to match your overall aesthetic. This post is to allow you to add the same notification bell that appears in the default theme. Open your theme's MainView.xaml file and do the following: Step 1: Add the following namespaces (if missing): xmlns:converter="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Converters;assembly=Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows" xmlns:dsktp="clr-namespace:Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows.Desktop.Controls;assembly=LaunchBox" Step 2: Add the MultiplyBy converter to the <Window.Resources> section: <converter:MultiplyByConverter x:Key="MultiplyByConverter" /> Step 3: Add the Notification Bell code and place it anywhere in the layout you prefer: <dsktp:NotificationsButton x:Name="Notifications" Margin="5,1,20,0" Background="Transparent" BorderThickness="0" Focusable="True" Opacity="1.0" FocusVisualStyle="{x:Null}" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0"> <Button.Style> <Style TargetType="{x:Type dsktp:NotificationsButton}"> <Setter Property="Template"> <Setter.Value> <ControlTemplate TargetType="{x:Type dsktp:NotificationsButton}"> <Grid x:Name="Grid" Margin="0,0" Background="Transparent" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0"> <Grid.RenderTransform> <RotateTransform Angle="0"/> </Grid.RenderTransform> <Path x:Name="Bell" Fill="White" Opacity="0.4" Stretch="Fill" Height="16" Width="13" Margin="10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Data="M48.3149 52.2484C33.7174 56.3509 18.2721 56.3542 3.67282 52.2581C-0.942449 50.9544 0.212581 43.9029 5.14011 44.3187V29.1341C5.14011 1.59404 46.8598 1.60711 46.8598 29.1341V44.3138C51.7777 43.9008 52.9548 50.9731 48.3149 52.2484ZM19.22 57.0542C19.6841 58.4892 20.5912 59.74 21.8111 60.6268C23.0309 61.5137 24.5005 61.9909 26.0086 61.9898C27.5168 61.9886 28.9857 61.5093 30.2042 60.6207C31.4227 59.732 32.3281 58.4799 32.79 57.0442C28.2739 57.4026 23.7366 57.406 19.22 57.0542ZM32.72 7.28421C32.72 -2.41542 19.28 -2.41704 19.28 7.29421C23.3292 5.67256 28.4697 6.22163 32.72 7.28421Z"/> <Path x:Name="Overlay" Fill="White" Opacity="0" Stretch="Fill" Height="16" Width="13" Margin="10,0" HorizontalAlignment="Center" Data="M50.3149 52.2484C35.7174 56.3509 20.2721 56.3542 5.67282 52.2581C1.05755 50.9544 2.21258 43.9029 7.14011 44.3187V29.1341C7.14011 1.59404 48.8598 1.60711 48.8598 29.1341V44.3138C53.7777 43.9008 54.9548 50.9731 50.3149 52.2484ZM21.22 57.0542C21.6841 58.4892 22.5912 59.74 23.8111 60.6268C25.0309 61.5137 26.5005 61.9909 28.0086 61.9898C29.5168 61.9886 30.9857 61.5093 32.2042 60.6207C33.4227 59.732 34.328 58.4799 34.79 57.0442C30.2739 57.4026 25.7366 57.406 21.22 57.0542ZM34.72 7.28421C34.72 -2.41542 21.28 -2.41704 21.28 7.29421C25.3292 5.67256 30.4697 6.22163 34.72 7.28421ZM55.7529 21.6878C54.1011 15.6596 50.3803 10.405 45.2426 6.84504C45.0245 6.69659 44.7565 6.64032 44.4971 6.68851C44.2377 6.73669 44.0078 6.88541 43.8575 7.10229C43.7072 7.31917 43.6487 7.58665 43.6946 7.84648C43.7406 8.10631 43.8874 8.33745 44.103 8.48958C48.8542 11.7806 52.2954 16.6391 53.8232 22.2132C53.8946 22.4672 54.0634 22.6827 54.2929 22.8127C54.5225 22.9428 54.7941 22.9769 55.0486 22.9076C55.3032 22.8383 55.52 22.6712 55.6519 22.4427C55.7839 22.2143 55.8201 21.9429 55.7529 21.6878ZM11.8969 8.48958C12.1125 8.33745 12.2593 8.10631 12.3053 7.84648C12.3513 7.58665 12.2928 7.31917 12.1425 7.10229C11.9922 6.88541 11.7623 6.73669 11.5028 6.68851C11.2434 6.64032 10.9754 6.69659 10.7573 6.84504C5.61964 10.405 1.89882 15.6596 0.246998 21.6878C0.179755 21.9429 0.216042 22.2143 0.347954 22.4427C0.479867 22.6712 0.696716 22.8383 0.951265 22.9076C1.20581 22.9769 1.47744 22.9428 1.70696 22.8127C1.93649 22.6827 2.10533 22.4672 2.17669 22.2132C3.70452 16.6391 7.1457 11.7806 11.8969 8.48958Z"> <Path.Effect> <DropShadowEffect x:Name="DropShadow" Color="White" BlurRadius="55" ShadowDepth="0" Opacity="1.0" /> </Path.Effect> </Path> <Grid x:Name="GridNotification" Opacity="0"> <Border x:Name="Border" Height="12" Width="12" CornerRadius="6" Opacity="0" BorderThickness="1" BorderBrush="#232429" Background="#30DB72" VerticalAlignment="Top" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Margin="0,5,5,0"> <Viewbox Margin="-1,0,0,0"> <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=Notifications, Path=UnreadNotifications}" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="#232429" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" /> </Viewbox> </Border> </Grid> </Grid> <ControlTemplate.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Converter={StaticResource IsGreaterThan}, ConverterParameter='0', ElementName=Notifications, Path=UnreadNotifications}" Value="True"> <Setter TargetName="Bell" Property="Opacity" Value="0.7" /> </DataTrigger> <MultiDataTrigger> <MultiDataTrigger.Conditions> <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=Grid, Path=IsMouseOver}" Value="True"/> <Condition Binding="{Binding Converter={StaticResource IsGreaterThan}, ConverterParameter='0', ElementName=Notifications, Path=UnreadNotifications}" Value="True"/> </MultiDataTrigger.Conditions> <Setter TargetName="Bell" Property="Opacity" Value="1.0"/> </MultiDataTrigger> <MultiDataTrigger> <MultiDataTrigger.Conditions> <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=Grid, Path=IsMouseOver}" Value="True"/> <Condition Binding="{Binding ElementName=Notifications, Path=UnreadNotifications}" Value="0"/> </MultiDataTrigger.Conditions> <Setter TargetName="Bell" Property="Opacity" Value="0.7"/> </MultiDataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding ElementName=Notifications, Path=UnreadNotifications}" Value="0"> <DataTrigger.EnterActions> <StopStoryboard BeginStoryboardName="NotificationRaisedAnimation" /> </DataTrigger.EnterActions> </DataTrigger> <EventTrigger RoutedEvent="NotificationRaised"> <BeginStoryboard Name="NotificationRaisedAnimation"> <Storyboard FillBehavior="HoldEnd"> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="Grid" Storyboard.TargetProperty="(Grid.RenderTransform).(RotateTransform.Angle)" AutoReverse="True"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0" Value="0"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> <SineEase EasingMode="EaseOut"/> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.5" Value="10"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> <SineEase EasingMode="EaseOut"/> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1" Value="-10"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> <SineEase EasingMode="EaseInOut"/> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame.EasingFunction> </EasingDoubleKeyFrame> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="Overlay" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" AutoReverse="True"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0" Value="0"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0.5" Value="1"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1" Value="0"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> <DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames Storyboard.TargetName="Border" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity"> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:0" Value="0"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:1.5" Value="0"/> <EasingDoubleKeyFrame KeyTime="0:0:2" Value="1"/> </DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames> <DoubleAnimation Storyboard.TargetName="GridNotification" Storyboard.TargetProperty="Opacity" Duration="0:0:0.2" To="1"/> </Storyboard> </BeginStoryboard> </EventTrigger> </ControlTemplate.Triggers> </ControlTemplate> </Setter.Value> </Setter> </Style> </Button.Style> </dsktp:NotificationsButton> That's it. At this point you can optionally adjust the look of the Notification Bell to your liking. If you would like to theme the way the notifications look, grab the following files from the Default theme and place them into your custom theme. Then open them up and theme to your hearts content: NotificationView.xaml - What each notification looks like NotificationListView.xaml - What the notification center looks like
  7. This will be available in the official release. It will adhere the Show Text on All Games option. List view is designed to sort by column headers. You'll see it appear in the theme manager sometime shortly after release. We will most likely also have it available on the forums. The theme itself is deemed legacy and will not be receiving any updates moving forward.
  8. Go into LaunchBox\Updates and delete the beta setup file, then see what happens if you download the update again.
  9. Beta 6 is out with the following: Improvement: New user automated import notification will now wait for a user action Improvement: The GOG Uninstall monitoring process is now more accurate Improvement: Various changes to the Default theme Fixed: Prompts tied to notifications disappearing when the notification was removed from tray Fixed: Scroll wheel logic in the Default theme's Game Details panel has been fine tuned For users that had issues updating last beta, you will still need to use your workaround one more time, but it will be the last, as the fix comes with this update.
  10. Beta 5 is out with the following: Improvement: Steam game matching has been significantly improved to reduce any chance for false matches Improvement: Polish and tweaks to the new default theme Fixed: Potential issue in Big Box where it could not regain focus in some situations on touchscreen devices (such as the ROG Ally) We have also identified a bug with the new notifications interfering with LaunchBox updates (in certain situations) which will get addressed tomorrow. If you find yourself in this situation, a workaround is to click the download link on the notification within the notification center (and not while it's floating in the bottom-right corner). The theme you are using must support the notification bell/center. Another workaround is to load up Big Box to run the update.
  11. In LaunchBox, right click your WonderSwan category and create a playlist. Go to the Auto-Populate tab and add two lines: Platform - Is Equal To - WonderSwan Platform - Is Equal To - WonderSwan [T-En] Those rules basically say to include all games from those two platforms in this one playlist. Call the playlist whatever you like. Fill in any other information you'd like, and assign images to the platform here. The Parents tab will allow you to place the playlist anywhere in your hierarchy that you'd like (including in multiple places if you wish). This Platform Categories hierarchy will then get represented within BigBox and you'll see your playlist there which will include all your WonderSwan games.
  12. Sounds like you have a version of that theme that's not present in the Theme Manager. Basically, it's a theme that you added manually yourself via the forums. I know that theme went through a number of revisions, and there's one version of the theme that's "retired". I'm guessing there's another version of the theme you can download in the theme manager area.
  13. Curious. What are your Sort By option set to when this happens?
  14. Looks like the first post does indicate that they were commissioned.
  15. Did you check for an update in LaunchBox under Tools > Manage LaunchBox Themes? Also, if you haven't already, you'll probably have better luck making a post in the comments section of the theme for the author to see.
  16. You may need to download the apk file from the official RetroArch website and sideload it onto your device: https://www.retroarch.com/ What version you would need would be determined by what device you have and which version of Android it's running.
  17. I would reach out to support@unbrokensoftware.com for any license related issues you may be facing.
  18. Beta 2 is out with the following: New Feature: LaunchBox can now automatically import installed PC games from supported storefronts on startup Improvement: LaunchBox now better monitors install/uninstall processes and updates the UI better when either event completes Fixed: Some storefront import wizards were not updating the game selection counts correctly Fixed: FlowImage was incorrectly using Big Box settings to grab Platform Background images For anyone willing, to test the automatic PC game import feature, a new, separate LaunchBox build is recommended. Use the beta setup file to install LaunchBox to a new location, then when it opens, see if the games that appear in LaunchBox are the ones you would expect to see. To test this on a current build, you would need to go into Tools > Options > General > Automated Imports, and make sure the option is turned on. Then restart LaunchBox and see if your installed games import (granted that they are not already imported into LaunchBox).
  19. If you have startup screens turned on, can you turn them off and see if it helps at all? If they are off, you can also look in Options > General and turn on the options to Minimize and Restore LaunchBox when launching/exiting games.
  20. From your screenshot, it doesn't appear like the game is opening at all. Is this happening for all platforms or just SNK Neo Geo AES?
  21. faeran

    Big Details

    Nothing much different than other themes. They would show up in the media carousel when you press the media button. You could potentially have videos turned off. Go into Tools > Options > Visuals > Game Details and make sure Show Videos is turned on.
  22. Yeah, it should be that easy. The 3D Model adheres to your Game Details user setting. Check in Options > Visuals > Game Details and make sure Show 3D Model is turned on.
  23. Yes, but you would have to create a custom theme and add the code for the video into it.
  24. faeran


    It looks like most of what you are seeing here is because your build has no videos. At least for Platform videos you can solve this in LaunchBox by going into Tools > Download > Platform/Playlist/Category Theme Videos... and downloading yourself some. Without game videos, the video element will try and fall back to showing a screenshot or background image instead of showing a blank space. This is essentially what you are seeing happen.
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