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Retro808 last won the day on December 30 2023

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Community Answers

  1. First when in LB you need to have the view set the "Platform Categories". Then when in that view right click on any item in the left hand pane and choose >Add >New Category. Now fill out the details as you want them in the Details tab then in the Parents tab make sure only "Root" is checked. Next go to one of your Playlists and right click the name and edit it. Then in the Parents tab uncheck any locations checked there and check only the location for the new Category you made. Launchbox hierarchy goes like this. Category: Categories can contain any number of nested platforms and playlists. Categories can be nested under other categories and under platforms. Platforms: Platform can have nested Categories and Playlists. Platforms can only be nested under a Category. Playlists: Playlists can be nested under Categories and Platforms. Playlists cannot have any nested children (other Categories, Platforms, or Playlists).
  2. Is this from manual scrolling or when leaving attract mode running? Also are you on latest beta or 13.19 stable release? If you are running VLC for the videos try changing to WMP. Please note LB and BB have setting for VLC/WMP in both. So if the issue is in BB then change that option in the BB settings. If attract mode there was a prior post about this issue. The database change will not affect BB since LB typically only accessed the DB when pulling meta data during import or when updating game data.
  3. Ae you running LB Betas? The latest beta does have a new TeknoP emulator profile to assist in setting up TeknoP. It could be related to that. I have not tested the new feature since my TP has been set up for years.
  4. At the top of the forum under Help & Support you will find the Feature Request option. It leads to a secondary site you need to sign up for. Currently I am not aware of any setting that allows more than one default rom path per platform.
  5. Did you download LB from the link below or somewhere else? If not from our website directly. I would not use that file. https://www.launchbox-app.com/download
  6. You can delete it if you do not need it.
  7. If you used the Mame Full Rom Set import option on the old version just run the Full Set Importer on the new set of roms. No need to delete anything. LB will parse the data against the new rom set.
  8. LB natively does not support a marquee view which would include images or videos, but BB does support marquee views for both images and videos. The BB Default theme has a marquee specific view for both platform level and game level. The marquee view has some fallbacks in place that will play videos, then fall back to images. I believe there may be a plugin that allows marquees to be shown while using LB.
  9. Retro808


    Your Mame rom set being old is not what the error is concerned with. It is the actual Mame executable. Really old versions of Mame will not accept that LB command line. For keyboard mapping if you are talking about mapping for controls while playing a game that is all done in each unique emulator. LB and subsequently BB if you get premium license only maps controls for moving around inside the UI and for starting/exiting a game.
  10. Retro808


    What version of Mame are you running? The "-keyboard" is a command line LB sends Mame and if you are running a very old version of Mame then Mame throw that error as very old versions of Mame do not understand the command line. You have 2 options: 1. In LB go to >Tools >Manage >Emulators and edit Mame. Then in the first page that opens look for the Default Command line section and remove "-keyboardprovider dinput". Then save and close. 2. Is update your Mame version and your Mame roms. This is what I would recommend. Get rid of outdated Mame. Newer would be better, especially if you plan to build your library. However, if you are content then use what you want.
  11. Go to settings in BB and change the default startup view. In BB >Settings >Options >Views >Default Startup View (change this field to the view option you want BB to startup with.
  12. The Media Refresh option only updates the image cache LB uses to load images faster. Did you tell LB to download image when you imported the roms? What you can do is while in LB click on one game in your Mame/Arcade platform and then CTRL+A to select all. Then up on the top menu go to >Tools >Download >Update Media and Metadata for Selected Games. Then follow the prompts to select the image types you want downloaded.
  13. Open in Windows your \Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder. If you have any extra xaml files in there that are backups or copies of the original platform xaml files this can cause the disappearing games issue. Those need to be moved outside the \Data folders.
  14. Yeah, I should have been more exact. Can see how it might confuse if the whole context was not read. The original post was about doing media downloads.
  15. LB does not do video marquees which is what was being asked. LB only has marquee images. Check the downloads section. I did not look much but here is a link for some Arcade marquee videos.
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