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  1. Recently I have been having issues with MAME lightgun games, for each game I have Sinden launching as additional app.. it seems when it starts MAME loses focus and minimizes. This is kind of random, sometimes it will launch as it should and other times it will not. If I take out the Sinden software completely MAME starts fine. So if I can add a delay launching MAME.. the sinden software can start and minimize, then after a couple seconds MAME can should start without minimizing. Is there a way to delay MAME launching the rom to let Sinden fully load?
  2. Wow, to have auto-configured light guns looks amazing! I have been trying to use scripts to do something similar with RetroArch and SuperModel as windows likes to change mouse indexes randomly. Hope to try this newest build soon.. maybe even find a way to do something similar with RA and SuperModel.
  3. Has anyone got direct game launch with epic version.. I tried to use same command line as Pinball FX. I get black screen with music still playing in the background. *edit Further testing I actually do not get a black screen. It just boots into the 'home' menu. I got only 1 table launch working.. wrath of the elder gods table 147 I do not think the contents of the data file matters but the following is in the .fxt file Wrath of the Elder Gods - Director’s Cut 147 Not sure why other tables will not launch, any suggestions would be helpful
  4. I can confirm table launch works for the epic games version... if there is no data folder in PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet you need to create it. (I had to create data folder) Then extract all the data files into that folder, thanks to @sundogak for all the work. Follow his steps to import all the tables into LB.. profit! *edit also you will need to change all paths in PInballFX.xml.. you can use notepad++ replace tool find and replace C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pinball FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Data (your location) ex. D:\Roms\PINBALL-FX\PinballFX\Mods\Cabinet\Data
  5. Hi @faeran, I came across this old thread... so I am migrating my 8TB build to a single 16TB HDD... I have 200 PC games I want to import but need help with batch creating text files based on the PC folder names. I thought I had the script in my notes but I cannot find it. Do you happen to have a script to do this? *edit I found the script in a reddit post in case anyone ever needs to do this. Use this command in PowerShell $(gci "c:\your path" -Directory).name | %{ni "c:\your path\$_.txt"}
  6. Simple scrolling seems to be ok for the most part but when in 'Attract Mode' the sluggishness starts for me. I am hoping for a simple screensaver option that plays user defined videos (Batocera does this) I will try to test again with the latest LB soon though
  7. As the Play! emulator keeps improving more games are somewhat playable.. would love to see a media set for Namco 246, unless I missed it?
  8. Here is default using 'Fanart' Just not as clean and text may be hard to read depending on image being used.
  9. I'm really liking this theme for my particular gun cabinet build. However is there a way to change the game details background image to use different image rather than the default 'fanart' one. Here is the one I would like to use but it will show in game wheel view and just will not work.
  10. Is there any way to easily add game count to the platforms.. maybe by a simple code addition to the axml?
  11. Hey I found this thread and had this exact issue with all adrenaline amusement games. (spider-man, rampage, rabbids, tomb raider, etc) These are known to lockup when COM ports are in use (Not Serial). I confirmed this by unplugging my Sinden guns (COM 2 and 3) and the games launched fine. When plugging them back in they would not start. I was looking to disable COM ports but wanted to find a better solution. Just posting this in case anyone having issues with adrenaline amusement games, maybe this can be linked to a more suitable thread rather than 'disabling com ports' I fixed the issue simply be re-assigning the com ports up high to 20 and 21. Device manager - Ports - Choose port - Properties - Port settings - Advanced - Choose COM port number All seems to be working now even with guns plugged in...
  12. I did some further testing... tried another romset of ISO format.... and it does work in Launchbox. So for me... LB only has PSP retroachievement support in ISO format. Hopefully it gets updated CHD or CSO.
  13. Wanted to chime in.. I have had issues with PPSSPP and launchbox. I tried CSO and ISO... RetroAchievments both work in the standalone PPSSPP but Launchbox will not see them at all. So I am assuming CHD will not work either. I also tried the libretro core, re-importing roms, and multiple RA scans from the main settings...no go. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  14. Ok got it to work... and it works great. Lately I been having some brain farts lol, the 2 dll's I placed in the root of the plugins folder. Once I placed them in the LaunchPlatform folder all is good. Thanks for taking the time to troubleshoot my incompetence 😇
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