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Everything posted by brenavich980

  1. Make sure your games aren’t marked as hidden or broken in Launchbox by right clicking and selecting Edit.
  2. Thanks! They are a very capable, solid controller. Hope you get one soon.
  3. That was easy. Just create a text file named "portable,txt" in the same folder as the executable and it worked! I also copied over my global config files over to the new, portable version so I didn't have to reset controls and the like and just changed the resolution. Thank you very much!
  4. I see. So if I wanted Dolphin versions to share the global config (say for the stable and nightly builds) I'd install as normal. But if I wanted an install of Dolphin to deviate from the global config I would need to make it portable?
  5. Does anyone out there know where to find or have access to command line parameters for Dolphin? What I want to do is set up two Dolphin emulators in LaunchBox - one at original resolution and one at HD so the player can pick one using the "Launch with..." option in BigBox. Searched everywhere for a list but can't find it anywhere. Thanks!
  6. Yeah! You just fixed my problem with a Buffalo SNES Controller wreaking havoc in Launchbox. NOICE!
  7. Love to see you do some playlist vids such as Favorites, Most Played and the like. Keep up the good work!

  8. I do the same thing and works great. Hotkey is set to hold right stick in then L1/R1 to select slot, L2 save, R2 load, or home button to exit. A bit tedious to set up a profile for each emulator but once you're done it works like a charm.
  9. Here's a scenario I need help with. I have 2 builds (call them A and B) and I want to optimize, tweak and update on build A and transfer all that work to build B to have two identical builds. Other than the additional files and tweaks outside of LaunchBox, what files do I need to update on build B that are explicitly associated with LaunchBox? Basically I want to work on my build A while traveling and then update my build B once I get home. Thanks!
  10. Thanks! I'll look into it.
  11. Is there a way to have a separate theme for playlists? Right now Playlists take on whatever I have set for Platform Categories. This doesn't work in my case as the Platform Categories series uses a full video theme and I don't really have videos for my playlists. It's just a black screen which breaks the presentation. The random video option doesn't seem to apply in the options menu either. Hoping to have a list view for my playlist section. Can this be done? Thanks!
  12. Tried collecting but found out real quick that it was WAY too expensive for my blood. I'm all in on emulation as a hobby to see what can be built and trying to achieve the best setup possible. Playing the games, for me at least, is almost secondary.
  13. Thanks for bringing it to my attention! That NUC build is flat-out the best retro gaming experience I've ever had. Lot of work setting everything up but man was it worth it!
  14. Just finished up my arcade cab (less graphics which will get done someday) and thought I'd share my builds. All of these builds boot directly into Big Box and use a mix of GFCE, Critical Zone 1.8, and default themes. Arcade Cabinet - First is a wall-mounted arcade cabinet designed from scratch in Sketchup but loosely based on a Donkey Kong cabinet. I used 3/4" and 1/2" melamine, a 2x4" frame and Plexiglas. Everything is modular and can be taken apart and put back together with a screwdriver and a crescent wrench. Controls are Happ Suzzo and a i-PAC2 keyboard encoder. Two USB controller ports on the front and wireless mouse and keyboard for when you need it. The monitor is a AOC 27" LCD that looks amazing! (2) hidden mount 50w 4" full range speakers and a 35w stereo board fill out the sound. (Please don't mind the mess in the pictures! Redoing my basement!) At 60 FPS it runs up to Dreamcast on console, Noami and Sega Model 3 in arcade, and it runs as high as Gameboy Advanced currently for handheld but could probably do better. PC Specs: HP Compaq Pro 6300 Small Form Factor Tower (Craigslist) Intel Core i5-3570 @ 3.4GHz 4GB of DDR3 500 GB SSD MSI Computer Video Card GT 710 2GD3H LP (Needed a cheap card for HDMI output) Big Box Console - This was inspired by ETA Prime's review of the NUC Skull Canyon on his Youtube channel. Specs for the NUC Skull Canyon are here but I did overclock the CPU to 3.2GHz. There is 8GB of DDR4 2400Mhz RAM and (2) M.2 SSD @ 250 GB and 500 GB. I use 2 8Bitdo SN30 PRO controllers and these things kick ass. The controllers can run the entire system by unified automation with Controller Companion installed. Controllers even work perfectly with ScummVM! I travel a lot and this is perfect for the hotel. At 60 FPS it runs up Nintendo Wii and PS2 on console and any Arcade game I can throw at it. No handheld on this but it could probably handle PSP no problem. Surface Pro - This is for the plane. Work gave it to me and I didn't need it so it's a game pad now! Honestly this thing sucks for emulation but at least I can play up to PS1 at 60ish FPS. Use a Buffalo SNES USB controller that get the job done. Cat likes it cause of how hot it gets! Thanks for looking and happy gaming!
  15. Oh that's right. I actually did that with Demul for Dreamcast and Naomi awhile back but those were separate platforms. Guess it'd be no different than that. Thanks guys!
  16. If I did that how would I merge them to the Arcade platform? Once the MAME ROMs are switched to Arcade wouldn't they default to the associated Arcade Platform core - in this case the FBA core? Or are you saying I need 2 RA exe's in order for this to work?
  17. How would I import games if I wanted to use both Final Burn Alpha and MAME cores in Retroarch for my "Arcade" platform? Right now my FBA romset runs through RA and any ROMS not in the set run through standalone MAME. Both are in the Arcade platform. I'd rather have both FBA and MAME run through RA for ease of use, unity and the control options. Without having to create two separate platforms, is there a way or method to specify what core I want a ROM to run with while still being listed in the same platform? Thanks!
  18. That is true. Maybe the situation is too murky for lawyers to take the case and risk not getting paid - dunno. Regardless, Retroarch has saved me so much time and energy. Wish they'd just charge for it. I know that's heresy but I think $20-25 is completely fair for something so useful. Best we can do is donate or support their Patreon. Which I just did! http://www.retroarch.com/index.php?page=donate
  19. Good article. Hope these guys can find a way to band together for legal action. If anyone should be profiting from emulation it should be them.
  20. You may notice a tiny bit of lag through Steamlink even with a wired connection. Most games you can't tell but situations that require precision timing like late level Punchout it is noticeable. Graphically you can't tell though.
  21. Good call with the chrome T-moulding!
  22. Great job! I'm finishing up a wall mount too. Hope to post it soon.
  23. Wanted to get feedback on moving my games directory to an external USB 3 HD from an internal M.2 drive. I know the transfer rates are night and day and that it wouldn't really matter for small file size games. My question is how does it affect playing large file games like PS2 and Gamecube. How are load times? Would there be any slowdown in gameplay? Would an external SSD make that much more difference compared to an HDD? Thanks!
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