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Everything posted by FlightRisk

  1. What other letters are you seeing? They are listed by country like all other roms (though these are technically ISOs) 4S and 5S are iPhones. They have emulators too. Not sure what RE is. Was there more than one game listed as RE?
  2. True UV leds are coming down in price now and I have seen some in more applications. So you might also look at those. Here is one manufacturer: RealUV LED Strip Lights by waveform lighting Top 4 things to consider before buying UV Blacklights (look most of the way down. There are your new striplights Very interesting reading. I have loved blacklights since I was a kid and have a pretty big collection of flourescent tubes, some LEDs and specialty bulbs at different frequencies. For example rock hounding you need 365nm and even all the way down to 254nm! Most "UV" LEDs now are a little over 400nm and give off a lot of visible purple light.
  3. You are welcome. Be sure to check back in and let us know how it goes. Pics would be great if you have the time. Check this out. At about 2:24 he shows his router and does exactly what we've been talking about. He also has tips about things he would do differently like a cabinet with no sharp angles and doing it before he put 3/4s of it together https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4OjP_5HEzs
  4. @Jason Carr, I have mentioned this before, but she we post this to the wishlist or is it already noted?
  5. Lol. Yes. I understand completely. You might try these. They use a much wider pattern. I have the 20W version. One 10W pointed in each direction may work better for you. I have a large bonus room in my house 24' x 15' (8x6m) and when I hold the 20W in that room it lights it up! You cant look at it though, it will blind you https://www.amazon.com/YQL-Blacklights-Blacklight-Lighting-Supplies/dp/B076P8SMF1/ref=gp_aw_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=0F9A2V9AWWG8393FSKCQ&th=1
  6. Great! Yes I use the smaller rectangular 20W units for my huge Halloween yard display. I know what you mean. They are near UV so throw out a lot of visible light in a violet color lighter than purple. Despite that, it doesn't wash out the effects very much. Oh, and we say "flood" lights for the ones that are broader than spot lights. Your room looks great!
  7. Is this feature available yet? How can you know if you have more than one version of a game without right clicking on it? There should be a visual indicator like the multiple page Icon that shows in a corner of the image box in the games grid display.
  8. Could it be a conflict with MAME running in full screen mode? Did you try turning loading screens off in LB?
  9. Interested in the UV setup. Are you using the true BLB fluorescent "black light bulbs" or the blue near UV LEDs? And what are all the day-glo items? T-Shirts stretched on a form? The photos showed of the fluorescence really well!
  10. Yes, so if you sat your cabinet on one side with the graphics facing up, the router has a flat, circular plate with the bit pointing down on the center. You can search for videos with "router t-molding" and see exactly how it's done. So you put the router down on your graphics (with thin tape on the bottom plate just to make sure there is nothing to scratch your nice paint job and graphics). You place the router onto your panel with half of it falling off the edge and the bit just missing the wood edge where the cut will go. You turn it on and pull the router inward so it starts to cut. When the ball bearing race hits the wood, it stops the cut from going deeper. This bearing just sits against the wood with the bit spinning inside it and the outer edge cutting the groove. Then you just push the router around the edge of your wood panel tracing it's outline and keeping the bit set against the edge. The bearing rolls across the edge like a guide (sort of like a roller skate wheel), so it too doesn't scratch or burn the edge by friction since it doesn't spin, it just rolls as you push the router along. Here is a very short video that shows the bottom view of the router doing its job. Look at a few more, test on a piece of scrap, and you will be an expert Cutting the slot for the t-molding (video)
  11. You could rent a router from a home big box store if you don't want to buy one. Get a slot bit. Then just put tape on the router plate so it won't scratch your painted surfaces. As long as you have access around the outside of the cabinet so the router won't butt against something to stop the cut, it will work great. So if you put the cabinet on its side, you can go all the way around each side. The router slides along the broad surface of the side like hand sander and the depth adjustment is handled by the bit itself. You buy them by the thickness and depth of the cut. There is a polished bearing that rides along the surface you are cutting into to that holds the depth (it spins free from the cutting bit so that friction isn't a problem as it rides along). So you don't need a guide rail. If you have any molding that needs to go perpendicular to the sides, you would have to take things apart. You could also use this, which I use for shelves, boxes, and some other projects I built: Plastic Edge Banding You can google "iron-on edging" or "iron-on veneer" and see a lot of options to see if that works better for you than routing out a t-molding slot (Or "T-Moulding" for our Brit cousins ).
  12. I love those rocking game chairs (Mine is "Rocker" brand). One of my pair just fell apart and left me with one. It helps to make a cover for them so the vinyl seat doesn't crack. A car seat cover works. I like that the chairs have an umbilical to join them so the sound connects and you don't have to run separate cables. Are you going to put the games and memorabilia back on the walls?
  13. @DOS76, yes that is how I ultimately found the changes. Thanks for the help. As an aside, the 3 best programs I have used and ever seen from a user experience standpoint are Corel Draw (at least from 1989-1999 when I used it the most), Notepad++ and LaunchBox. Some things are just near perfection in terms of features, usability and support. What a contrast with a Photography editing software I am using in hopes of replacing Adobe Lightroom (still hopeful they get their act together). But as far as LB concerned, I am convinced it is the work of the devil or at least some form of sorcery. @Jason Carr adds features faster than I can post a request and puts in things I didn't even know I couldn't live without until I download the pretty much weekly beta updates and try them out. LB and BB is almost as much fun playing with as the games!
  14. Which file and which tag in the file sets the vertical spacing between the platform names? I have searched every file for "spacing" and "vertical" and can't find it. EDIT: Think I found it with "padding" in the TreeView.ItemTemplate object tag in the \Bad Old Monkey\Views\SideBarView.xaml file. According to the MSDN for the Windows API, it is "... padding "left, top, right, bottom". So the default template is "12,8,12,8" and @Lordmonkus is using "2,2,12,2" which pulls the beginning of the tree item list to the left by 8 and reduces the top and bottom spacing by 12 (-6 on each the top and bottom). <TreeView.ItemTemplate> <HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Nodes}"> <DockPanel LastChildFill="True" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"> <TextBlock Padding="2,2,12,2" Text="{Binding Count}" TextAlignment="Right" DockPanel.Dock="Right" Visibility="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.RightCountVisibility}" /> <TextBlock Padding="2,2,12,2" Text="{Binding Value}" TextAlignment="Left" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" Visibility="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.ValueWithoutCountVisibility}" /> <TextBlock Padding="2,2,12,2" Text="{Binding ValueWithCount}" TextAlignment="Left" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" Visibility="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Path=DataContext.ValueWithCountVisibility}" /> </DockPanel> </HierarchicalDataTemplate> </TreeView.ItemTemplate> It looks like the settings you can set from in the LB options mentioned in his notes apply subtle changes to the grid display for the games: Horizontal Spacing 5 Vertical Spacing 5 Horizontal Padding 5 Vertical Padding 5 Text Spacing 2 Text Lines to Show 2 Aspect Ratio 0.65
  15. Thanks! That makes perfect sense. I just saw the readme as well in the LBThemes folder. Suppose this will be another distraction for a bit as I play around with it.
  16. I just learned something here, the default theme can't be changed? IOW, if all I want to do is change the vertical spacing in the left side platform menu, can I edit something in a XAML file or do I have to use this theme? Or copy the default theme folder to a new folder, name it somehow differently, and edit it there?
  17. @dragon57BTW, I am a HUGE Robbie the robot fan. I had a model of him and tried to get the Masudaya talking Robbie (16" tall) when it came out in the 80's. I thought $300 was a bit steep. They are going for twice that now.
  18. Why would anyone want this randomization? Not my preference either. Seems an option to have it on or off would be helpful. I have the same issue with rocket launcher. If I have more than one bezel for a game, it randomly chooses one each launch. I want alternates I can choose with a key when I want a change. I don't want to keep having to reset my preference each time, or create a subfolder and manually rename or copy things into it so the program can't find them. So there are 2 of us
  19. Sure Jason, in LB, the left side menu with all the Platforms. Is this called the "Platform Menu"? When LB.Next came out, it changed the look and feel a bit and there is a lot more vertical spacing between the platform names. We had a few messages with a couple of us in a thread a 2 months ago or so and you said it had to be incorporated into the theme, but maybe you would get to it in the future.
  20. I did not have "Japan" selected in my "options -> region priorities". So I added it and made my priorities, "North America, United States, World, Europe, Japan", in that order. I wanted to make sure that on games that had a Japanese version that I had, whether Arcade or something like Famicom, that I had that art. Maybe I don't understand how this works, but will it get both and display one? Or will it only get the top one it finds and only get Japan art if it can't find anything else? And since I did not do this in the beginning, do I need to delete all the media and scrape again, or "download metadata and media" and select "yes, but do not replace any existing fields or media"?
  21. @Jason Carr, Since you are in the theme business now , any chance of getting an option in the settings screen or at least a change in the XML to adjust the vertical spacing on the left category menu? As you know, that has been one of the most requested features. And thanks again for the work on this along with @CriticalCid
  22. Is the build out on the usual spot yet?
  23. So the only way to save different views per platform is to have a key and go into each platform and hit the key?
  24. Thanks @Retro808, that was what solved it. I set V on my keyboard to change views and when I cycled through, it gave me spinning disks. However, I could use help regarding how the views work "per platform". How do I go into the specific platform and change a view? I have been going into a platform (Sega Saturn), then hitting escape until I got back to my settings, going into "options" and changing the view. That doesn't work. Additionally, if I change the view in a platform by hitting "V", the options for view do not change when I escape out and go look. So I must be changing global options or something and missing how to change each view separately. Also, the CP78 build or the launchbox no-intro one, both have Sega CD art with transparent backgrounds. So I am going to install USA roms and manually copy over the entire CD image folders rather than scrape. Then I will compare the games to see what I might want to keep from the Japanese set and delete all the rest. Lastly, I will run the cleanup media function to make it all tidy.
  25. Interesting. It does seem to show that "Wheel 3" is what is set for all the platforms I checked. The images were scraped using LB, so emumovies has the wrong discs? Frustrating since I have never seen this before and everybody's videos show transparent background discs that spin. Still no luck on spinning no matter what I do. I have a pretty old machine running Windows 10. Not sure that has anything to do with it.
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