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Everything posted by FlightRisk

  1. Looks like I can do just about anything that Advmame can do then. I see settings for shadow mask too that seem worth fiddling with. See you in a week or two ?
  2. Do you have control over the line thickness which, I assume, is a function of the screen resolution? My current settings seem to be lower resolution than Advancmame. Compare this from Advancemame to yours:
  3. I had been using Advmame on a Pi for all my vector games because out of the box it used 1080p and the vector lines were thin and sharp. It also has a ton of options for bloom, and a lot more. It is amazing. I also have a Windows PC gaming machine and wanted to use Mame on that. But I was wondering if regular Mame has settings to do all that Advmame can do with Vector games like BattleZone, Tempest and Star Wars. Out of the box, when I run a game like BattleZone, the line thickness is much greater. It is clear it is running at something much less than 1080p. While the game still looks pretty good, the lines for the letters in the score at the top are too thick and it runs together just like a 320x200 image would look if you zoomed it out too much.
  4. I thought the screen insert was separate from the surrounding bezel and you could turn it off. No? In any case, easy enough in photoshop or Gimp or to edit a layer file.
  5. I have tried all 3 briefly at different times, but wondering your thoughts as to the pros and cons of one method over the other. Do all 3 support layers so you can have the surrounding bezel separate from the screen with reflection and scratches, etc? Why would I want to focus on one over the other two?
  6. What version of LB? What platform or is it any platform? Did you verify your internet connection and maybe do a speed test? I had issues when my connection speed dropped to 2mbps down from 70! I had to reset my cable modem.
  7. Not sure if this is by design, but if you select a group of roms and combine them, then un-combine them, you have to scrape them again because they have no boxart, etc.. Does it actually delete the media or just lose the pointer to it?
  8. Is the LB Games database spec published anywhere? Is the file dowloadable or even better extractable via SQL from an LB file on my machine? I am trying to learn how to reconcile roms that are installed to match them to their media to clean things up in my own program. Could use some help here in this thread if anyone has some ideas/comments:
  9. I wrote a program to go through my folders and find descriptions for rom names by comparing them to the MAME XML database or the no-intro ones. I was going to make something that let me delete everything to do with a rom or delete them in LB and find what was deleted from a snapshot made before deleting and then get rid of all the files associated with the missing roms. Problem is, it's easy to scrape from a rom name, but not so easy to take a rom name and delete everything associated with it. Here is an example: There are multiple versions of many roms. Here Aero Fighters has 6. Note the rom name and the description aerfboot, Aero Fighters (bootleg set 1) aerfboo2, Aero Fighters (bootleg set 2) aerofgtb, Aero Fighters (Taiwan / Japan, set 1) aerofgt, Aero Fighters (World / USA + Canada / Korea... sonicwi2, Aero Fighters 2 / Sonig Wings 2 aerofgts, Aero Fighters Special (Taiwan) Now out of all the possible art, these are just the box covers. Note the first one has a dash after "fighters" with no space. The descriptions/names here do not match the descriptions of the roms. So We have AF1, AF2 (with more than one image AND spaces with no dash like the first one has), AF3, and AF Special. So does AF1 mean the bootleg 1 set and AF2 mean bootleg2? And what then is AF3? I don't see the pattern. Aero Fighters-01.png Aero Fighters 2-01.png Aero Fighters 2-02.png Aero Fighters 3-01.png Aero Fighters Special-01.png Aerp Fighters Special-02.png And here are the videos. No AF1, just AF with no number. Then we have 2, 3 and Special. No dashes, but perhaps that is because there are no alternate video snaps for this game. Aero Fighters.mp4 Aero Fighters 2.mp4 Aero Fighters 3.mp4 Aero Fighters Special.mp4 And this would repeat under many folders such as "arcade" in fanart, circuit boards, manuals, advertisement, etc., etc. Sure I can parse the string to split it out or use regular expressions (regex) to find what I need or just match "Aero Fighters", but if the strange numbering is because some versions share the same image or video, then deleting the Japanese rom and all its art, for example, might mean it is also deleted for the US or World version. If this isn't too common, then easy enough to re-scrape in LB when you see a game missing its art, but I was trying to see if there was a way to do this the "elegant" way. Is there a database that holds the art that matches the rom name? Some details on the naming standard? I need a reliable way to match the rom name to it's description, and/or to the matching description for the media.
  10. I like them too, but see LordMonkus's point, one you know all the games, there isn't as much of a point showing the video and the sound can be annoying. At first, it was helpful for me to see what game was what by seeing a few seconds of the video as I scrolled through all of them.
  11. Ok, I guess that is what Jason is calling "mouse cursor popup options". Thanks!
  12. Is the context menu that appears over the top of the box art rectangle abandoned or just not implemented yet? It has the "i" for info (hiding or displaying the info side panel), refresh, music and one or two other functions on it. Not sure yet if I miss it or not, just notice its not there.
  13. You mean you never listen to the videos running in the side panel?
  14. Took me a while to figure out why I had no sound in LB.Next, then played with the volume knob in the lower right. Don't like it. Hard to use and non-standard. I know it takes up less space than a slider. Are we going for that as more cabinet friendly? It certainly isn't mouse friendly. Have to drag and move to get it where you want. Also, if you are too low on the circle of the knob when you click, the volume indicator goes to the top left of the screen instead of above the control.
  15. Sorry I don't have the exact message. Mistakenly clicked and it went away. It was something to do with reading directx out of a temp folder. The install seems to have worked other than that. BTW, it would be nice if it didn't try to install DirectX every single time there is an update. It should recognize I have DirectX installed and skip it. I always cancel it and it continues, but the messages should reflect that the install was successful even though directx was skipped. Since there is no indication of anything after the directx install, you could easily assume that some important things after that might not have been installed.
  16. Thanks for that. I'll use it in my logic. Yeah, Notepad++ is my favorite text editor. I code, so use a text editor and a hex editor every day. I can use this to get ideas for the program I wrote. It doesn't do much now, but it looks in a rom folder and compares what it finds to the database for that platform, then finds their title/description and puts them in a table with a checkbox. So I can mark them for deletion or find all the folders that have artwork and the rest. It's in VB.NET right now. I have selectors for all the different files and folders that can be associated with a rom. This process is sort of what I do now, but with XML files and a database in my program. So you can save where you were just like he does manually with the batch file. Gave me some ideas!
  17. `tHANKS!
  18. Can you share these batch files so I could see what you are doing? I want to do the same thing and was going to write a program in C# or Delphi, but realize this could get pretty involved trying to find .cue files and whatever else. I was thinking that a program should read .dat files and then allow you to choose where things are and delete everything, but maybe just deleting them from LB and having a bat file to get the videos will be enough. Maybe something even simpler like a delete them from LB and have the batch file reference a names list and if "not exist" delete every folder with the same name.
  19. Still no update on this?
  20. Is there an option somewhere or is is hard coded to prioritize whichever videos you set internally? And then I guess it runs down the list looking for whatever kinds of videos there are in order until it hopefully finds one? Much like the boxes, 3d boxes, carts, etc. work for images?
  21. In LB, my videos are the game play videos, in .Next, the videos are the cinematic videos. How do I change them back? I prefer showing just game play in LB and in BigBox use the fancy cinematics.
  22. But there doesn't seem to be a dat file for Mame. And it would have to be updated regularly to keep up with the monthly version additions/changes. Aren't there no-intro, 1G1R, All Killer No filler, US Only, etc dat files anywhere for ClrMamePro?
  23. Great! Thanks for going above and beyond to find it.
  24. I wasn't assailing your attention to detail. ? I googled and couldn't find it, but found this one and thought that was it since it had the two options for torrent and files, etc. Thanks for the image. I tried it as one word just now and get different results so that may have been part of my problem, but apparently it is not easy to find. I can't find it in google. The only way so far is to go directly to PD and search using its search tool, it doesn't seem to be searchable any other way. The image they show for TorrentCheck 0.7 doesn't look anything like your screen shot though. http://wiki.pleasuredome.org.uk/index.php/TorrentCheck
  25. I think you mean "Torrent Checker" from Rhythm. Not sure I am allowed to link here. I guess the steps are to download the torrent file as if I was going to download the latest version of MAME, then use Torrent Checker by pointing to that torrent and roms as you mentioned, then selecting the checkboxes and letting it do its thing. I think then I can copy those files to the folder where the new torrent wants to put my downloaded roms (or point the torrent client to where roms are) and it will in effect do an upgrade, leave files I already have and just add the files to the folder once it sees what is already there. Is that right? I read somewhere that mame torrents try to let you do this sort of in place upgrade.
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