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Everything posted by FlightRisk

  1. I think I will probably speak for more than just myself in saying please do post. Construction plans are always appreciated to get ideas or just have a template to build like a kit. Again, great job!
  2. I'll add that RL adds things like "pause screens" and you can use it to do bezels instead of configuring them in the emulators, but LB just added what RL calls "fade screens" (startup screens in LB), so there isn't much left to use RL for. Especially with pause screens on the way. But it is nice to have the choice. BigBox is basically the Hyperspin-like front end to LB. You can use it or not. It is pretty incredible though. I use both interfaces depending on what I am doing. Housekeeping and some playing in LB, and the when I want the visuals or friends to play, it's all BB. As Monkus as said, Jason keeps up with things daily. He is a force of nature. I have never experienced a software product that in every way is as good as this one is. Not just gaming, any piece of software. The pace of development is astounding. Changes, additions and bug fixes happen on almost a daily if you want to beta test, otherwise new official releases occur often.
  3. You might check out colpipes1978 "no-intro" on youtube. He has some videos that show exactly how to setup LB with RL. And if you DL any of his files, you can open them and see exactly how each screen is configured if you want to duplicate this for any of your platforms. Then again, you could just dump his downloads on your hard drive if you don't want to tinker. There are some benefits to the plug and play approach. ?
  4. Oh, and I do have the Emulation Station Pi. That has what is basically the favorites on the LB setup ported over to there running with Retroarch cores. So that is the "lean and mean" setup and its portable.
  5. I never did understand the "bigger is better" mentality. So many of the collections tout how many systems or how many roms they have. I get that some people just like collecting, and I do that with different versions of a rom like having a US version and a Japanese version, but I get only the roms that I will play or have nostalgic value to me. I owned an arcade in the 80s, so I am different than many gamers, I want mostly the games I owned as full upright or sit-down games or played in other arcades back then along with some of the old consoles. I don't want to emulate anything after around 2009 because if I wanted to play thoses, I would just fire up the consoles I still have. I start with either full or curated collections and then go through one by one over time and delete any I know I wouldn't play or that don't fit my other criterion. So I try to keep it at 2000 roms. If I add something, I try to delete something else.
  6. Is the fabric in the picture of the corner what holds the top glass? I also love the idea of a cocktail cab used for pinball! Great work.
  7. Very cool. Let me know when you post it and I will take a look. The too most amazing things that I have seen so far for playing around with the Pi from my laptop are WebtroPie and RetroPie Manager. I really like ES. Nothing Like LB/BB, but at least the closest thing on a Pi
  8. And yes, the Damien reference was a joke. Not sure how many of you saw the original movie, but the "The Omen" (and "The Exorcist") changed movie horror forever. They were the first really disturbing movies I remember seeing. There was terror, horror, jump scares, etc., but those two were disturbing. The preceded the slasher film craze. I was in high school. 1976. Something about an evil child is just wrong. SPOILER: The scene at his birthday party where the nanny kills herself in front of everyone saying "It's all for you, Damien!" still gives me nightmares. So if Mr. Omen wants a new feature, I suggest we give it to him ?
  9. I tried to see if there was a FAQ I missed. Perhaps you can point me to it if the explanation is there, but what number of posts determine user levels? (1-bit wonder, 32-bit processor, 128-bit Self-Aware, etc.)
  10. Whatever you say Damien. I wouldn't want to cross you But if I had pause screens, I would drop RocketLauncher and then go back to using the emulators overlays/bezels or use RetroArch like I do on my Pi setup.
  11. That is a nice idea too. Hard to decide where the overlap stops between BB and LB. Is there a new poll yet or list of what is on the table, or is Jason just focused on the themes manager and pause screens for now?
  12. I like it, but then I always set my colors to purple The font looks great.
  13. Definitely! Can't forget pause screen. Bezels would be great too, but I get the challenges Jason has there. Each emulator can do the bezels for the most part, but it is a pain because they have different formats. So MAME (which is really where I spend most of my time) has a complex setup of layered images controlled from a LAY file, while RocketLauncher has a completely different format with a simple INI file and Retroarch yet another one calling them "overlays" and using a CFG file. I can switch back and forth. But it still seems appealing to me to have it all rolled into one application.
  14. LOL. It is so easy to start in one place and just keep going. What I decided for myself was that my primary need was all the original 80s games I owned in my arcade (so MAME) and all the classic consoles and Pins up to about 2001. I probably don't even need Dreamcast and XBox since I mostly care about arcade games and I prefer to play those games on my original consoles, but I have them. I have a Raspberry Pi setup too that runs everything up into the 90s. That one is more about experimenting with what I can get out of a Pi and having something portable. So my $30 single board computer runs 90% of what I actually play.
  15. Is this beta purely a themes project or will there be other additions? Just wondering where the current project list is. Maybe from the last poll? Looking forward to indicators on the game images that show if they are grouped and some of the other things that have been mentioned before.
  16. Nice share! Thank you @buyumek yasak The _DirOut.bat and _romslist.txt file are in your mylist.txt, but that shouldn't cause a problem for people. But if you want, delete them from your mylist.txt
  17. You can't be master of everything Monk! (But you are close)
  18. Here is a much easier way: copyroms.bat 1. Either use LordMonkus's batch file to create a list of the files in your folder ("dir /b > mylist.txt") or create a text file in a text editor by just typing each name into the list. In either case, it needs to look like this and be called "mylist.txt": 1942.zip gtmra.zip 1941u.zip 1943kai.zip 1943u.zip 2. Give them your "mylist.txt" file and this "copyroms.bat" file and have them put them in the same folder with their roms. 3. Have them run "copyroms.bat" 4. They can delete "copyroms.bat", "mylist.txt" and the "mynewroms" folder when they are done moving the files to where they want them. NOTES: The list file and the output folder are hard coded! (See below) If you use the redirect batch file to output the directory to a file, edit that file and make sure there are no other files in the list other than roms. You could probably use "dir *.zip > mylist.txt" so you get only zip files as long as you don't need other file type in there like a bios. Give your people a clean text list with just the files you want them to copy. If you open the bat file in a text editor and look at the code, you will see variables at the top. The destination folder is called "mynewroms" and the text file I am reading to get your rom file names is "mylist.txt". These are hard coded. You need to make sure your list of rom file names is named to match what the batch file is looking for. You can rename those two items to whatever you want in the top 2 lines of code if you don't like my names. I can modify the batch script however you like. It is pretty minimal. It could be written to take command line parameters, for example; "copyroms romslist.txt outputfolder". That way you could specify things at runtime. But simple to me works best. Settle on a file name and a folder name and have the user complete my steps 2 and 3 (and optionally 4) from above and they are done.
  19. So if they are already in a folder in a zip file, you can just share the zip file. What am I missing? If you are trying to automate this so that you have a list and you copy files that match that list into another folder because it will change, then I can write a batch file for that
  20. How did you trim it? Are you saying you used clrmampro or something and have a .dat file or did you trim them down in LaunchBox? Or did you just make a playlist with your 633 roms? Just trying to figure out where to get the list of filenames from and what you have in what folders.
  21. Are there any differences now between Jason's version and this one? It is confusing to have 3 versions of basically the same theme. If all of Jason's changes are now incorporated into this one, I will switch back. In particular, is the wheel "rounder" now like the one Jason changed?
  22. I am using Jason's Modified Unified Theme. The left menu (settings, etc.) has more items than can fit on the screen. The last displayed item is cut-off, I can only see the top of the text. If I scroll, I can then see more items, but the last one is always cut-off if there are more below it. I don't remember it being this way before, but it may have been. It makes it look like my screen resolution is wrong.
  23. A while back I posted about my windows 10 machine and graphics card having video playback issues. The machine is now working with VLC. This is an older machine. Before it glitched and was slow and most of the videos pixelated or tore. At the time I posted a year or two ago, a few of you seemed surprised that the Media Player option worked better. I never had an issue, but decided to switch back when I noticed the release notes mentioned work on VLC and a new version. Now it works the same or maybe even a bit faster that the Media Player option. Just making a note for others who may have had problems in the past.
  24. I searched everywhere and I can't find an explanation. Maybe someone who has ripped these would know. And if a version is 4 or 5, what is the "S"?.
  25. A door and all that storage! I have been really considering a version of that for myself
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