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Everything posted by FlightRisk

  1. It happens at 6 seconds and at 11 seconds. I can see now that it is the box image sliding down from the top of the screen. You can see it slide above the top of my background image (which doesn't fill the screen at the top and bottom), then it disappears behind the background ant the BigBox logo, and then it appears and ends it's travel with just a little bounce. I can see that on the main game screen, it falls in front of the background and logo. But the second screen, which is pretty much identical except for the game details menu on the right, draws the box sliding behind.
  2. It shows twice. When I hit enter to go from the first game screen to the game detail screen. Maybe better to look above the L in color. Are you watching the video in the browser, or downloading it and watching it. Even though it is more noticeable in real time at 60fps, I can still still a rectangle that is that is the graphics for the box sliding through the window it is displaying in.
  3. Here is a video of the issue. Watch above the "O" in "Color". It may not register well in this video because the animation is fast. It looks almost like a slot machine spinning its wheels. LaunchBox_Big_Box_4_25_2018_2_23_02_PM.mp4
  4. My squished vertically background didn't work. There is a setting somewhere that is telling it to fill a certain screensize. So no matter what graphic I make, it will be the same size with a black border at the top and bottom
  5. I will do that. However, I *think* I have figured out what is happening, but not why. The Flash of boxart - I believe this is an artifact of something that is happening in the background related to the drawing of the boxart. The monitor on that system is 1680x1050 instead of 1920x1080. So the game screen backgrounds that are 1080p will have a black border at the top and bottom. I didn't notice this because the backgrounds are black. So I installed other platforms to get colored background. It looks like the box is sliding down behind the background? Not sure what it is doing, but I am seeing it because the background has a 1" or so gap between it and the top of the screen. It is like the platform screen is re-loading and dropping down the boxart at the same time the game screen (with the vertical menu down the right where you can "play", etc.) is loading. I could create a background that is only an 100px tall and 1080 wide and see more of what is going on behind the background. And thanks for the note about the logo bug. I had read that but it didn't register until I learned more now about how BB and the themes work. I'll upload a video when I figure out how to use the Windows 10 XBox game popup that can record or install something I know how to use
  6. I get a "flash" of box art after selecting a rom from the game wheel. As the screen fades out from the game selection screen to the game details screen where you can select "Play", "launch with", etc., I see what looks like a horizontal section of the box art moving through a window. IOW, imagine a 1" tall rectangle the width of the box and the box moves through it. It looks like an artifact of some kind. I don't know if this has to do with the effect of the box dropping into the frame or what. If it helps, I have a PC monitor that is not 1080p, it is a standard, but odd resolution of 1680x1050. Also, while the platform screen and the game wheel screen both have a platform logo on it, when I select a game that next screen just have a huge "BigBox" logo on it and the same video and box (minus the cart) appears on that screen too.
  7. I was confused by the inverted quotes here: In Big Box: To avoid spinning cart art go to: Options -> Views -> Make sure that „Remember separate View for each platform” is checked. I thought they were 2 commas and something was missing. It seemed like 2 different things. Now I get they ARE two different things, but related. A. stop the spinning disks and/or carts and B. Setup a hotkey button to switch views. I thought the "Remember" was a new directive from you. It is actually a quoted selection option. I did try Windows Media Player and it works perfectly! I thought VLC would be faster. Not sure if there are tweaks for VLC to try it again. No, I'm not using a network or USB drive. I have a 1TB regular drive in the machine. And I did already have K-Lite. I needed it for something else. I just updated it though. The version I have now is a MUCH more complicated install. Lots of screens and options before it ever gets installed. It didn't seem to make a difference to either player. QUESTION: On my platform wheel, the Vectrix graphic is just text. Should it be a custom logo? It just says "GCE Vectrix". How would I replace it with something else?
  8. What I meant was that I can't re-map keys unless I am willing to lose the functionality. So with up, down, A, B, X and Y taken, I only have left and right analog button press and the left and right shoulder. Oh, and the select and start. So I will have to play with those, but I can't map left and right on the analog or dpad or use the trigger buttons. Odd that Shoulder buttons work, but triggers do not. As for automation, that seems like a kludge. There are 2 separate menus and processes for mapping controller buttons? I imagine one is internal and the other uses a 3rd party utility? So the hold button will let me double up all the buttons I DO have? Hold + Start to exit, Hold + A change theme, Hold + B change view, etc.? And this works during gameplay right? I was worried about this because it would conflict with all my emulators, especially RetroArch, no? RA uses Select + Start to exit the game. [EDIT: I just tried this and it doesn't work. The Hold button can't be programmed to work inside LB or BB, it only works in games and even then, will only allow you to use a very limited set of functions (4) like close active window and control the sound volume. I want to change views and themes and other LB/BB commands inside those programs. RetroArch does all I need when I am inside a game]
  9. So in BigBox, the left analog stick and dpad both move the menu selectors in menus up and down, but I can't remap them? So basically, you either need a custom arcade type controller setup or have to use a keyboard? And no 2 button control either like RetroArch can do? (Hold "select" and "B" for some action). The triggers and the big XBox middle button can't be mapped which is odd as long as this software has been around.
  10. My system is pretty slow using this theme and the videos load corrupted/pixilated and then straighten out after a few seconds. Is it just that I need a faster machine. I was testing this on an older machine to see if I could use it as a game machine: Lenovo M70e (ThinkCentre) Type 0803 - Model AT9 Intel Pendium Dual Core E5500 2.8GHz GE Force GT-710 Intel G41 Express Chipset (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM 1.1) Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family, Intel Corporation Compatible driver igdkmd64.tys ( Acer AL2216 monitor 1680x1050 I downloaded the 1080p Unified videos. I don't think there is a 720p version of any of them. Do I have a choice of playback software like on RetroPie? Maybe another video player will be faster or at least not corrupt the image. It looks like Media player is the only other option and not recommended. Lower res videos work fine, these look like directv in a rainstorm for the first 2 seconds, then look perfect.
  11. @CriticalCid Love, Love, Love this them. Can you fix this: Not sure if that is supposed to be 2 separate bullet items or what, but I am not clear on what to do here. Also, what button sequence on an XBOX USB clone controller do you recommend to switch views?
  12. You are right. I think this works just fine as it is and does anything you would want it to. No sense using the ParaJVE in RetroArch and having to figure out how to get the bezels and shaders working. It would be nice to have the RA menu, exit, and universal controller setup, but that is a minor thing. I like emulators that can duplicate the original look of the game, especially for vector games. I have a standup Tempest left over from the Arcade I owned in the 80's and 90's and had a full upright periscope battlezone and a sit down Red Baron. So I spent time in another emulator making a Retropie setup look like the real thing for Arcade games. ParaJVE does a great job of creating the flicker, the bloom, shading and everything else exactly the way I like it! Thanks again for the help.
  13. @dragon57 I use RocketLauncher too. Since you are an RL evangelist, what are you reasons for using it in addition to LB? I love the "pause" feature in RL and the ability to have multiple emulators per platform and switch front ends. But as complex as all this is, I have only scratched the surface. Give me a good reason for maintaining my current (seemingly overly complicated) path: BigBox -> LaunchBox -> RocketLauncher -> RetroArch -> Roms. Heck, I'm not even sure that's the right order I may want to keep GameEx AND LaunchBox, but can maybe scrap GE and use just LB with BB.
  14. @Zombeaver, thank you very much. I will have to do some more reading. I have all the roms separately. I didn't know they came with the emulator. So your structure is simply a way for LB to feed the command line to ParaJVE and ParaJVE doesn't care about files or locations because it is hard coded to find the roms it already has in the "ParaJVE/data/roms" folder, right? Can I override that and have it run the roms from my own folder? Or will that screw up the shaders and all that. I see a "-game=<path> option.
  15. Hi. I'm sorry, but still lost. The folders you created just get unzipped in the subdirectory structure you have in the /roms/vectrex folder? You said: "Now, drag the folders for the Vectrex game IDs into LB and indicate that they're Vectrex games." How? What does that mean? Or did you mean just where you have your roms? I don't put anything in a LB folder, they are all in /arcade/roms/[platform] Or is this a drag and drop feature of LB instead of the import function. When I get to the point of LB displaying what it finds in my folder (I just dumped all the .zip files in one folder along with the BIOS files which worked in RetroArch minus the backgrounds) it seems to match all my files with the short names on the left and my files on the right. But I haven't finished or tried to run anything yet. Maybe that is where it will fail? And the games are .zip files. The names are pretty descriptive (ex: Blitz! - Action Football (USA, Europe) (0F11CE0C).zip). Do I have to rename them? And where do they go? Would it be: /arcade/roms/vectrex/standard games/Blitz! - Action Football (USA, Europe) (0F11CE0C).zip? And leave the zero byte file you have there with the short name (BLITZ) How does LB actually find the files and how does it now how to scrape the art?
  16. @polygonslayerYes. Try here and add your comment: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/3097/feature-request-show-other-platforms-on
  17. Amazing. Thanks. This is going to take a while. Hope my wife will understand why I will be locked in the bonus room for hours for the next few years
  18. I say just give it a codename like Android does. My suggestion: "Bento". (A "Lunchbox" , hehe)
  19. Does that mean that LB.Next will replace LB, but BB will always be a separate product? Does BB integrate with LB.Next now?
  20. Can the Bigbox themes work with LB.Next?
  21. Great idea about the spinner! That one shouldn't take as much programming as many of the other requested features. I'll make a note and vote that as a suggestion.
  22. Hate I missed the poll. I tried searching. Can I read the poll somewhere? Anyway to add my request to the list?
  23. Thanks! I want a spinner and tracball like you have as well. Love Tempest and Centipede. Also, the cartoon images of you and your wife (I am assuming) are really great. You look like Alladin and Jasmine. I had no idea you married a Disney princess!
  24. Thanks. That's a start. If it doesn't have it, perhaps that could be a feature for the future. I imagine this would have to be a downloadable database just like anything else that can be scraped. There would need to be a customizable window where there are hyperlinks pointing to the movies for those. Maybe LB is or will be extensible somehow in it's themeing.
  25. Stunningly beautiful. I love the sketch art too before you colored it. Any chance you would share the blueprints of the cabinet and control board? I am trying to figure out how I want to design both to have them fit together.
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