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4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Hi dude,any chance of MSX controller? 🙂
  2. Great work, any chance of Snes controller PAL version (Europe)?
  3. Retrofrog is possible that you share a template or psd at least region Europe, I have several games "aftermarket" that are coming out now and I would like to have the boxes with the same style, type games (Demons of Asteborg, Metal Dragon, Life on mars) and many more, greetings and thank you
  4. possibility of template to make some boxes that I am missing?
  5. Gran trabajo amigo,se ve muy bien
  6. PSD for add games?
  7. thank you
  8. Amazing,great work, is there a possibility to share the .psd of the base logo, to be able to create custom?
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