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  1. Thanks that helped a lot.
  2. I agree this frontend runs terrible. I remember when I bought a premium license a couple of years ago it was so fast now after every update it gets slower and slower.
  3. Mesen standalone is now my favorite stand alone NES emulator. I was not even looking for it and found it by accident. I always prefer standalone emulators on the PC as I hate retroarch it is a PITA to configure and very easy to corrupt. Many times I just changed one setting and something stops working had to restore a full backup on my external drive. Standalone emulators I rarely corrupt.
  4. No problem. Get it working right.
  5. I understand however ETAPrime said 8.5 would retire the old UI. Anyway I love the new UI, first version was horrible but it is much faster and easier to use now.
  6. Really enjoying Launchbox Next and I would like to have all my MAME roms to show up in Launchbox. I don't like EmuLauncher. It is a PITA to configue, easy to corrupt and quite often crashes when I quit the program. If I am quitting no need to crash. However it does import all my roms unlike Launchbox.
  7. I thought Launchbox next was going to be the main launcher with 8.5?
  8. Great thanks for actually listening to user feedback. I am using EmuLoader as it imports every working game but I prefer to use MAME in Launchbox.
  9. Some games won't work with Retroarch they just crash and only work with P64 but I agree the nag screen is annoying thank goodness Launchbox bypasses it.
  10. I use this for MAME as Launchbox skips many games the most glaring is the Batman Arcade game from 1989.
  11. Same issues which I why I don't like BigBox. Don't regret getting premium as I want to support the dev but BigBox is a major disappointment so when I hook up my PC to my TV I end up using the standard Launchbox UI.
  12. I am on Mame 0.197 so I am not behind like I was months ago when I was on 0.139. Tried many programs that messed up my games. Then went back to Romcenter and fixed any games red manually and now they all work great. Staying with 0.197 right now as I got the games I want (no clones except Pacman and 2 player fighter games) instead of GB of files that won't even fit on my Hard Drive. Question on Mame. Why do so many games don't even work like mechanical games? They just load and quit.
  13. Anyway to get the Saturn core to look in HD like PS1?
  14. Romcenter at Romcenter.com (no they don't have roms so I am not violating the rules). It is the easiest most straight forward program that will let me fix individual roms and never corrupted them. I have to use the RC2 version to work with MAME 0.192 and up.
  15. Thanks I am staying with Romcenter. I can only fix the games I want and not have it create a a bunch of invalid files. It is easier to find just go to romcenter.com (no violations as there are no roms there that is the name of the program) even a stupid search engine like google can find it. It also never once messed up my roms unlike Clrmamepro.
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