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Everything posted by LaunchRoo

  1. Yes, the .hi file is getting updated correctly, it's just not uploading it to launchbox high scores. (no new scores to upload). Thanks for looking at it.
  2. okay thanks Jason..i'll report it now.☺️
  3. (Version 10.13) I've been having similar problems with Gorf..i have beaten my old score a few times and launchbox high scores isn't recognizing i have done so. (no new scores found to upload)..i did try deleting the .hi and nvram before the next attempt but unfortunately it still didn't upload (no new scores found to upload). (using mame .217, mame.217 romset, applicable hiscore.dat). I've even tried different versions of the same game and on my other PC. Log attached. Worked perfectly well the first time (version 10.12) i played and submitted the high score but seems to have trouble on any further subsequent high score attempts. I really want to get it working as i think it's the best update launchbox has had. I really appreciate the hard work done so far on this feature! Debug 2020-04-16 09-36-27 PM.log
  4. I'm not having any high score issues..all working fine here.
  5. High Scores are my favourite new feature! Thanks for adding it. Time to go beat some of my old high scores.
  6. hehe..i'm waiting for the Gorf bezel myself..takes me back 39 years that one!
  7. I ended up starting over and reinstalling/adding the games again all is good now. Thanks for the help.
  8. Yep, checked both..they both show up as expected.
  9. Yes i tried that a few times..no joy...just arcade ratings missing.
  10. oh that's odd then..it isn't working on LB or BB...thanks for the input though.. I tried reinstalling again to no avail... i'll have another look into it tonight..something's odd!
  11. They're working on all other formats..no ratings appear when viewing Mame games since 10.10 and updating my romset to 0.217. Guessing it's something to do with the mame database not being updated recently?
  12. Added a few of you today..?
  13. Excellent table (and cabs) Jays2Arcade... i stuck a cheap GTX780 for more headroom for when i install popper.
  14. Using PinballX at the moment ('cos everything's working..lol).
  15. These are my new favourite bezels..thanks again Mr.R
  16. And the same to you..Seasons greetings from England.
  17. Out of woods scraps and old pc parts..great fun! VID_20190929_200637215.mp4
  18. RPGs with random battles...grrrrrrrrrr!
  19. Good idea! I'm all for that idea too!
  20. Same thing happens here too..(Visual Pinball, etc)..reverting back for now. (Reverted back to beta 2 and now works correctly so will wait to update again).
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