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Everything posted by LaunchRoo

  1. Brilliant...i'd like a hint on how to install to launchbox too.
  2. Track And Field and Hypersports are good button mashing fun, especially for 2 players.
  3. I've always enjoyed playing Gorf. (Mame version is about 90% authentic)..i spent lots of small change on the arcade game way back in 1981 and still think it's a great shoot 'em up.
  4. My council house!
  5. These are really good..many thanks.
  6. Very nice setup..i'll have to get my bum into gear and complete mine someday soon!
  7. Great fun..nice one!
  8. Thanks for making this theme..it's great so far.
  9. lol..excellent. The Speccy was brill'.
  10. You're welcome to add me too! Steam name: roorooroo
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