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Everything posted by Mayora13

  1. Something like this -L ".\cores\mupen64plus_next_libretro.dll" "F-Zero X (USA).z64" --subsystem ndd "F-Zero X - Expansion Kit (Japan).ndd"
  2. Managed to launch F-Zero on Mupen64plus-Next using this: (rom name.z64) --subsystem ndd (floppy name.ndd)
  3. Try dgvoodoo2? It's pretty good.
  4. Mayora13


    I can only lead you to this https://www.mamedev.org/roms/ website. I don't think I can legally lead you to other website. There is dome of pleasure or a certain emulator with edge website.
  5. portable version of Alcohol 52%.
  6. Try using ImgDrive portable to mount image files. They must be converted to ccd img files first however. pAlcohol can also be used but command line can't be used.
  7. Can Mechwarrior 2 be added?
  8. This is a feature that seems to be not mentioned in this site so I will make this guide. First, prepare the msu1 folder in higan format. Then, zip the files in the folder in either these 2 compression methods: Store (0x00) or Deflate (0x08). Make sure to use zip format but rename the extension to MSU1. Test it with SNES9X standalone and the game should launch. This format isn't compatible with the retroarch version. Do not distribute this pack to other as it is illegal unless you replace program.rom with patch.bps or possibly patch.ips file and softpatch it with unpatched rom. README.txt daedalus.exe icarus.exe MercurialMagic.exe
  9. 2014 build of svn daum isn't broken however.
  10. What about using (bsnes.exe/higan.exe) --fullscreen? Edit: Nevermind, its already mentioned.
  11. Now I think about it, snes9x is straight up better than bsnes/higan for romhack(including msu1) as most of them are tested on snes9x. Higan, zsnes and others compatibility are an afterthought. So thanks for the suggestion.
  12. It works! Thanks alot.
  13. Tried that too, still an issue. Maybe my laptop isn't good enough.
  14. Change driver from gl to vulkan, problem is fixed! But the audio stuttering is still an issue even after increasing audio latency from 64 to 128. Sigh, guess I have better luck with standalone mednafen or epsxe.
  15. I played MGS with beetle psx hw core when I encountered this bug. Is there anyway to fix it?
  16. Well I used bsnes-plus and snes9x which worked fine so its better than nothing I guessed. Thanks.
  17. I tried to use standalone higan and bsnes for MSU1 but was unable play the msu1 music even after setting up msu1.rom program.rom and track-*.pcm.
  18. I think there is a NoIntro2018. Maybe
  19. Would Star Fox 2 be included?
  20. FUSE 1.5.1 sdl build View File FUSE build with sdl for fullscreen support. source: http://goo.gl/3bZJSZ Submitter Mayora13 Submitted 07/01/2018 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins
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  21. Version 1.5.1


    FUSE build with sdl for fullscreen support. source:https://tinyurl.com/yar66e4g
  22. You could create dummy zip or 7z file with this bat files from here FOR /d %%i IN (*) DO (echo .> %%i.7z)
  23. BTW I heard that DOSBox-x is difficult to use with launchbox. So should I stick with SVN daum or use vanilla SVN, DOSBox-ece or if it is possible to import games with PCem?
  24. xm cart is used as a substitute for high score cart, enhance games music that utilize POKEY/YAMAHA, extra ram and more expansion port. Some commercial games are enhanced with this cart but most games that take advantage of this feature are hacks and homebrews in this page https://atariage.com/forums/topic/173454-7800-expansion-module-xm-hardware-game-details-782016/
  25. I tried this MAME fork specially for Atari 7800, https://atariage.com/forums/topic/268458-a7800-the-atari-7800-emulator/ a7800.exe a7800 -skip_gameinfo -nowindow -cart1 xm -cart2 path/to/roms
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