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51 minutes ago, wallmachine said:



I asked this in a pm early in 2019 see response below.


Jason would have to develop brand new wheels to support what is being asked, plus by developing new wheels would mean current themes would still function 

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12 minutes ago, y2guru said:

Jason would have to develop brand new wheels to support what is being asked, plus by developing new wheels would mean current themes would still function 

new views sounds like a good idea instead of reinventing the 'wheel' and causing other views to stop working?

Do you have any idea about the issue here?

Edited by wallmachine
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  • 3 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Android16 said:

@y2guru here is the default theme trying to use customimagetype. Could you help me by making it work? Wheelgamesview is where the wheel is that has customimagetype. I've included 1 image in a game under Sony Playstation Portable.


cant help you, this was not created via the theme creator. 

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1 minute ago, Android16 said:


Take a look at the theming documentation (LaunchBox\Themes\Documentation.pdf) under CustomImageType. I'll paste it here:


The CustomImageType property is used specifically if you want a theme-specific, forced set of images for the FlowControl. For example:
<coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch"      VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="0" CustomImageType="My Theme Custom Image Type"     CurveAmount="0" CameraZPosition="6.0" VisibleCount="14" PageSize="6"     ItemZPosition="1.0" SelectedItemZPosition="3.0" Spacing="3.5" />
Assuming the theme that you are using is called “My Theme”, the above code would load platform images from the following folder:
LaunchBox\Themes\My Theme\Images\Platforms\My Theme Custom Image Type
“My Theme” is of course replaced with the name of your theme, and “My Theme Custom Image Type” is replaced with the CustomImageType value that you use in the FlowControl property.
PNG and/or JPG images are then loaded up from that folder that match the name of the platform.
For game images, the same markup can be used. Assuming the theme that you are using is called “My Theme”, the above code would load game images from the following folder:
LaunchBox\Themes\My Theme\Images\Games\My Theme Custom Image Type\[Platform]
“My Theme” is of course replaced with the name of your theme, “My Theme Custom Image Type” is replaced with the CustomImageType value that you use in the FlowControl property, and “[Platform]” is replaced with the game’s platform name.
PNG and/or JPG images are then loaded up from that folder that match the name of the game.

CustomImageType is used for loading a theme-specific set of images from a folder, not for loading images from your LaunchBox collection.

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2 minutes ago, Android16 said:

Ive been looking at the documentations for days. What you just copy and pasted is no different from what I just copy and pasted.


theme-specific set of images from a folder

images from your LaunchBox collection


What's the difference? Whether or not I name the folder steam banner or 1234, the images aren't loading from the location I listed above. The path I just posted is trying to pull images from the location that the documentation says.

Where are the image files that you're trying to load located? Do they follow the paths from the documentation?

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3 minutes ago, Android16 said:

I just posted the answer to that when you asked a few moments ago ^

"Banners" does not match the "Steam Banner" value you put into the CustomImageType field. The folder doesn't match up...

Edit: Looks like you edited the above post so that it matches now. I'm also confused why you added 'My Theme' in single quotes. Please give me the actual exact values and folders that you're using, or I can't help.

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1 minute ago, Android16 said:

I just went ahead and changed the filename to: Black Rock Shooter -The Game-.png still nothing in the wheel. Works just fine in launchbox location though when not using custom.

That's still the wrong name...

The problem here is that I can't trust what you're saying, because either you're mistyping everything, or you don't have the right names to begin with (there's a dash on the end of that file name). So how can I even know if we're referring to the same thing?

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Just now, Android16 said:

It clearly says that is the name right there in the screenshot I just posted! Are you saying it uses data base names or something? Because when the file is in the normal launchbox location as it was named at first, it works fine. You have even have the files! The screenshot clearly says the name is Black Rock Shooter -The Game-

Idk, maybe you're trolling? There's a dash at the end that shouldn't be there.

Help? Anyone? Should I ban?

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Just now, Android16 said:

So what you're telling me is, the upper right game name doesn't say Black Rock Shooter -The Game- in THIS picture?????

Because it's clearly there. Just forget it, I'll just wait for eatkinola this is insane.

Why on earth would your game name have a dash at the end of it? What's the point of that?

Does it work if you remove the dash?

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13 hours ago, Android16 said:

jam.thumb.jpg.1b19bae7f16dac17802d666d5b23b0cb.jpgRefreshed images. Still same thing. No wheel population.

Hi @Android16. I went through your code and found that you were missing a property in your coverFlow. Everything else was fine.

CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}"

<coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="0" CoverFactory="{Binding CoverFactory}" CustomImageType="Steam Banner" CurveAmount="4.5" CameraZPosition="3.0" VisibleCount="14" PageSize="6" Spacing="1.0" ItemZPosition="1.0" SelectedItemZPosition="2.0" />

You should be good to go once you add that back.


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