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4 hours ago, Malhavoc said:

One thing I did not understand: the ROM list for the mame version I use are taken from the mame.exe I configure the path of, or are taken from internal files? I've noticed i can "update" some files from the menu, but nothing updates actually. Does that mean that I just need to wait for the next mamlister version before importing the roms for Mame 0.182 ?

@Malhavoc The reason the Catver.ini, Series.ini, NPlayers.ini may still show 0.181 instead 0.182 after you download those support files from the menu is simply because those files may not have not been updated yet. It sometime takes a few days after the last Wednesday of the month (MAME release day) before those support files get updated. Nevertheless, you don't have to wait for a new version of LightSpeed every months. In fact, you could use LightSpeed MameLister (0.181a_RC3) and point to mame 0.182 executable to generate your romset. Although, you may want to wait for Antropus to release his next version which should be more stable. I hope that answered your question.

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Ok, ini files updated to 0.182, but still it seems it's not really working as it should.. let's take for example "Sky Robo", an already existing ROM marked as "working" with the last mame version. I've checked, and it displays as green in MAME 0.182, but still displays red in Lightspeed.



Only just come across this addon. Looks just what I need. I have a full romset for 181 but I'm only interested in a portion of them.

I mistakenly originally downloaded the version from the 1st post, which populated a huge list of roms as expected. But when I found this new version, I went through it the same way, added paths and selected options, but when I get to the final export page there's no rom's shown at all. I press filter and nothing happens. I get a screen flash to show it is starting the process but nothing happens.

Everytime I press Reload All, it get a popup saying "Please set all paths first, then close/re-open Lightspeed". After that it's blanked all my paths out again as if first use.

Any idea's what I'm doing wrong? I know the GUI has changed a bit from the first version to the current, but I don't see why it shows no rom's.

Many thanks.


@sitruz might make sure some of the filters have at least one option checked, I thought I remember that happening to me and I got blank results. I don't recall it blanking my paths out though after doing a reload, though.


@Neofuuma Thanks for that. As it happens, I had just completely uninstalled and reinstalled in the default directory instead, and now everything seems to be working. Madness. No idea why that would affect it. 

Strangely I notice a lot of roms in the filtered list despite filter options. It seems like whatever I filter makes no difference. I selected only USA, Europe and World, but it's still including a load of Japan region games for example. I de-selected Maze games, and I've got those included too. I selected anything from 1990 onwards, and I got everything from 1980 onwards.


Hi guys,

I mentioned a few messages back that the app has issues at this point, so if you can wait a bit I will have a new version coming up soon, very possibly tonight.
Since RC3 I've found a number of things not hooked up correctly, causing some roms to not be affected by the filters, mismatch between what Lightspeed said it exported and what was actually exported, lack of a better way to check for games already in the library and bypass them, notes with a blank lines at the beginning/end, among many other issues mentioned by users. I managed to fix the vast majority of those and worked on a much improved memory management system, so it doesn't hog RAM anymore. In the past, LS would need 700mb at startup and could go to over 1.2gb when dealing with large xml files. Now it constantly flushes memory after each operation and instead of 700mb, once started it occupies only 7mb or less in memory and although it will go to larger numbers, it always resets itself before it starts any major operation, making sure that RAM is not an issue anymore. A user in other forum complained that it was running out of memory when generating the xml, so that should be handled now.

It's hard for me at this point to even try to come up with workarounds to fix your current problems, because my working version is quite far in terms of bug fixes from the version you are current using and I believe a big chunk of your problems will be solved with the new version, so stay tuned and hold on for now :)


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@Antropus: don't worry, we were just reporting bugs. As long as you did know they existed, it is more than enough! By the way, could I suggest when you post a new build, to also edit the first post in the thread with the same link? Sometimes it's hard to find the latest version available.


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Ran into something tonight and had to delay the release yet again. Since I am at it, I might as well add the move/rename/cleanup artwork feature that was requested multiple times before the release.
Sorry guys. I am on it!


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@wookiefartLB.xml is no longer a file the xml has been split into platform specific files. I don't know how that corresponds with the instructions as I haven't read them but that file no longer exists in the program



I believe you can just not using LB.xml any longer I'm unsure on the new directions though hopefully the creator or someone else can help you get it running.


You just need to point to the root of your Launchbox folder on the bottom left corner of the export tab and Lighstpeed should be able to find and modify all necessary files for you.

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