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54 minutes ago, Namedos said:

Zombeaver - If you are looking for suggestions, how about all of the X-Com games and then some of the Jane's simulators like Jane's Longbow 2 or Jane's AH-64D?

All the classic X-Com games are on GOG, so I won't be doing those. My rule for these is that I'm only covering games that aren't available via modern, legitimate means like GOG or Steam. Abandonware, basically.

I don't believe Longbow 2 is on either of those services though, so that's a potential candidate.

54 minutes ago, Namedos said:

I think this is a great idea and will really help people discover some great old games.  Thanks for all your work!  Between this and the PS2 plugin you are doing some great things for the community.  Appreciate your time on these.

Thanks! I've wanted to do something like this for a while. It's a pretty fun project.


I just finished up a bunch of work on the website. I've got a snazzy new function for displaying the "reviews" (which are basically just some slightly revised versions of the ones I've put here, so far) as well as screenshots. I had all this done last night but ended up discovering that the way I'd done it had borked the site on mobile so I had to remake half the site in such a way that it looked identical on desktop but was fixed on mobile. Ugh! It's fixed now though... I'm really happy with it so far, it's starting to come together.


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Ha, I was fortunate enough to find a copy of Alien Legacy at a rural antique shop years ago. I need to get around to playing it because I love the Starflight games and it looks like a sequel/spiritual successor to those :)

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Alien Legacy is great. I've played quite a few games in that genre, and it's one of my favorites. It's a shame that it's rarely ever talked about.

Two of my all-time favorites from my childhood are Supremacy and Psi-5 Trading Company on C64, and there are aspects that remind me of those games. Ur-Quan Masters is a masterpiece too, and while I wouldn't quite put Alien Legacy on the same level as that, it's way up there. And as I mentioned in the mini review, it's a lot more approachable than a lot of games in this genre - the advisers do a good job of keeping you on track, especially when things are new and you might otherwise be a little lost. That said, the manual's still worth consulting as well :P

1 minute ago, Zombeaver said:

Well, I put my big boy pants on and upgraded my site and purchased the domain, so now it's https://www.zombs-lair.com/


I should have another game out tonight.

I see you are thinking about Star Trek Elite Force? I have that on disc but I couldn't get it to install, so id like to see that. :) 

Just now, neil9000 said:

I see you are thinking about Star Trek Elite Force? I have that on disc but I couldn't get it to install, so id like to see that. :) 

Yep, Elite Force 1 and 2 are both on the agenda.

  • Thanks 1

So I've been doing a lot of thinking about this, and I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with doing packages for some higher profile stuff like Elite Force. It's one thing to do them for games with defunct developers and publishers, it's something else to do them for games that have names like Raven Software (who are still around) and Activision attached to them. I'd planned on doing Elite Force 1 and 2, AvP 2, and NOLF 1 and 2, but to be honest I think those are just too high profile. There are quite a few sites out there that have had all these (in raw iso form, at the very least) for years, so it's probably not that big of a deal, but I just need to be careful and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

I'm sorry that I didn't nix this earlier. If it's any consolation, it makes me really sad that I'm not going to do them - they're all great games that people need to play and I would love to do. They were all high on my to-do list. I absolutely hate the way some of these companies have allowed their properties to rot. It's a complete shame. Every one of those is seriously a favorite of mine. But I just don't want to push the envelope too much. I hope people understand :/

That said, I'm just gonna throw this out there and walk away, whistling nonchalantly:


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