Bageena Posted November 11, 2021 Posted November 11, 2021 Thanks to everyone that contributed to this thread, super helpful and much appreciated. Special thanks to Darkshade, for timesavers! 1 Quote
grzybiarz Posted January 3, 2022 Posted January 3, 2022 hello, where can i find videos from NGAGE games? Quote
DerSchlachter Posted March 5, 2022 Posted March 5, 2022 Try the Youtube Downloader inside Launchbox Quote
Rogerooo Posted April 15, 2022 Posted April 15, 2022 (edited) Not sure how long it's been a feature has I just found about the emulator but looks like we can also mount zip files without the need to install them to the system drives. We can run the game with the following parameters: --mount <name of the zip> --run <name of the application> --fullscreen I'm currently testing with this method, it might be helpful for rom management and possibly import the games as a regular emulator. EDIT: Looks like we can import and initialize the roms via the zip files, using "--fullscreen --mount" as the emulator parameters however this won't automatically start the game, it will load the emulator's gui and when clicking the game icon it will then launch it in fullscreen. The additional parameter --run <name of the application> seems to be working via cmd (game launches automatically) however it must be specified AFTER the --mount parameter, so in Launchbox we need to specify parameters after the roms path, is that possible? It would also need to be set per game. EDIT2: It seems that %romfile% is the variable to use in Launchbox in order to be able to set additional parameters after the rom path. Here's what I did: - Create an emulator pointing it to EKA2L1 executable (no need to declare parameters as we need to specify them per game) and associate with Nokia N-Gage platform (don't extract the rom). - Import romset as zip files for platform Nokia N-Gage - Edit game -> Launching -> Emulation settings (make sure you are using the emulator), enable Use Custom Command-Line Parameters and set them like so: --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "<name of the application/game>" (we must know what's the name of the application, to do that we need to mount the zip file and look for the game's name in the icons drawer, we can do this by launching the emulator and going to File -> Mount game card dump -> Zip, the game will appear, take note of it's name and insert it into the launchbox command) ex: Asphalt: Urban GT --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Asphalt" Still a bit cumbersome but a little more intuitive I think. Not sure about save games though but looks like some data is persisted on the c drive of the emulator. Controls are also kinda clunky, it would be nice to be able to set a per game configuration as well. EDIT3: And to finish off my already extensive post I'll share the command line parameters for the games I've imported. For the most part it's just the name of the game, but there are some odd ones here and there. I should mention that the names are case sensitive, this is especially relevant for the game Colin McRae, where for some reason it creates 2 shortcuts, colin mcrae rally 2005 and Colin McRae Rally 2005, the lowercase works the other doesn't. To be safe just copy the command parameters line for the relevant game and try it out. It's also worth mentioning that I haven't actually run every game, however their shortcut name should be working. Spoiler Ashen --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Ashen" Asphalt: Urban GT 2 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Asphalt 2" Asphalt: Urban GT --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Asphalt" Atari Masterpieces Vol. 1 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Atari MP Vol I" Atari Masterpieces Vol. II --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Atari MP Vol II" Bomberman --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Bomberman" Call of Duty --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "CallofDuty" Catan --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Catan" Civilization --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Civilization" Colin McRae Rally 2005 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "colin mcrae rally 2005" Crash Nitro Kart --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "CrashNitroKart" FIFA Football 2005 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "FIFA 2005" FIFA Soccer 2004 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "FIFA 2004" Glimmerati --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Glimmerati" High Seize --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "High Seize" MLB Slam! --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "MLB Slam!" Marcel Desailly Pro Soccer --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "MarcelDesaillyProSoccer" Mile High Pinball --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Mile High" MotoGP --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "MotoGP" NCAA Football 2004 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "NCAA®" ONE --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "ONE" Operation Shadow --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Operation Shadow" Pandemonium! --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Pandemonium" Pathway to Glory --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Pathway to Glory" Pathway to Glory: Ikusa Islands --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Ikusa Islands" Payload --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Payload" Pocket Kingdom: Own the World --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "PKingdom" Puyo Pop --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Puyo Pop" Puzzle Bobble VS --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "PuzzleBobbleVS" Rayman 3 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Rayman 3" Red Faction --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "RedFaction" Requiem of Hell --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Requiem of Hell" Rifts: Promise of Power --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "RIFTS" SSX: Out of Bounds --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "SSX" Sega Rally Championship --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "SegaRally" Snakes --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Snakes" SonicN --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "SonicN" Spider-Man 2 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "SM 2" Super Monkey Ball --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "supermonkeyball" System Rush --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "System Rush" The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Elder Scrolls" The King of Fighters: Extreme --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "KOF EXTREME" The Roots: Gates of Chaos --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "The Roots" The Sims: Bustin' Out --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "The Sims Bustin' Out" Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "TW 2004" Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Jungle Storm --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "GhostRecon" Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "SplinterCell" Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Team Stealth Action --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Splinter Cell" Tomb Raider: Starring Lara Croft --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Tomb Raider" Tony Hawk's Pro Skater --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater" Virtua Cop --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "Virtua Cop" Virtua Tennis --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "virtuatennis" WWE: Aftershock --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "WWE" Warhammer 40,000: Glory in Death --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "WH40K" Worms: World Party --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "WWP" X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "XMLII" X-Men Legends --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "XMen™" Xanadu Next --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "XanaduNEXT" Edited April 15, 2022 by Rogerooo 4 2 Quote
grzybiarz Posted April 15, 2022 Posted April 15, 2022 wow thanks. I had a problem because some games work after unpacking the zip. But if I install a new game, the old one doesn't work. That's why I keep all my games in a zip and if it doesn't work I unpack it, and now thanks to you I won't have to do it. Thanks Quote
ejz372 Posted April 16, 2022 Posted April 16, 2022 @Rogerooo thanks for the instructions. Just want to let you know that I copied everything on the Command Line Parameters section. It seems like everything works except for NCAA Football 2004 and X-Men Legends. I'm not sure if it's because of the special characters that's on them. Quote
Rogerooo Posted April 17, 2022 Posted April 17, 2022 On 4/15/2022 at 9:08 AM, grzybiarz said: wow thanks. I had a problem because some games work after unpacking the zip. But if I install a new game, the old one doesn't work. That's why I keep all my games in a zip and if it doesn't work I unpack it, and now thanks to you I won't have to do it. Thanks Yeah I was trying the way described in the video but since I host the roms on the cloud this is a better workflow for that, it's also cleaner since only one game is installed at a time. Cheers, enjoy the emulator, it's surprisingly stable and a lot of games are already working. 19 hours ago, ejz372 said: @Rogerooo thanks for the instructions. Just want to let you know that I copied everything on the Command Line Parameters section. It seems like everything works except for NCAA Football 2004 and X-Men Legends. I'm not sure if it's because of the special characters that's on them. Those are the few odd balls I was talking about, but it's strange because it's working for me here, perhaps it's a text encoding thing and the emulator doesn't recognize the string or it might be a faulty rom. If you really want to play the games try to mount them and see what's the name of the application in the icons drawer, then try to type it yourself on the launch parameters. If you are on windows press Win+. keys for a little popup with emojis and special characters like ®™. Cheers Quote
ejz372 Posted April 17, 2022 Posted April 17, 2022 @Rogerooo Thanks a lot. Will try your method. If it still doesnt work, then it's okay. Quote
marcosgaming Posted May 5, 2022 Posted May 5, 2022 On 27/4/2021 at 07:17, Talphadogg said: Va bene, quindi questo ha funzionato per me, ma ha comunque avuto problemi con alcuni giochi che sapevo funzionavano nell'emulatore al di fuori di launchbox, ma non quando lanciato da launchbox. (Requiem from Hell, ad esempio, si avviava quando veniva lanciato direttamente dall'emulatore eka2l1 ma non dai file che darkshade aveva fornito in launchbox) Ecco cosa ho fatto per risolvere il problema e spero che questo aiuti qualcuno in futuro se si imbattono negli stessi problemi che Stavo avendo e grazie a Darkshade e Mr.Laor per tutte le informazioni fornite da loro e dai loro post sull'argomento. (La maggior parte di questo post è fondamentalmente una copia carbone solo con modifiche ai nomi dei file e condensata in un unico post) 1. Segui la guida per configurare l'emulatore da OP Video qui . nota: del sistema operativo Symbian a cui si è collegato nella descrizione del video, quello che ha la migliore compatibilità è RH-4 poiché blzinstapp funzionerà effettivamente. Non sono sicuro di poterlo collegare, quindi Google è il tuo migliore amico. 2. Una volta che hai configurato il tuo emulatore, devi averlo configurato in launchbox (sotto strumenti, gestisci emulatori, aggiungi) e dopo aver inserito nel percorso l'eseguibile e chiamato il tuo emulatore, assicurati di spuntare la casella per "Usa solo file senza estensione file o percorso cartella" e aggiungi i parametri della riga di comando predefiniti. --app %romfile% --schermo intero 3. Scarica questa cartella di file vuoti e salvali in una cartella in cui potrai tenerne traccia. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Command Lines I file vuoti avranno tutti nomi strani come 0x101F402 e il motivo è che quelli sono gli ID app per ogni gioco nell'emulatore e corrisponderanno alle scorciatoie che dovremo creare nel passaggio quattro. 4. Ho modificato il file .bat di Darkshade per produrre le scorciatoie come prima ma con gli ID app corretti. Quindi per produrre le scorciatoie dovremo scaricare questo file .bat e posizionarlo nella directory principale del tuo emulatore con il programma eka2l1.exe. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) Sarà necessario creare un collegamento all'emulatore facendo clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su eka2l1.exe e selezionando crea collegamento qui. Creerà un file chiamato "eka2l1.exe - Collegamento" che è quello che vogliamo. Eseguire "Ngage App ID Shortcut.bat" dopo aver creato il collegamento a eka2l1.exe. 5. Prendi la cartella dei collegamenti di gioco che è stata prodotta nella cartella principale del tuo emulatore di nuovo questa cartella: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) e posizionalo nella cartella in cui hai archiviato la cartella della riga di comando dal passaggio 3. Ora è il momento di importare i tuoi giochi in launchbox. Importa tutti i file dalla cartella della riga di comando che hai scaricato nel passaggio 3 come "Rom" e cerca la piattaforma "Nokia N-Gage". Molto probabilmente non otterrai alcuna opera d'arte poiché i giochi saranno tutti etichettati con nomi di file dispari come 0x101f409, quindi niente panico. 6. Una volta che tutti i tuoi giochi sono stati importati, chiudi Launchbox e Scarica questo . È un file XML della piattaforma compilato che deve sostituire l'unico launchbox appena creato in LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Nokia N-Gage.xml Il mio è sotto questo: H:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\ Una volta che ha sostituito l'unico launchbox creato, aprilo con il tuo programma di modifica del testo preferito (consiglio vivamente Notepad ++ perché è gratuito e fantastico) e premi "ctrl+F". Nelle opzioni dovrebbe esserci un'opzione "trova e sostituisci" con due barre da compilare. Nella barra "trova" copia Sostituisci\Questa\Directory dentro. Ora dobbiamo aggiungere ciò con cui lo stiamo sostituendo, che sarà la cartella in cui hai posizionato quei file della riga di comando dal passaggio 3. Il modo più semplice per farlo è aprire Windows Explorer e passare alla cartella. Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sulla barra degli indirizzi nella finestra e copiare come testo. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Game Shortcuts\ Nota come Darkshade ha detto prima assicurati di avere la barra rovesciata alla fine lì. "\" Dopo aver trovato e sostituito, salva il file così com'è. Apri Launchbox e tutti i giochi dovrebbero avere i metadati e i nomi corretti. Sentiti libero di scartare l'opera d'arte ora. Ora, per quanto ne so, ci sono alcuni giochi che A) non funzionano correttamente, B) non hanno box art/meta data, C) funzionano solo su alcuni sistemi operativi Symbian come RH-4. Ho testato tutti i giochi che ho solo su due di essi (RH-4 e RH-29) ma ho compilato un elenco di ID app funzionanti e non funzionanti in questo foglio Excel e forse aiuterà gli altri a ottenere il resto la libreria per funzionare correttamente. Quel foglio excel può essere trovato qui. Spero che questo aiuti qualcuno e ancora grazie a Mr. Laor e Darkshade per tutte le informazioni e il lavoro che hanno messo in questo! Auguri a tutti. Hi Talphadogg, i follow your guide and all works perfectly. I set all in my LaunchBox. Only .blz doesn't work. This is error when i launch the game : Error executing script entry of gof_red_fix: [string "gof_red_fix"]:24: attempt to index global 'gofExecSeg (a nil vaule). Other things... have you covers, clear logo and snap video ready to put in LaunchBox\Images or Videos ? Have you a beautiful theme video of Nokia N-Gage ? Thanks. Quote
marcosgaming Posted May 5, 2022 Posted May 5, 2022 On 4/27/2021 at 7:17 AM, Talphadogg said: Okay so this worked for me kind of, but still had issues with some games that I knew worked in the emulator outside of launchbox, but not when launched from launchbox. (Requiem from Hell for instance would launch when directly launched from the eka2l1 emulator but not from the files darkshade had provided in launchbox) Here's what I did to fix that issue and hopefully this helps someone in the future if they run into the same issues that I was having and thanks to Darkshade and Mr.Laor for all the info they and their posts on the subject provided. (Most of this post is basically a carbon copy just with tweaks to file names and condensed into one post) 1. Follow the guide to set up the emulator from the OP Video here. note: Of the Symbian OS' that he linked to in the description of the video the one that has best compatibility is RH-4 as the blzinstapp will actually work. I'm not sure if I can link it so Google is your best friend. 2. Once you have your emulator set up you need to have it set up in launchbox (under tools, manage emulators, add) and after you have put in the path the the executable and named your emulator, make sure to tick the box for "Use file only without file extension or folder path" and add in the default command line parameters this. --app %romfile% --fullscreen 3. Download this folder of blank files and save them into a folder where you will be able to keep track of it. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Command Lines The blank files will all have odd names like 0x101F402 and the reason for this is those are the App IDs for each game in the emulator and will correspond to the shortcuts that we will need to make in step four. 4. I altered Darkshade's .bat file to produce the shortcuts the same way it did before but with the correct App IDs. So to produce the shortcuts we will need download this .bat file and place in the root directory of your emulator with the eka2l1.exe program. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) You will need to create a shortcut to the emulator by right clicking eka2l1.exe and selecting create shortcut here. It will create a file called "eka2l1.exe - Shortcut" which is what we want. Run the "Ngage App ID Shortcut.bat" after you have created the shortcut to eka2l1.exe. 5. Take the Game shortcuts folder that has been produced in the root folder of your emulator again this folder: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) and place it in the folder where you stored your command line folder from step 3. Now its time to import your games into launchbox. Import all the files from the command line folder you downloaded in step 3 as "Roms" and scrape for the platform "Nokia N-Gage". You will most likely not get any art work as the games will all be labeled the odd file names like 0x101f409 so don't panic. 6. Once all your games are imported close launchbox and Download this. It's a filled out platform xml file that needs to replace the one launchbox just created in LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Nokia N-Gage.xml Mine is under this: H:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\ Once it has replaced the one launchbox made, open it with your favorite text editing program(I highly recommend Notepad++ because its free and great) and press "ctrl+F". In the options there should be a "find and replace" option with two bars to fill out. In the "find" bar copy Replace\This\Directory into it. Now we need to add what we are replacing it with, which will be the folder where you placed those command line files from step 3. The easiest way to do this is open windows explorer and navigate to the folder. Right click the address bar in the window and copy as text. Mine looks like this: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Game Shortcuts\ Note like Darkshade said earlier make sure you have the backslash on the end there. "\" After its done finding and replacing just save the file as is. Open Launchbox and all the games should have the correct meta data and names. Feel free to scrap the art work now. Now as far as I know there are a few games that A)Do not work correctly, B)Do not have box art/meta data, C)only work on certain Symbian Operating systems like RH-4. I have only tested all the games I have on two of them (RH-4 and RH-29) but I compiled a list of working and not working with app IDs into this Excel sheet and maybe it will help others in getting the rest of the library to work correctly. That excel sheet can be found here. I hope this helps someone and again thank you to both Mr. Laor and Darkshade for all the info and work they put into this! Cheers everyone. On 27/4/2021 at 07:17, Talphadogg said: Va bene, quindi questo ha funzionato per me, ma ha comunque avuto problemi con alcuni giochi che sapevo funzionavano nell'emulatore al di fuori di launchbox, ma non quando lanciato da launchbox. (Requiem from Hell, ad esempio, si avviava quando veniva lanciato direttamente dall'emulatore eka2l1 ma non dai file che darkshade aveva fornito in launchbox) Ecco cosa ho fatto per risolvere il problema e spero che questo aiuti qualcuno in futuro se si imbattono negli stessi problemi che Stavo avendo e grazie a Darkshade e Mr.Laor per tutte le informazioni fornite da loro e dai loro post sull'argomento. (La maggior parte di questo post è fondamentalmente una copia carbone solo con modifiche ai nomi dei file e condensata in un unico post) 1. Segui la guida per configurare l'emulatore da OP Video qui . nota: del sistema operativo Symbian a cui si è collegato nella descrizione del video, quello che ha la migliore compatibilità è RH-4 poiché blzinstapp funzionerà effettivamente. Non sono sicuro di poterlo collegare, quindi Google è il tuo migliore amico. 2. Una volta che hai configurato il tuo emulatore, devi averlo configurato in launchbox (sotto strumenti, gestisci emulatori, aggiungi) e dopo aver inserito nel percorso l'eseguibile e chiamato il tuo emulatore, assicurati di spuntare la casella per "Usa solo file senza estensione file o percorso cartella" e aggiungi i parametri della riga di comando predefiniti. --app %romfile% --schermo intero 3. Scarica questa cartella di file vuoti e salvali in una cartella in cui potrai tenerne traccia. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Command Lines I file vuoti avranno tutti nomi strani come 0x101F402 e il motivo è che quelli sono gli ID app per ogni gioco nell'emulatore e corrisponderanno alle scorciatoie che dovremo creare nel passaggio quattro. 4. Ho modificato il file .bat di Darkshade per produrre le scorciatoie come prima ma con gli ID app corretti. Quindi per produrre le scorciatoie dovremo scaricare questo file .bat e posizionarlo nella directory principale del tuo emulatore con il programma eka2l1.exe. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) Sarà necessario creare un collegamento all'emulatore facendo clic con il pulsante destro del mouse su eka2l1.exe e selezionando crea collegamento qui. Creerà un file chiamato "eka2l1.exe - Collegamento" che è quello che vogliamo. Eseguire "Ngage App ID Shortcut.bat" dopo aver creato il collegamento a eka2l1.exe. 5. Prendi la cartella dei collegamenti di gioco che è stata prodotta nella cartella principale del tuo emulatore di nuovo questa cartella: H:\LaunchBox\Emulators\EKA2L1(Nokia Ngage RH-4) e posizionalo nella cartella in cui hai archiviato la cartella della riga di comando dal passaggio 3. Ora è il momento di importare i tuoi giochi in launchbox. Importa tutti i file dalla cartella della riga di comando che hai scaricato nel passaggio 3 come "Rom" e cerca la piattaforma "Nokia N-Gage". Molto probabilmente non otterrai alcuna opera d'arte poiché i giochi saranno tutti etichettati con nomi di file dispari come 0x101f409, quindi niente panico. 6. Una volta che tutti i tuoi giochi sono stati importati, chiudi Launchbox e Scarica questo . È un file XML della piattaforma compilato che deve sostituire l'unico launchbox appena creato in LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\Nokia N-Gage.xml Il mio è sotto questo: H:\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\ Una volta che ha sostituito l'unico launchbox creato, aprilo con il tuo programma di modifica del testo preferito (consiglio vivamente Notepad ++ perché è gratuito e fantastico) e premi "ctrl+F". Nelle opzioni dovrebbe esserci un'opzione "trova e sostituisci" con due barre da compilare. Nella barra "trova" copia Sostituisci\Questa\Directory dentro. Ora dobbiamo aggiungere ciò con cui lo stiamo sostituendo, che sarà la cartella in cui hai posizionato quei file della riga di comando dal passaggio 3. Il modo più semplice per farlo è aprire Windows Explorer e passare alla cartella. Fare clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sulla barra degli indirizzi nella finestra e copiare come testo. Il mio si presenta così: H:\LaunchBox\Games\Nokia N-Gage\Game Shortcuts\ Nota come Darkshade ha detto prima assicurati di avere la barra rovesciata alla fine lì. "\" Dopo aver trovato e sostituito, salva il file così com'è. Apri Launchbox e tutti i giochi dovrebbero avere i metadati e i nomi corretti. Sentiti libero di scartare l'opera d'arte ora. Ora, per quanto ne so, ci sono alcuni giochi che A) non funzionano correttamente, B) non hanno box art/meta data, C) funzionano solo su alcuni sistemi operativi Symbian come RH-4. Ho testato tutti i giochi che ho solo su due di essi (RH-4 e RH-29) ma ho compilato un elenco di ID app funzionanti e non funzionanti in questo foglio Excel e forse aiuterà gli altri a ottenere il resto la libreria per funzionare correttamente. Quel foglio excel può essere trovato qui. Spero che questo aiuti qualcuno e ancora grazie a Mr. Laor e Darkshade per tutte le informazioni e il lavoro che hanno messo in questo! Auguri a tutti. Hi Talphadogg, i follow your guide and all works perfectly. I set all in my LaunchBox. Only .blz doesn't work. This is error when i launch the game : Error executing script entry of gof_red_fix: [string "gof_red_fix"]:24: attempt to index global 'gofExecSeg (a nil vaule). Other things... have you covers, clear logo and snap video ready to put in LaunchBox\Images or Videos ? Have you a beautiful theme video of Nokia N-Gage ? Other question? Have you tutorial for Reshade with little screen for this platforms games ??? At full screen it's very bad ;S Thanks. Quote
Mr.Laor Posted May 7, 2022 Author Posted May 7, 2022 Here is a platform if needed - unified style 1248711230_N-GageThemeVideo.mp4 Quote
schrockboy Posted May 31, 2022 Posted May 31, 2022 On 2/6/2021 at 3:02 PM, Darkshade said: Enjoy. Darkshade's method worked perfectly except for 2 games. Pocket Kingdom and Requim of Hell. Do those games work for anyone here? Thanks so much for everyone's help with this. I could have never set this up without your help 1 Quote
JamesBond@ge Posted June 17, 2022 Posted June 17, 2022 (edited) Has anyone got Mile High Pinball and Hooked On: Creatures Of The Deep running on this? Edited June 17, 2022 by JamesBond@ge Quote
mikejoe Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 Thank you all for the information and files. Now how I close the game? my assigned Launchbox close key doesn't close it. Can you please help. Quote
ci2own Posted February 5, 2023 Posted February 5, 2023 Hi all! I can't run games with TM, or (R) symbol on the name from the command line. But if i just mount them and run by clicking, they works fine. Some examples: X-Men Legends --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "XMen™" NCAA Football 2004 --fullscreen --mount %romfile% --run "NCAA®" Can someone run, or knows how to run through command line? Thanks in advance. Quote
Coptimus Posted March 25, 2023 Posted March 25, 2023 On 2/4/2023 at 12:45 AM, mikejoe said: Thank you all for the information and files. Now how I close the game? my assigned Launchbox close key doesn't close it. Can you please help. Here is the only way I've figured out how to close the game. I hit the Launchbox key for PAUSE screen and then select EXIT GAME. There has to be a better way though Quote
Coptimus Posted March 25, 2023 Posted March 25, 2023 All...I realize this is a pretty old thread, but using this method, I can get the games to launch and they go full screen, but then I have the command prompt sitting on top of the emulator. I have to click on the emulator and that makes the command prompt go behind the emu. I can then play, but then as described above, I end hitting the pause screen to exit the emu. Quote
swebley Posted June 16, 2023 Posted June 16, 2023 (edited) ok so i tried all the above & found it very confusing (mostley because its out of date) so here is what i did ( I got all games working except flo boarding ) first get your emulator eka2l1 or as it is now known eka2l1_qt here get windows latest get the sys.rom (search Firmware nokia N-Gage) & get all the games check get the n-gage cracked games full romset once you have those run the emulator & it will come up with no system files installed (or something similar) in the emu file/ install device & select your path to the sys.rom. close & reopen the emu. now to install the games first off, unzip them ( i used 7zip, but you can use winrar if you want) now there are 2 ways of installing them in the vids i saw. so i did both ( you may only need to do 1, maybe someone will help with this) but my way worked for me install file / install N Gage card game select the folder of the game with the system folder inside it, do not select the the system folder but the game folder. then copy & past the system folder to the eka2l1/Data/drives/ e if you don't see it create it do this for all the games over write over the system folder if asked now check if the games work, if not search on internet archive for another version of the game, a couple of times i had to del & reinstall the game (don't worry about this till you need to) To delete the game look at the system folder of the game and then look at apps in there you will see 6r21 (or whatever it is for your game), then go to eka2l1/ Data drives & search for whatever the number of the game is & delete all of them, then reinstall now you should be able to use (all but 1 (flo boarding)) of your games now to install them into launchbox insall the eka2l1 Emulator & put this in Default Command-Line --app %romfile% (you can put --app %romfile%--fullscreen if you want Fullscreen) get my command line (see link below) unzip it and use these as your roms intall them as roms. platform Nokia N-Gage the Nokia N-Gage platform did not show up for me so i went to tools/ manage/ platforms and look for Nokia N-Gage. edit it and select the parents tab and select Handhelds (category) then you should be able to see it now the games will work Thanks to all who contrabuted in earlier posts (without their help i could not have done this) Command Line.7z Edited June 16, 2023 by swebley corrected my awful spelling :-) Quote
marph Posted September 26, 2023 Posted September 26, 2023 (edited) First thanks a lot for all the work done by the OP and some of the people who replied! For me the tutorial of @Darkshade worked the best. One annotation though: The files provided are not truly empty. There is some binary data inside. On 6/16/2023 at 3:12 AM, swebley said: now you should be able to use (all but 1 (flo boarding)) of your games @swebley: Did you really get all 65 games working except Flo Boarding??? I had many issues and my success rate looks more like the Excel sheet compiled by @Talphadogg. I had many different types of problems. I'm trying to summarize them here: Some games did not install and there was an error saying something about more than one app in the app folder. This I could resolve by removing the unwanted app file or by using a rom from a different source. Some games did install, but did not show up in the app launcher. This I could sometimes resolve by installing the rom in a newly setup data folder of EKA2L1 or by mounting the card dump directly. The first solution is hardly feasible because I would have to start installing all the games all over again and then another game would most probably interfer again. The second solution does not work with Launchbox because there is no command line argument to tell EKA2L1 to run a card dump directly. Some games do run if installed in a freshly setup data folder or if the card dump is mounted directly, but they stop working after installing some other games. If they are reinstalled they start working again (but probably break other games). For example Elder Scrolls. Some games do only run if the card dump is mounted directly, but they don't if they are installed. For example System Rush. Some games always crash at boot, no matter what I try (also on a freshly setup data folder and by mounting the card dump directly). For example Call of Duty. I am using the latest version of the emulator: What is your experience? If someone really managed to get almost all the games working I would really appreciate it, if she or he could share her or his data folder. Edited September 26, 2023 by marph 1 Quote
swebley Posted September 29, 2023 Posted September 29, 2023 (edited) yes i did, i will help you do the same, as soon as my main computer is up & running (its recovering 8T of data i lost) Edited September 29, 2023 by swebley corrected typos 1 Quote
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