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Community Theme Creator 3.1.5

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Refer to my YouTube channel or visit Faeran's Theme Creator Workshop videos to better understand the new features.

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Edited by y2guru

What's New in Version 3.1.5   See changelog


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@y2guru I'm finally giving this a go having a bit more time, installed as instructed. It's looking great man, thanks for all your work on this!

Sadly I have the same problem like @horse in that I can't see images in a new theme I created, I do see images and video in the example 'Plain & Simple' theme.

I'm in wheelgamesview in the editor. Once adding an image element and going to the image tab; the media folder drop down doesn't show anything it's blank. Pressing the browse button it opens the media folder in a new explorer window but I don't see any add button, when selecting filename (I placed the images in the media folder of the theme) the dropdown menu doesn't show all the images, only png's but not jpgs, I can select a png file but it doesn't show in the editor. I think the problem is I'm missing something in the basics here.



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Edit: I placed the images in a subfolder within the media folder called images and now they show ? Also converted the jpg files to png so I'm on the right track now :)

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1 hour ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

Edit: I placed the images in a subfolder within the media folder called images and now they show ? Also converted the jpg files to png so I'm on the right track now :)

That’s great!! I just woke up so my apologies for not being around to guide you, would you like me to do a livestream and we can build something together as you ask questions along the way?

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22 minutes ago, y2guru said:

That’s great!! I just woke up so my apologies for not being around to guide you, would you like me to do a livestream and we can build something together as you ask questions along the way?

i'm active in discord

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20 minutes ago, y2guru said:

That’s great!! I just woke up so my apologies for not being around to guide you, would you like me to do a livestream and we can build something together as you ask questions along the way?

Absolutely no apologies needed brother! I think the rest is clear enough for me its an amazing program, but thank you for wanting to help man much appreciated! Is there a reason why jpg is not supported or am I missing an option somewhere?

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2 minutes ago, Mr. RetroLust said:

Absolutely no apologies needed brother! I think the rest is clear enough for me its an amazing program, but thank you for wanting to help man much appreciated! Is there a reason why jpg is not supported or am I missing an option somewhere?

it's hardcoded for .png's at the moment

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Sorry for such a noob question but I'm trying to add a video to my coverflow view. I see in the theme included the UI element is called "Selected Item Video" but when I try and add that element it is not included in the list. I'm probably missing something obvious but I just can't see it. See attached picture.


Love the program btw ;)


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33 minutes ago, DarkKronos said:

Sorry for such a noob question but I'm trying to add a video to my coverflow view. I see in the theme included the UI element is called "Selected Item Video" but when I try and add that element it is not included in the list. I'm probably missing something obvious but I just can't see it. See attached picture.


Love the program btw ;)


You could always right click and copy that view and paste it into the HorizontalGamesWheel1 view to get almost the same results but with the video

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Loving the app. Currently struggling to get the new game marquee view to work - only the front box is showing in that view in BigBox. Is this view set to appear on the marquee screen in BigBox (i.e. not the primary screen)? Any help appreciated; @Mr. RetroLust I heard that you got it working?

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19 minutes ago, Retrofrogg said:

Loving the app. Currently struggling to get the new game marquee view to work - only the front box is showing in that view in BigBox. Is this view set to appear on the marquee screen in BigBox (i.e. not the primary screen)? Any help appreciated; @Mr. RetroLust I heard that you got it working?

Hey bro, i'm not sure how your marquee layout looks but in order to double the marquee image and put the blur effect on the lower layer you have to set it to the following or else you'll only see one marquee layer: set the appearance to 'during selection' instead of 'once selected'. 

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Thanks @Mr. RetroLust for your reply - but I'm afraid I'm thoroughly confused by it! Why are you talking about doubling a marquee image and adding a blur effect to the lower layer? My question related to y2guru's theme creator and how to edit the game marquee view (i.e. add other UI elements etc). I tried changing the appearance of the UI elements to "during selection" just in case, though this didn't make any difference. 

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18 minutes ago, Retrofrogg said:

Thanks @Mr. RetroLust for your reply - but I'm afraid I'm thoroughly confused by it! Why are you talking about doubling a marquee image and adding a blur effect to the lower layer? My question related to y2guru's theme creator and how to edit the game marquee view (i.e. add other UI elements etc). I tried changing the appearance of the UI elements to "during selection" just in case, though this didn't make any difference. 

Ah ok, I don't understand your question then lol But maybe I can still be of help if you take some screenshots of what you want to achieve etc.

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Sorry, my fault for not being clear! In BigBox, the marquee screen is the (optional) second screen that can be enabled and by default will show the game marquee image (or any other images set as priorities for marquee image in LaunchBox). Obviously you need a dual screen/dual monitor setup to benefit from this.

Previously, y2guru's theme editor was not able to edit the marquee screen. y2guru had not been aware of the feature himself until recently when I pointed it out to him and @harryoke told him how to get it working. y2guru has, with the latest release of his theme editor kindly added the game and platform marquee views as editable views. 

Unfortunately, I cannot get these views to work properly using the theme editor. I can add elements to the game marquee view in the theme editor, and it shows fine when you test it out in the theme editor, but when I export the theme and try it in BigBox it only shows the front cover and not any of the other UI elements I had added. It does seem that BigBox is reading the theme marquee view, as it does show where I positioned the front cover - it just doesn't show any of the other UI elements I had added. It's as if the marquee screen is only able to show one image and is not responding to the instructions from the theme for some reason.

Hope this is more clear. Grateful for any help but aware that you @Mr. RetroLust might not have got this working either!


Edited by Retrofrogg
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6 minutes ago, Retrofrogg said:

It's as if the marquee screen is only able to show one image

I wouldnt be surprised at all if that is actually the case, but i dont really know for sure.

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Just had a breakthrough. Seems to work for all platforms OTHER than the one I was trying to get it to work for. So looks like this is a case of user (me) error! Must have done something when editing the theme for MSDOS that buggered it up for that platform but still allows it to work for the others. Will do some more fiddling! Sorry to suggest it might be a problem with your app @y2guru

Question - in the theme editor you can select the platform from the drop-down menu in the top left, then select the view you want to edit at the bottom of the screen. Just below that there is another list of platforms - what's the difference between these two lists of platforms?

Edit: after some more restarting of both apps (and not doing anything else as far as I can tell), it is now working for MSDOS! Time for some theming..... :D 

Second question - can you move images forward/back? I'd like to have a background, but when I add the image I can see no way to move it to the background, behind the other UI elements.

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Think part of the problem might have been the animations - I added animations to 2 UI elements for the marquee screen view, but enabling those messes up the view in BigBox (only one of the 2 elements shows and it doesn't move). If I remove the animation effect and export again, it works. 

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1 hour ago, Retrofrogg said:

Just had a breakthrough. Seems to work for all platforms OTHER than the one I was trying to get it to work for. So looks like this is a case of user (me) error! Must have done something when editing the theme for MSDOS that buggered it up for that platform but still allows it to work for the others. Will do some more fiddling! Sorry to suggest it might be a problem with your app @y2guru

Question - in the theme editor you can select the platform from the drop-down menu in the top left, then select the view you want to edit at the bottom of the screen. Just below that there is another list of platforms - what's the difference between these two lists of platforms?

Edit: after some more restarting of both apps (and not doing anything else as far as I can tell), it is now working for MSDOS! Time for some theming..... :D 

Second question - can you move images forward/back? I'd like to have a background, but when I add the image I can see no way to move it to the background, behind the other UI elements.

Thanks for explaining it clearly ;) As far as I know (but haven't tried yet) the only image binding working in the marquee xaml is the marquee binding for gamemarquee and banner for platformmarquee but perhaps Jason has made changes to the code in the mean time to allow more bindings, i'm not sure. For your second question; you can hold and drag the layers up or down in the control panel.

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I think he must have done - I have currently got front & back box working simultaneously in the game marquee view! Thanks for the advice regarding the layers - I should have thought of that!

Edited by Retrofrogg
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Can you "group" various UI elements - like have them align, and move together? Also, it is possible to choose which screenshot - like game title, gameplay etc, like you can in Launchbox?

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Thanks mate. And can you choose different types of screenshot? Or is that something for the future?

Also - does the scrolling text UI element work? I set it to show notes, but when I export the theme to BigBox it doesn't scroll.

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