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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. @ItchyRobot That is a very nice discovery!! As I was checking this out, I found it doesn't have to be the 'Start' button. Space bar works also. Copy and save this AutoHotkey script (call it VPX.ahk or whatever) and set it to run as an Additional App for your tables (doesn't matter if they use PinMame or not because it will timeout (after 10 seconds) on it's own) and have it run Before Main Application. #NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases. SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability. SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory. Done = 0 SetTimer, WaitedTooLong, -10000 While (!Done) { WinWait Preparing Table Sleep, 3000 Send {Space} Exit } WaitedTooLong: Exit If you see the PinMame screen up too long, adjust the line: "Sleep, 3000". That is, if the screen shows for the same duration as is always had, it might be sending {Space} too soon. So try maybe "Sleep, 4000" (4 seconds). If it shows and goes away, but could go away a little sooner, try something like "Sleep, 2500". Your mileage may vary.
  2. Try removing "file:\\\" at the front end of the rom file location.
  3. Delete all images and videos associated with that game. Then open BB and see that it doesn't error. If it doesn't, YAY! Then add images and check again. Maybe add just something basic at first, then add more later. process of elimination If that ends up being good, then add a video.
  4. Not sure about Daphne, but for MAME, see here:
  5. My thoughts are if you're going to venture into Visual Basic, you might as well go straight to C#. The learning curve is pretty much identical. Not the language, just learning it I don't do FB. I'll send you a PM.
  6. Mutant Rampage isn't supported in MAME (yet?) <software name="mutntrap" supported="no"> <disk name="mutant rampage - bodyslam (1994)(philips)(eu)[!][dvc]"> <software name="mutntrapu" cloneof="mutntrap" supported="no"> <disk name="mutant rampage - bodyslam (1994)(philips)(us)[dvc]"> Where as Hotel Mario [and others] are.
  7. AHK is pretty slick and can actually do quite a bit. Even as far a being able to create your own gui program. Then maybe someday we can even graduate you up to C# For a long press, you'll want to look at KeyWait with a Timeout option. https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=10067
  8. Did you add in Filter 2? (along with #1 and optional #3)
  9. Plan B: (I love always giving options ) Open MAME (mame64.exe) Click on "Custom Filter" Add your filter(s)"Return to previous Menu" You can view them there, or click the yellow disk and "Export displayed list to file".If you choose TXT format, it'll look something like this...
  10. Glad to hear that worked out! ? Ya, No HTPC here. But I do have my arcade cab hooked to my TV for playing [Steam] Lego Harry Potter on "the big screen" with the XBox 360 controller while sitting comfortably on the couch. ? How about having a 2nd 'custom' installation of Chrome just for the Kids? A quick search for "change cursor in chrome" and also "have a mouse click sound in chrome" yielded some possibilities. Or I'm sure there's some way programmatically to start it with these options.
  11. You're welcome! I had actually forgotten all about that little tidbit until you asked. I may have to do some tinkering for my software lists collection.
  12. Have you tried asking on Stack Overflow? By "YouTubeKids hotkeys" I'm assuming {Ctrl}{Alt}Y. And is it safe to assume that the exe file is what opens chrome? ('cause I ain't checkin') To combine the two, hmmm...... how about have the "mouse script" be a function inside the 1st script? Then when ^!Y is pressed, it does its' thing and also [have it] call mouseScript(). Though not sure how that works with the #Directives. But if you can work that out, inside CheckChrome: add in a check for {Shift}{Esc} and Return will (should?) close the function. Or Exit. But not ExitApp. I think..lol If (GetKeyState("Shift", "P") && GetKeyState("Escape", "P")) Return (...may need to put it in a Loop.) Plan B: is in the the ^!Y script, have it also 'Run' your Mouse_Script.ahk (or compile it to exe) and in the {Shif}{Escape} sequence add in DetectHiddenWindows, On WinClose, ahk_class AutoHotkey
  13. If I'm understanding correctly, you're basically wanting a single default bezel (artwork) for all games (or at least for ones that don't have their own). This might be what you're after... https://mrdo.mameworld.info/mame_artwork_generic.php
  14. Oh Snap! My bad. I am so sorry. So yes, compiling that script I gave (the one with "WinClose" in it) to an exe and have it "Run Automatically Before Main Application" will work. Actually, maybe use $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe ABC.exe ExitApp } This way, you run the script before your Main App, the script then hangs around in the background until you press the {Escape} key. Then the script closes ABC.exe and then closes itself (with "ExitApp" so it's not 'hanging around' anymore).
  15. "best/correct/better/cleaner/", depends on who you ask. ? Alt+F4 is really no different than clicking "X". (i.e. clicking "X" does not do a quicky background save, then close. It closes just like Alt+F4) That said... Go to "Tools", "Manage Emulators...", select your 'emulator' for "ABC.exe" and Click "Edit". In the "Running AutoHotkey Script" tab, enter in $Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe ABC.exe } "Save", "Close".... So in hopes that your Win10 App doesn't use the {Escape} inside it, when you are in the App, pressing {Escape} will close the App. Alternately you could set it up so {Escape} sends Alt+F4 (for your scenario). But the above code is the "BEST" acceptable answer.
  16. Through you I-Pac setup, you should be able to set up 'key' combinations (if it wasn't setup by default already). i.e. I have an (old) I-Pac/2 in my cab. When you press "Player 1 Start" and "Player 1 Coin" buttons at the same time, it's send "Enter". And then also, "Player 1 Start" and "Play/Pause" buttons pressed at the same time send "Escape". Not sure about setting up the joystick. Sounds like (for when in LaunchBox vs BigBox), you need to set up a "Tab" button-combination (or just use the keyboards Tab key, if handy) to get you into the games section, then you can move around with the joystick. As for question #2, make sure have your personalized "License.xml" file in your LaunchBox directory. Then to get the latest release, in LaunchBox, select "Tools", "Options" and be sure to have "Check for Updates...." checked.
  17. @johnsanc Done. 1) During the Import process (by either Copy AND Import or Import Only), all games (new and existing) will be set as "Broken" [Broken=true] in LaunchBox if the game status of "Supported" is "no". If the supported status is "partial" or blank, then Broken=false. 2) - When Copying & Importing, files copied will overwrite existing files with the same name. (told you I had to cover all aspects. ) - During the Import process (by either Copy AND Import or Import Only), if the game already exists in LB (for the given Platform), it will not be added again. ...and it's supported status will be set accordingly. So for #2, there's no 'added button'. Just click Import Only and it will add any new games to LB and update the supported status for all games in that Platform. And of course, all this, making sure the hash files match the ROM set [which matches the MAME revision] Oh, and "Broken" is not an available option for "Additional Apps", so no worries there. **** Import Mame Software Lists 1.32 updates **** - Clarification: When copying files, existing files with the same name will be overwritten. (useful when updating Software Lists) - Fixed: Tools menu icon. - Fixed: Will no longer Import games that already exist. - Fixed: If Platform already exists as an 'Additional Platform' for the MAME emulator, it won't add it again. - New Feature: If a newly imported game is tagged as not supported by MAME, it will be marked as "Broken". Will also check existing games in the Platform being imported to (in case MAME updated its' status) (Not applicable to clones when imported as additional apps) - Changed: Made changes and reduced the dll file size by about 75%
  18. Arcade Database http://adb.arcadeitalia.net/default.php
  19. @johnsanc Glad it's working well for you. Simple AND working well is what I was striving for. Good suggestions. #1 is simple enough, and I can add that for the "Completionist's" sake. #2 For [just] Importing into LaunchBox (vs Copy and Import), I could add another button for "Check for Changes" or something like that. Then it would cross check the "Broken" status of existing games and add any new ones. But for the Copy process I'd want to have it do a hash check on all the existing rom files to see if any have been updated, replace those and add any missing (new). Sounds simple enough. I think. lol I've added these to my to-do list. BTW, figured out how to "correctly" add an icon to the Tools menu.
  20. @johnsanc Thank you so much for showing the debug log! Saved me a heck of a lot of banging my head. I tried to get fancy and have an icon next to it in the Tools menu. Guess I have some learning yet to do about embedding resources. ? I uploaded v1.31.1 with the icon reference removed. Attached is the dll file that was fixed (just unzip and place it in the ../Plugins/ImportMameSoftwareLists folder [and unblock?]). Or you can download the full "ImportMameSoftwareLists 1.31.1.zip" file from the downloads section. ImportMameSoftwareLists.zip
  21. @rexryan I edited my post to reflect that for the Refried Theme, you will need to edit "Arcade.xaml".
  22. @rexryan Make sure you have the BigBox version installed (as well as the LaunchBox version from this post). See above for link to the BigBox version. Edit for "Arcade.xaml" As @ed20910 indicated, for the Refried Theme, be sure you edit "Arcade.xaml" located in the "TextGamesView" folder. (Note the "s" in "Games") If the theme you're using shows Game Details (I don't have Refried), in BigBox, be sure to have "Show Custom Fields" checked under "Options", "Games Details". Also depending on the Theme, if there are too many "Details" checked, it may not show. If your Theme doesn't show Game Details [circled in red], there should also be (assuming the correct xaml is edited) a "View Hi-Scores" item in the menu [highlighted blue]. And of course, none of these will show if there are no saved high scores for the particular game.
  23. @TrailerVert Do you have Save States turned on?If so, try turning that off.
  24. Looks like ePSXe can be setup to start in fullscreen from the gui.
  25. {Alt}+{Enter} ?
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