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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. That's good info to know! Thank you.
  2. I'd almost bet it'd even work in Windows 95. OK, maybe. lol But I'm sure it will on Win8. All it's doing is reading entries from the registry file. It will NOT change anything unless you tell it to. So it's safe to at least look at. In fact to make a change, Autoruns needs to be ran as Administrator. If you attempt a change something without starting it as administrator, it will say something to the affect of... "Hey! You didn't start me as an administrator. You want me to restart as an admin so we can actually make these changes happen?"
  3. Download and run Autoruns from Microsoft. It's a standalone program so doesn't need to be installed. In a nutshell, it "shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login". With it you can check/un-check which app and services will run at startup. Anything you un-check remains there [visually] so later you can re-check as needed. If you want to get real crazy, check out Black Viper’s Windows 10 Service Configurations. He (she?) details out Services in Windows 10 that can be changed on a system for a "safe" or "tweaked" mode, according to the author.
  4. My arcade cab has its' 22" monitor plugged into the DVI port and a 60" TV plugged into the HDMI port. I found myself sometimes just wanting to play on the cab and other times on the 'big screen'. The problem I had was when playing on the cab while someone was watching [regular] TV, the cab (Windows 10 PC) would see multiple displays and "extended these displays". Though it was merely a minor irritant, I just had to figure something out to simplify switching between settings. The solution (I found at least) was using an Open Source program and creating a batch file. The program is: Monitor Profile Switcher (MPF) "Save and easily switch between Windows multi monitor configurations" https://sourceforge.net/projects/monitorswitcher/ Through the programs GUI (MonitorSwitcherGUI.exe), it saves an xml of your current display settings. So what I did was adjust my display settings for a single monitor and in MPF, saved profile as CabOnly. Then adjusted the display settings for "Extend these displays" (set main display etc..) and in MPF, saved profile as CabAndTv. I then created a batch file that uses the command line program (MonitorSwitcher.exe) to switch between the 2 profiles when executed. @echo off if not exist "1.txt" goto :switch else goto :quit :quit MonitorSwitcher.exe -load:CabOnly.xml del 1.txt /q exit :switch MonitorSwitcher.exe -load:CabAndTv.xml echo "Monitor Settings Switched!" > 1.txt exit The batch file creates/deletes a 'place holder' file (1.txt) so that it "knows" which profile it's in and thus switches to the other profile. Caveat: The MPF GUI saves the xml files to your C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Roaming\MonitorSwitcher\ directoy. So for ease, you'll want to copy them to your MPF directory. (Create the batch file in there as well). Send a shortcut of the batch file to your desktop and just double-click when you want to switch display profiles. This can also be useful inside BigBox if you have a stubborn game that will only show on the "Main Display" and the TV is set to the 'extended display'. Ok, I've only come across one like that: Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga. Created a MPF profile TvMainDisplay and in LaunchBox, Edit Game, Additional Apps. added Run before Main Application and Run After, respectively. Anyway, just thought I'd share a solution to 'a personal problem'.
  5. (just to test and see) Set your 4K to primary monitor (main display). (You'll probably now need to change where BB displays in its' options.) Does BB show full screen now on the 4K? Mine did at least. (Monitor as Main, BB filled 3/4th of the TV. TV as Main, BB filled 100%) My cab has a 22" monitor (1680 x 1050) and the attached TV is 60" (non-4K) at 1920 x 1080. The "fix" for me to keep the monitor as Main was change the "Scale and Layout" for the TV in (Windows) display settings to 125% (Windows 10).
  6. Well, it [appeared it] finished a little faster than it started. Looks like several (lol) were removed, but a quick look through the platforms, all seems good! I knew I had 'extra's but didn't think that many. Kudos to the LB team!!!
  7. Just now running it too. Not half way and says 38k+ files so far. BUT... it does say "...files currently being used..". Not 'files to be [permanently] deleted'. Also, it seems to go through your entire library. Not just the platform your in nor only the files/games selected (say, using ctrl+a). Let you know.. maybe in an hour or so. lol
  8. Process of elimination. See if you can rollback the video driver. Sometimes driver updates ain't-all-that.
  9. I figured there has to be an easier way... found this, Copied from: https://www.sevenforums.com/general-discussion/337273-bulk-delete-certain-types-files-rar-zip-archive.html Sounds like winrar will also do .zip files (vs just PKZip). Just replace .rar with .zip in the script/batch file. Also, (reading on) sounds best to do your files in manageable chunks.
  10. If you're saying when a game has focus in BB (rather than, is actually playing).. Place the music file in the appropriate directory under "Music" (i.e. Nintendo 64), and give it the same name as the game file (i.e. Mario Kart 64). C:\LaunchBox\Music\Nintendo 64\Mario Kart 64.mp3 If you want music played while playing a game, then you're probably getting into an autohotkey script, which shouldn't be too difficult, but beyond me.
  11. Not that it would less hassle than deleting the.cue files, but would clrmamepro be less irritated if the .bin files were converted to ISO?
    (not to be a copy cat of others remarks... but...) This utility is exactly what I've been looking for! It's simple and very thorough. One of the 1st things I found when testing it was that not all my games had a "DatabaseID". Meaning if anything, those game were only associated wiki. Thus lacking pertinent LB information and media/images. Very useful util.
  12. Just discovered CPWizard... after of course already staring to draw up some controller picts to place on bezels. lol Excellent plugin/addition for MAME!!! Will work on adding CPWizBiz soon for other emulators. ? However I'm running into the same issue levi brought up (issue #2), the white square/window. I've found it shows up after exiting MAME in both LaunchBox and BigBox. Issue #1 (CiceroUIWNDFrame) appears also, but goes away. While in LB, I tried closing CPW but the 'square' is still there until exiting LB (same with BB). I tried searching around for this issue but didn't find anything. Anyone find a solution? Using CPW v2.67 and latest LB/BB beta release. I the mean time I'm "exporting" bezels (may do CP images too) and see what that brings.
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