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Everything posted by Wally

  1. Beta3 seems a lot better regarding my issue. I will deep dive into it and check logs + post video
  2. thank you for getting back to me. i will do that asap
  3. So no performance and boot speed improvements in this beta, right?
  4. i3 9100F has no built in GPU i5 9600K has but I use the GTX 1650 Whatever the case, the result in both cases is an non operational system meaning...what is the benefit of waiting around 3 minutes to have your CPU settle in order to play a game? I repeat that the XML and stuff are loaded (slowly) in RAM and this does provide a very slow start but it is the CPU activity (40% on a 6 cores 4.3ghz CPU) for more than 2 minutes that is the let down. I feel Launchbox is bloated and this is the community's fault as well. We are all requesting crazy things and the dev team steps in to materialize them. As a result, we have a slow launcher. Launchers must be snappy. Launchox used to be snappy. I have uploaded the log, uploaded a video and still waiting for an answer. I am a registered user and a big supporter of Launchox all these years.
  5. I have upgraded to i5 9600K to verify that CPU is not the issue. No difference. Slow boot and once loaded, CPU works for around 2 minutes while the data are already in RAM I am on dead end.
  6. What is the best way to get an answer from the dev team to this?
  7. Any hint on where could I investigate? Logs and video do exist in the first post.
  8. Here is a video of my Task Manager while loading Launchbox. The CPU is used by different Launchbox processes for at least 1.5 minute after Launchbox has loaded! I am a registered user. Please help me get into the bottom of this because this thing is now unusable. Log is attached. This is the second attempt to load it so that no chance of things being updated exists. I have another thread waiting reply which may be related (?) Debug 2024-10-27 09-01-41 AM.log
  9. bump
  10. The Launchbox team is great. They urge to satisfy the community adding tons of stuff. BUT as a result, Launchbox has become a hog. It is SLOW. I have revisited version 7 and back and things were so snappy back then! In my case, I have errors in my Log (I am expecting an aswer sometime soon) and at least since version 17, Launchox is taking 2 minutes to boot completely. BTW I do not mind the 2.5GB RAM. I guess storing things in RAM makes things quicker... Launchox boots up and in the background launchbox.exe is taking something like 40% of the CPU for no obvious reasons for around 2 minutes until is settling to idle percentages. Please make Launchbox, snappy again and thanx for all your hard work.
  11. I thought it could be the retroachievemnhts but not. Still the rrors and the 3000 something playcount, playtime from zero to something
  12. Hi, I am trying to debug my registered Launchbox extremely slow boot. I first went through the Log The first thing I have noticed are these errors towards the end of the log: Also in the beggining of the log I can LOTS of messages (almost 3000 entries) regarding playcount and playtime eg Log attached Thank you Debug 2024-10-15 04-48-02 PM.log
  13. @C-Beats Thank you! It seems to do the trick
  14. I do not it it helps...I attach the debug log...the error is at the bottom Debug 2024-06-02 08-54-01 AM.log
  15. I am getting this error when I try launching any game. If I press Close, Launchbox disappears!! 13.14
  16. Any chance we can remove the random game in each platform that some times gets the previous video displaying and have the platform image instead? Thanx
  17. Yeap, works. Thank you
  18. I keep getting the very same error Thanx
  19. Should I enable something so I can have the platform details shown on the right panel? At the moment it shows empty when no game is selected (using Default Plus) Thank you
  20. Not Launchbox related BUT does anyone know if thre MAME Bezel project can handle MAME arcade games playing in TATE mode on a 16:9 monitor (putting bezel on the upper and lower part) instead of right and left? Thank you
  21. Wally

    Big Details

    Thank you! I have an issue though. The badges are cropped. I have attached an example How could I rectify it?
  22. Thank you very much! Attached my Platforms. I want to derive from Mame Fullset subcategory
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