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Everything posted by Surfdeign

  1. Sorry, there is only the one platform wheel view besides the text one. It should show clear logos that are assigned to your platforms in LaunchBox. Not sure what is scrolling around if you have 9:16 aspect ratio. There are several game views. I may revisit this theme, but it does the job for me on my vertical cabinet at the present time.
  2. Not sure if this is a Big Box or CTC issue. Using Launchbox 13.1 and CTC 2.5.2. I created wall views using "image-box front" for the wheel images and everything looks good and renders well in the CTC. After I publish the theme, the wall views can take up to 30 seconds to completely render in BigBox to show the wheel images. Before, the view would render quickly and cache the images while scrolling thru them. I have this issue even using a 5 column/3 row wall wheel. Once the view has loaded, if I go back to Platforms and enter the same view, it renders quickly. However, if i exit BigBox then re-launch BigBox, I'm back to waiting for the view to render again. I've also tried to cache all images and it does not help upon the first viewing. What's really weird is that I also created a wall wheel using a CTC template and this one seems to render on the fly as normal. I even completely deleted and recreated the views as I did copy some from a previous theme and I still have the same issue. Thanks for any insight...
  3. Off topic, but are these images available on the forum?
  4. Good Day, I created a platform template using total game count. It works fine for the platforms, but for any playlists it's reading as 0. Curious if there is something else to use to have it read playlist game counts> Thanks for creating this and all the help you give!
  5. Good Morning, Are any animated image files like GIF or APNG supported using "image" in the template creator? I just tried GIF and I could not select that file type. Just curious before I try to convert some over to a supported file type. Thanks,
  6. Where are the wheel item templates located? I just copied a theme from 2.3 into this one and when I try a template I just get text using the wall view.
  7. Surf Vision! View File Good Day, Sharing with the community another theme that I created. You will need a good set of game artwork for it to look it's best. I have included my platform image folder in a zip file that you can use to make sure everything looks right. I don't have every platform known to man, so the image selections may limited for hoarders but it is a start. I use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies. Most views include the new 3D box models. You can expect a small update once the next version of CTC is released for some of the wall views. They can be extremely time consuming with how they are currently created. Please let me know if you come across any issues or broken items. This has only been tested in 16:9 aspect in 4K using Big Box 13.0 and may not work with older versions. Hope you enjoy! Submitter Surfdeign Submitted 12/09/2022 Category Custom Themes  
  8. Version 1.1.0


    Good Day, Sharing with the community another theme that I created. You will need a good set of game artwork for it to look it's best. I have included my platform image folder in a zip file that you can use to make sure everything looks right. I don't have every platform known to man, so the image selections may limited for hoarders but it is a start. I use the Unified Platform videos from EmuMovies. Most views include the new 3D box models. You can expect a small update once the next version of CTC is released for some of the wall views. They can be extremely time consuming with how they are currently created. Please let me know if you come across any issues or broken items. This has only been tested in 16:9 aspect in 4K using Big Box 13.0 and may not work with older versions. Hope you enjoy!
  9. Just wanted to second that I received an error trying to upload PNG screenshot files for a theme. I had to convert them to JPG and it worked after that.
  10. Vertical Vision! View File Just wanted to share this vertical theme that I created for my cabinet. There weren't a lot of vertical themes available and I have been messing around with this one for over a year now. Quality artwork is a must. Some views have the new 3D box but the resolution is a bit lower than the regular art so play around with the different views. I don't plan on changing anything but will update the file if I do! I haven't come across any issues, but if you find a bug or something not working right, please let me know. Hope you enjoy! Submitter Surfdeign Submitted 11/28/2022 Category Custom Themes  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Just wanted to share this vertical theme that I created for my cabinet. There weren't a lot of vertical themes available and I have been messing around with this one for over a year now. Quality artwork is a must. Some views have the new 3D box but the resolution is a bit lower than the regular art so play around with the different views. I don't plan on changing anything but will update the file if I do! I haven't come across any issues, but if you find a bug or something not working right, please let me know. *** This theme is only for 9:16 vertically oriented monitors. *** Hope you enjoy!
  12. Wow, color me impressed! This looks really good, including boxes that don't have all the right media! It even worked in a theme I created in CTC using the presenter code without having to change a thing! Since this is so new, it would be nice to have spines, full and box-back added to the games missing media section in Launch Box. Really nice work, this is great!
  13. This looks really good. Thank you for creating this and keeping it updated! Just curious, will there be selections for the wall wheel that take into account the different box styles such as vertical (NES), horizontal (SNES) and square (PS1) that can be used on a platform basis? Will it stretch art that has a combination (many computer systems) of styles? Thanks again!
  14. If I re-import my MAME romset using the full set importer, will it change any of my current settings such as hidden/broken games, favorites or playlists? Asking because I originally imported as no-clones and I want to import clones as additional apps now. Thanks for any info.
  15. After creating a theme in the CTC, I would like to edit the wall view to show highlighted boxes with a thin outline instead of how they "pop out" by default. Would anyone have the XAML code I would need to edit and/or add to make this happen if it's possible? I've looked thru other themes such as POC that do this, but not sure where to begin. Thanks for any information...
    This works extremely well for newer systems and is pretty fast. Thank you!
  16. Surf Vision View File Just a simple theme created with the Community Theme Creator to share. This does require a lot of artwork that is not included and should already be downloaded to look its best. I don't plan to make any changes or additions. Hope you enjoy! Submitter Surfdeign Submitted 11/23/2021 Category Big Box Custom Themes  
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Just a simple theme created with the Community Theme Creator to share. This does require a lot of artwork that is not included and should already be downloaded to look its best. I don't plan to make any changes or additions. Hope you enjoy!
  18. Here is a theme I created to use in my vertical cabinet. I've seen a lot of requests for vertical themes and just thought that I'd share. I don't plan on really updating this or adding anything to it, so just enjoy as is. All artwork in the theme is from multiple posts on this forum, thank you to all the creators! Vertical Vision.7z
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  19. I still have the same issue with 300% scaling. I'm using a 55" 4K TV and if you use normal scaling, everything is tiny on the huge screen and mouse movement is a long drag, especially using a wireless keyboard with touchpad. This is a normal resolution to use for large screen windows use. Nothing is pixilated when using this scale as far as I can tell as long as the image quality is good. I guess the issue is that this problem is not present in version 11.7 but it is in the newer versions. The only reason I updated to the beta was due to a box art issue in the critical zone theme. Keep up the good work, I'm sure it will get solved Thanks.
  20. Having a similar issue. 4k at 300% scaling does not allow any scroll on any offscreen menu items.
  21. Just wanted to say I'm having the same issue - CriticalZone themes using Coverflow with Details...
  22. I resolved the issue by removing an MP4 background video. I guess it doesn't like two videos playing at the same time. Went back to just a background picture. Hasn't locked up since.
  23. Hello, Ever since updating to 11.7, BigBox will sometimes lock up after selecting a platform. BigBox loads fine and displays the platforms fine. It's just when I select a platform it goes to the game view with a blank screen and I have to use the task manager to shut down BigBox. I can then try to start it up again and usually it will work as normal. I am using a vertical (WIN 10 in portrait mode) theme that I made with the Community Theme Creator and didn't have any issues with 11.6. Thanks for any insight...
  24. Is there a way to remove the start theme preview option from the menu on a pin protected setup? I don't see the option not to show it anywhere?
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