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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. Are you using the PCX2 Config plugin or doing this all manually?
  2. Easiest way is to just drag/drop the .EXE to LaunchBox
  3. Can you try a fresh install to a new directory and see if it at least opens there?
  4. What is the path you installed to? Also have you ran a checkdisk lately on that hard drive?
  5. Can you reinstall over top your existing install. LaunchBox is having issues loading the DLLs it needs. Doing this won't affect your data at all. Just makes sure you install in the same directory and don't accidentally create a LaunchBox directory IN the LaunchBox directory with the installer (\\Launchbox\Launchbox)
  6. Looks like you are having a lot of IO read access errors. does your profile have permissions? Also make sure you are NOT running LaunchBox as admin
  7. This should be corrected in the next beta release.
  8. Did you ensure everything was unchecked on the EmuMovies tab?
  9. This is a Windows Scaling issue. Next beta release should correct this.
  10. This appears to be caused by UI Scaling settings. I am looking into. Thanks for the report.
  11. Inside of Steam. In the Main UI you have the headers Store, Library, Community, and then your profile name. Click the profile name. On the page that loads on the right there should be a link that says "Edit Profile" click it. Should bring you to the page you need.
  12. Nah can leave that alone, installer doesn't delete/modify those folders
  13. Looks like you are on beta. Beta installer should have done this for you (assuming you converted after beta2). Easiest way for most would be to revert to 11.2 using the installer in your Updates folder. Then run LaunchBox and let it detect the most recent beta version and download the installer for it and let it run. Should resolve this issue since the most recent version has the NET Core installer embedded in it. If you don't need the beta features right away can wait until official release as well.
  14. Would install 11.2 over your current installation. Run LaunchBox, let it detect the most recent beta version and let it download that, then run that install. Installer has the needed .NET Core installer built in it and as long as you don't cancel out the process while it runs should install what you need and get you back up and running.
  15. All plugin's go in the folder I gave. That folder is for plugins required by the theme to work.
  16. Folder hasn't changed. You place them in \\LaunchBox\Plugins
  17. Are you on 11.2 or are you running the beta? Are the games you are trying to play using an emulator?
  18. Could you send me via PM your \\LaunchBox\Data\Emulators.xml file? What do you have your AHK emulator named as in LaunchBox?
  19. LB only focuses the game if the game is in the current sidebar filter. If it isn't we don't attempt to change your filter to select it. This isn't new it is how that feature works. Will skip any files that are already in use, or have the same Title and Platform as something already in your collection. Because on filename title check we cut off any values in parens or brackets what you are seeing makes sense.
  20. Thanks. We were able to track down what is causing this. Should be resolved in next update.
  21. @Chaotic Viral @Wanderer189 I'm unable to replicate this. You are using credentials for logging into gamesdb.launchbox-app.com and not forums.launchbox-app.com correct? They are not the same account which causes confusions sometimes.
  22. You still seeing this issue? If so anyway you could PM steps on what to do to reproduce this? I'm having troubles doing so.
  23. If the game in Uplay launches Steam to play them, it will NOT show up in the Uplay import, they would be found in the Steam import. I would see if that is the case first.
  24. The ones in the root simply launch the ones in the Core folder. NET Core requires the executable to in the same directory as the dependency dlls which was REALLY ugly so we put the executables in the Core folder. This would have broke shortcuts however so we put the redirect executables in the root folder which allows those to still work without the user having to repoint them.
  25. At this time that field does not pull from the DB, we intend to make it do so, but at the time it has not been connected yet.
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