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Everything posted by C-Beats

  1. No but it does support the controller category. Just put the Light Gun category name in an it'll pick up all it's children. Check show badges, turn on the light gun badge, sort by badge column. Alternatively you can just use the Quick filter by the search bar and use it to filter to only games with light gun support
  2. You can add any controller to any game in your local library, you're not limited to what the DB picks up/assigns. There are other platforms that have light gun games as well. I know because I manually and painstakingly assigned each of our controller support information per game per platform for all that the DB has in it atm.
  3. @Fursphere @Rlad I was able to use your reports to identify an issue when import/scraping games with a scrape as value set and is resolved internally. Nice catch!
  4. Yeah, wasn't sure if you were using sub-genre. I'd use the controller support credentials then to remove any game with light gun support
  5. There a reason you couldn't just use Genre - Is Equal To - Shooter? Or instead of using Genre twice use the Controller support filter to remove the light gun games?
  6. May be best to ask the eXo crew in their discord, they'd know far more than we would.
  7. That error is a XAML parse error. The theme you are using has bad XAML as is throwing errors when used. Something that's possible on custom themes but shouldn't be with Default.
  8. That button just calls the appropriate AHK script you have set on that emulator. Sounds like the script needs altered to do what you want. If you need help adjusting it you'd need to provide more information like what emulator you are using, and what hotkey within the emulator you have "Reset Game" set to since you'll need AHK to pretend to push that button.
  9. This error is being thrown by code that isn't ours. You'd need to reach out to the plugin dev and have them correct the plugin they use to display videos.
  10. @werter82 we had a brief period of time where the plugin manager was incorrectly showing plugin updates for versions of LaunchBox earlier than 13.19 beta 4. I'd assume by this error that you grabbed it during that window. Upgrading to the beta 4 release should resolve this issue. Apologies for the snafu on our end.
  11. Navigate to the the root folder of your 360 roms in Windows File Explorer. Then in the search bar type "default.xex" (without quotes) to get a list of all files by that name. Select all the records and then drag them over LaunchBox. The Drag/Drop wizard will open, select ROM import (top option) and then proceed like usual.
  12. I'd assume if you turned off GOG auto-import this would stop. If you can't open LaunchBox you can navigate to \\LaunchBox\Data\Settings.xml and look for <GogAutoImport> and set it to "Off" (without the quotes) and then save/close the file and open LB again.
  13. Stretching them incase I need to ring some ones neck!
  14. Translations should be good to go for 13.19. Let us know if you run into anything, and thanks again for all the help. We appreciate it greatly! @Opak @Kondorito @Cauptain @Nyny77 @dukeemu @cyanjiang @Just001Kim @MajKSA @gamehacker @alexposad @k_kutsugi @Bardock @Soomin papa @thewhite
  15. We had to change out a TON of stuff to get to the point the beta is in. Let's do my poor fingers a solid and wait a bit before we starting get too nuts with anymore sweeping data related changes? PLEASE!
  16. Glad you were able to get it sorted.
  17. All data pertaining to your personal library in \\LaunchBox\Data. The files that contain information about specific games would be \\LaunchBox\Data\Platforms\{NameOfPlatform}.xml
  18. No currently there'd be no way to tell the app to "be less picky". The app assumes you have properly named files. Yours are not. If you don't want to rename the files an alternate approach would be to import the files but don't actually scrape for metadata. Once done close LaunchBox and then use a text editor to manually adjust the XML files using a find and replace. You'd find "<Title>800 " and replace with "<Title>" then save and close the file and reopen LaunchBox. When you open it the names should reflect the change and then you can select all in that platform and navigate to Tools > Download > Download Metadata and Media and then apply DB matches, metadata, and scrape media for the the titles you've imported.
  19. You can also just fix the genre on those games and remove Action (and add fighting if needed) so that the metadata was correct and then the playlist would be as well.
  20. I personally would like to address it in the near future. That being said I don't really get a say on when things are done. In the future I'd like to be able to add the name of the executable/process to look for in Edit Game so that a user can basically tell LB "hey don't pay attention to that first window, look for THIS one instead". No eta on when a change like that will make it in though.
  21. There is a known issue with any application that launches a window before launching the game window. We are monitoring the window we open when we start the process so if a game using a loading window or a launcher, it can throw off that tracking logic.
  22. Steam playtime comes from Steam itself since their data should be more accurate than ours.
  23. There is no need for you to ever manually be creating the path, and doing so like this would ignore the users folder settings if they store their videos somewhere that isn't default. You should be using IGame.GetNextVideoFilePath(videoType, extension) call to get the appropriate file path to move/copy the file to.
  24. Colorful?
  25. We've seen this happen in the past with older metadata files. If you can open up LaunchBox and go to Tools > Download > Force Download Games Database (or something similar). Fairly certain it's the bottom most option. Let that run and you should see the issue go away.
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