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ARandomMastodon's Achievements

4-Bit Adder

4-Bit Adder (2/7)



  1. Any chance us Steam Deck users could get a 16:10 version? Just moved my emulation setup over and i already miss this overlay
  2. Any chance of getting aversion for the Steam Deck's screen dimensions(1280 by 800)? i know Launchbox doesn't have a Deck-compatible version, but I haven't seen any Deck-based overlays.
  3. Gotcha. Xdelta, from my experience, tends to be used primarily for patching Nintendo DS games, and the patch/hack developer may or may not include a GUI tool to install it; otherwise, it requires command line experience. https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/7116/ https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/1604/ https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/2235/
  4. Any chance we could get included xdelta support?
  5. Any chance you could do one for Policenauts (Japan is technically on NTSC format, and there IS the English patch)? Also, a version of Symphony of the Night that isn't the abomination of the US release would be swell.
  6. Any chance I could get a version of Symphony of the Night using this cover? I'm not terribly fond of the official version
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